Kinda new here.

I joined here a few years ago, managed to lose three or four stone (I can't actually remember), tore my hamstring and had a second child, stopped exercising and started eating more and sleeping less.

Two years later, I'm now back to the weight I was before I lost the weight last time so I've decided to try this again.

I've been trying on and off for the last few months but I'm finding it so much more harder to get started this time.

I decided to make a concerted effort at the beginning of this week, managed to get through Monday, I woke up starving on Tuesday and broke around lunch time, pigged out and felt crap about it.

I suffer from depression and self esteem issues and have since I was in my teens. I don't like myself for being fat, get down, eat junk food then feel down since I pigged out.

Part of my problem is, I don't know how to eat "properly". I've been eating junk food and copious amounts of chocolate/cake since I was a teenager.

So anyway, not sure why I wrote all this but hi again, kinda.