scale issues-ARGH!

I'm so confused as to what is really my weight! At home on Friday I was 162.2 (at approx 0730). Yesterday at the gym I weighed 169 (at approx 1700). This moring at work I weighed 168 (at approx 0800). I know scales differ and times of day differ but really, WHICH SCALE IS CORRECT?


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Doesn't matter. Just pick one scale. Use it at the same time of day.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    First of all stick to one scale. Second, do not weight yourself so much unless you are mentally ready to except the ups and downs.

    I personally weigh myself twice a week with one day that is an official weigh in day. They are always the same time of the morning in just my underwear and t-shirt. Even that can fluctuate quite because of many different factors.

    All scales will be different and different times of the day you will weigh different. Read the article I linked below. It explains.
  • nnix64
    nnix64 Posts: 21 Member
    I tend to believe my scale that says I am 162.2 because I use it on every Friday but my trainer only beleives her scale at the gym so obviously she feels I am not doing so well since I am according to her 9 lbs away from goal. That's what frustrates me!
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    There are a number of reasons weight varies from scale to scale. I agree with picking one and stick to it. Your trainer should also be taking measurements as well in order to better grasp your progress. There are a few people at the gym I attend that brings in their scale from home for weigh in days.