Does Tabata/HIIT training help?

bregrig Posts: 154 Member
Hi friends,

I am struggling with switching up my workout routine and want to add some tabata (with some weights) and HIIT training. I have done these exercises on treadmills and bikes for cardio and anaerobic reasons, but can there be a way for me to incorporate this kind of training into my strength training workouts? Will this still help build muscle as much as heavy/max rep lifting that I have tended to lean towards for muscle growth and strength? Or will I lose muscle mass/strength adding more HIIT...



  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    Also, forgot to add, trying to lose weight and I am not sure if this kind of training can replace my cardio completely. Thanks!
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Also, forgot to add, trying to lose weight and I am not sure if this kind of training can replace my cardio completely. Thanks!
    HIIT runs can be very beneficial to losing weight. You get your heart rate way up there. Also, they can be fit into a tight schedule.
  • Bridget65202
    I have had success with incorporating kettlebells into a HIIT routine for both strength and cardio fitness. Saw some weight loss and strength gains almost immediately. I used 4 workouts in a rotation: upper body emphasis vs. lower body. (Obviously KBs work out the whole body). I did the workouts twice a week: A/B, then C/D, 7 exercises repeated 3x for a total of 21 minutes. Other days I would do traditional cardio, plus one easy strength workout. I'm on an "off" cycle for the summer (back to inline skating), but plan to resume this workout in the fall.

    I love the exhilaration of using kettlebells for HIIT! Always looked forward to the sessions.
  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    I have had success with incorporating kettlebells into a HIIT routine for both strength and cardio fitness. Saw some weight loss and strength gains almost immediately. I used 4 workouts in a rotation: upper body emphasis vs. lower body. (Obviously KBs work out the whole body). I did the workouts twice a week: A/B, then C/D, 7 exercises repeated 3x for a total of 21 minutes. Other days I would do traditional cardio, plus one easy strength workout. I'm on an "off" cycle for the summer (back to inline skating), but plan to resume this workout in the fall.

    I love the exhilaration of using kettlebells for HIIT! Always looked forward to the sessions.

    This is a great schedule, were you able to lose fat as well from this and did you lower your aerobic cardio routines?
  • Bridget65202
    I lost inches, and about 2% body fat. I did a 10-min warmup every session on an elliptical trainer, and did 3 cardio sessions in addition to the 2 weekly HIIT sessions, and sometimes walked on the weekends. Six month in, I went 12 minutes on a treadmill exertion test, vs 10 minutes prior to that.

    I really enjoyed it, too! It's a hard workout, but it's fun. I didn't lose weight all that fast, but at 55 I probably won't. Making slow progress, and getting fitter all the time!
  • Bridget65202
    The most important thing is to use the KBs (or dumbbells--I used them a bit for certain moves) in full-body movements like squats, cleans, swings, snatches, etc. Lots of good resources for this on Youtube.
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    HIIT is muscle sparing. Steady state cardio is not muscle sparing but will burn more fat. Which is your priority?
  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    HIIT is muscle sparing. Steady state cardio is not muscle sparing but will burn more fat. Which is your priority?

    I guess I can't have both, but I am a little bit overweight so burning more fat is more critical for me at this moment.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Really, more training of any kind won't do much apart from use up recovery resources and require a higher calorie input to sustain.

    You could pick any training modality to follow and get your diet in check and it'll work if you're consistent and patient.

    However, to build muscle you need to a) provide the proper stimulus and b) eat at a caloric surplus. Are you really trying to build muscle, or lose fat? Because I'm sure I saw another post where you were looking to cut fat...
  • AmandaLou4319
    AmandaLou4319 Posts: 73 Member
    Check out this article by

    ... I know you are not a meathead :) but this shows how you can make gains while doing cardio. Their site also has some awesome "fat-blasting" workouts. is my go-to tabata time. I just bring my laptop into the aerobic room at the gym. Blast my music and start the timer. I bet it would work on your phone also if you use that as an iPod.

    I was a dedicated runner for years and never saw the results I wanted. I started HIIT workouts and while they kicked my booty, I really started to lean out!
  • peter12562
    You need to set your goals first. If weight loss is the goal, trim down first. Tabata, and HIIT is perfect, light weight with high reps. HIIT has been shown to significantly reduce visceral fat stores, whilst maintaining steady blood glucose which curbs appetite. Once you have your weight down, then switch up your routine to build muscle, max weight, min reps.
  • DanceswithWow
    Having used nearly every single exercise training system designed for human application Tabata and HIIT training will be of some benefit but ONLY up and until the participant stops..

    Unless you plan on HIITING It forever or Tabata Ta Ta indefinitely, both will be negligible in your pursuit in solving your unwanted body fat problem.

    Unwanted body fat is a hormonal issue not just an exercise intensity, not a type or brand of exercise used solution, not the cutting of calories, not the beat the body to a pulp, not just eat this not that, not any of these things.

    becoming addicted to exertion fatigue does not in and of itself reduce , dissipate or tell unwanted body fat to stay down and make your body remain slim.

    It does not matter what output or exertion format you through at your metabolism..Hormones are very much impervious to direct assaults and temporary ego driven exogenous fixes.

    Simply put, If there are not enough lipolytic enzymes secreted releasing and subsequently coursing through your veins.24/7 Mother Nature and unwanted body fat.will teach and reteach you a lesson.

    Your task at hand is to learn to use the appropriate adaptive tools in order to allow permit and pay grace to your body so it can tap this hormone agent to do the work it has been fully assigned and naturally contracted to do..THIS IS A UNIVERSAL LAW OF BIOLOGICAL ATTRACTION.

    Scientist try to measure and weigh and quantify.. but they yet do not use understanding to properly translate how it works.

    Until this hits you like a freight train..your unwanted body fat issue will be just that... always 100% guess work..

    The moment you discontinue either one.your unwanted body fat set point will return.

    I recognize the refusal to acknowledge another professionals point of view. I recognize its difficult to just embrace new know how that examines a problem from a differing point of execution based on beyond scientific research and beyond the propganada thrown out there for pop culture to consume willy nilly

    The facts are, fat loss is not a conventional make sense problem..its a hormone in free fall problem. Falling from the air requires a different set of heuristics than being on the ground.

    Your fat loss and subsequent keeping it off will come from. using exercise techniques that satisfy the demands of how .hormones work... not institutionalize scientific medical or bogus mathematical calorie counting confusion models that have nothing to do with the body wanting to protect itself from faulty thinking and judgements that by and large all too often tragically compromise the host.

    I am Dances with Wow,
    I help achievers who want their body as a calling card to back it up
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Having used nearly every single exercise training system designed for human application Tabata and HIIT training will be of some benefit but ONLY up and until the participant stops..

    Unless you plan on HIITING It forever or Tabata Ta Ta indefinitely, both will be negligible in your pursuit in solving your unwanted body fat problem.

    Unwanted body fat is a hormonal issue not just an exercise intensity, not a type or brand of exercise used solution, not the cutting of calories, not the beat the body to a pulp, not just eat this not that, not any of these things.

    becoming addicted to exertion fatigue does not in and of itself reduce , dissipate or tell unwanted body fat to stay down and make your body remain slim.

    It does not matter what output or exertion format you through at your metabolism..Hormones are very much impervious to direct assaults and temporary ego driven exogenous fixes.

    Simply put, If there are not enough lipolytic enzymes secreted releasing and subsequently coursing through your veins.24/7 Mother Nature and unwanted body fat.will teach and reteach you a lesson.

    Your task at hand is to learn to use the appropriate adaptive tools in order to allow permit and pay grace to your body so it can tap this hormone agent to do the work it has been fully assigned and naturally contracted to do..THIS IS A UNIVERSAL LAW OF BIOLOGICAL ATTRACTION.

    Scientist try to measure and weigh and quantify.. but they yet do not use understanding to properly translate how it works.

    Until this hits you like a freight train..your unwanted body fat issue will be just that... always 100% guess work..

    The moment you discontinue either one.your unwanted body fat set point will return.

    I recognize the refusal to acknowledge another professionals point of view. I recognize its difficult to just embrace new know how that examines a problem from a differing point of execution based on beyond scientific research and beyond the propganada thrown out there for pop culture to consume willy nilly

    The facts are, fat loss is not a conventional make sense problem..its a hormone in free fall problem. Falling from the air requires a different set of heuristics than being on the ground.

    Your fat loss and subsequent keeping it off will come from. using exercise techniques that satisfy the demands of how .hormones work... not institutionalize scientific medical or bogus mathematical calorie counting confusion models that have nothing to do with the body wanting to protect itself from faulty thinking and judgements that by and large all too often tragically compromise the host.

    I am Dances with Wow,
    I help achievers who want their body as a calling card to back it up

    Looks like you've got an admirer OP. :laugh: