Phentermine to jump start weight loss under Dr.s supervision



  • missyrogers6622
    Take all the help you can get! I took it in the 90's and it was so very helpful, helps give you the edge to make better decisions/choices. Take care of yourself first and don't worry about others.
  • 1974lynnette
    1974lynnette Posts: 27 Member
    I'm taking Phentermine now. It's helping me & I feel great. Don't worry about those that make negative comments. Do what you need to do for you & good luck on your journey.
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
  • Lindzpnc
    Lindzpnc Posts: 98 Member
    My dr. and I discussed coming off another medication that had caused me some weight gain and has made it difficult to jump start my weight loss. He thought that wouldn't be beneficial and suggested I try phentermine for 3 months only to get me into healthy patterns. I will be strictly monitored going in once a month to be weighed and then given the next months script. I have been taking it for a week and lost 4 pounds. I have been drinking lots of water, and watching my calorie intake to no more than 1400 calories. I went for a half an hour walk when we were in the mountains on the 4th. I am going to start exercising today. I will be trying to fit in mini workouts into my busy schedule. A mile walk at lunch and when I get home from work. I also need to do some serious toning. I don't need condemnation over this. I would like some positive feedback. I lost over 40lbs on MFP but after changing birth control pills to stop my cycle which would last over 8 days and soak through ultra tampons in 2 hours and Celexa (can't change this it works and I have literally tried everything out there) Anyway, I gained it back. My Dr. said that a 20% weight gain can be attributed to both meds for a total of the 40 pounds I gained. Which is why he was willing to let me do this. He knew that I had gotten to the point of wanting to stop a medication that was tremendously beneficial. I am a 43 female 5'2- 228.8 as of today. I would like to lose 30 pound in 3 months. I would really love to hear of anyone else on Celexa.


    I have been loosing about 4 lbs a week WITHOUT the phentermine (not usually bur for two weeks)

    and I have been diagnosed with PCOS- hospitalized due to bleeding out from menstrual cycles (almost died from it) , been on every type of birth control out there and the only thing that helped was weight loss

    gained and lost throughout the years but every time I lose weight the mensies get better so anyway

    use the phentermine if you MUST but you can most def do this without it... having taken it in the past honestly you will prob gain the weight after stopping.
  • Lindzpnc
    Lindzpnc Posts: 98 Member
    Oh man, first thing I'd recommend is an endometrial ablation - or even a hysterectomy. I'm assuming that at 43 you're not planning on any more children. That gets you off of the BC pills, and all the side effects and risks with them. You could be looking at another 15 years before menopause kicks in and it finally ends. Talk to your gynecologist.

    this is exactly what my doctor said to my at 23, scheduled for a hysterectomy and all.. or he said you could lose weight

    I now how a beautiful baby girl and it was worth every single pound I had to lose to get to where I am... 5 years later and im still not at goal but hey I will get there one day
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    If that were the case, no one would ever be overweight, as we are all logical beings. It is more than calories in vs. calories burned. Medications, as the OP mentioned, causes some really nasty things to occur to metabolism and other things. I wish the OP the best, and hope that health continues to improve. Celexa can and is a lifesaver to many people. Depression isn't something to mess around with.

    ^^^ here, here! ^^^
  • mg1123
    mg1123 Posts: 69 Member
    Oh man, first thing I'd recommend is an endometrial ablation - or even a hysterectomy. I'm assuming that at 43 you're not planning on any more children. That gets you off of the BC pills, and all the side effects and risks with them. You could be looking at another 15 years before menopause kicks in and it finally ends. Talk to your gynecologist.

    this is exactly what my doctor said to my at 23, scheduled for a hysterectomy and all.. or he said you could lose weight

    I now how a beautiful baby girl and it was worth every single pound I had to lose to get to where I am... 5 years later and im still not at goal but hey I will get there one day
    It all depends on your circumstances. At 23, you have a lot of childbearing years ahead of you. At 43, they are likely behind you. An endometrial ablation is a less invasive way than hysterectomy of stopping the massive bleeding. It won't help if you are experiencing terrible cramps, though. BC pills have a lot of risks involved, and if they are hindering her ability to lose weight, an EA may be the way to go.
  • kansasbelle
    kansasbelle Posts: 264 Member
    The reason MFP was created was to build people up to help them lose weight, not to tear them down because you disagree with their methods. I stated I wanted positive feedback because I already am aware of the negative aspects of this medication. I have read numerous threads with personal attacks. I knew there was a lot of Hostility towards previous OP's on this topic. Having been a victim of domestic violence for 11 years I would prefer to avoid people who try to degrade me further for my choices. So I made a simple request. Instead of gleaning helpful information I feel as I have entered a political race. Judging people makes things worse not better. Does it bring joy to you or others to crush others with judgement? Some of the responses seem to be venomous. I am an adult under Dr.s supervision. I didn't make this decision lightly. I weighed the pros and cons. The two medications I am on made my eating out of control. Not being a women men might not understand how hormones can affect or even control your appetite. And not being on both an SSRI and BCP at the same time it was easy to lose 40 pounds. I am not taking phentermine long term only 3 months. I would like to lose 10 pounds a month or 2.5 pounds a week which drs agree is a healthy rate of weight loss. I will be OK if I don't lose that much. It's a desire not a necessity. I am also working hard to lose weight and am making sure that I do eat the appropriate calorie intake for the day regardless of being hungry or not (meaning I am not starving myself because I am not hungry) The jump start I was speaking about was to get my body acclimated to consuming less calories and my stomach and appetite following. I don't see it as a free for all don't eat anything. I'm making better choices and occasionally letting myself have a treat every once in a while because I know that to be successful in the long term I will have to watch my calorie intake for the rest of my life. I am not finishing my plate of food or getting seconds and thirds, I'm teaching myself it's ok to not eat everything that is served to you and to serve smaller portions. I am creating habits that will follow me after I stop this medication. I just wanted to hear from other people who had experience with this medication. If you have never been on the medication and you're not a Doctor how can you contribute to this thread?

    The reason I am not seeing a specialist is that I live in a rural community of 7000 people where I have to drive over an hour to see most specialists. My Dr. is young and well educated. He reviewed with me the risks. Told me not to eat after dinner. That this is not a quick fix. I am to take my blood pressure daily, and do cardio exercises. That I will have to work hard and continue to work hard. That this will help me lose a enough to get back into a healthy pattern of eating. (which Is why I am on MFP.) It will help retrain my body into wanting less food.

    It's so sad that on a site dedicated to motivating others that I feel as if I have to defend myself and my actions. I am not an anorexic who is trying to lose to much weight., I am not on a starvation diet, I am not doing this without a Dr.s Supervision. I am not trying to drop a 100 pounds over night. I am however trying to get to a little healthier weight and progress from there.

    So please if I could get some helpful responses instead of wasting my time because of need to dominate conversations I would appreciate that.
  • soupandcookies
    soupandcookies Posts: 212 Member

    Option 1: Its great and you won't have to care about eating! Hooray

    Option 2: Youre an idiot and wont learn how to eat properly and will gain it all back.

    Does no one consider the middle ground? That Phentermine suppresses your appetite and helps you to learn how to eat less and be OK with it? Much of our hunger, at least for the obese, is mental. If you can be on Phentermine for 2 months and re-program your brain that eating less is good and you are fulfilled, it can lead to long term success.

    There doesn't have to be a rebound.

  • LiveLoveLift67
    LiveLoveLift67 Posts: 895 Member
    OP...I have never been on Celexa but i did try Phentermine for 3 months to jump start my life change. I did not however just pop a pill and expect to lose weight. I took the pill to help control my cravings and give me the energy i needed to exercise. It did both. What i did do, starting on the first day i took the pill was buy a food scale and start logging EVERYTHING. The pill did take my appetite away to a degree where i had zero cravings for anything so i was able to eat the things that were healthy for me and stay away from fast food. It also worked like a speed and gave me the energy i needed to exercise without quitting after 10 minutes.

    After 3 months and a loss of 27 lbs , when she asked if i wanted to stay on it longer i said HELL NO. It did what it was supposed to do, with me along with it learning the right ways. The side effects were certainly not worth me being on it any longer. Would i do it again, NO. Would i reccomend it...only if you have tried every thing else. It is a good jump start but, you really need to learn to eat the right way and exercise consistently or it will come back. That is what it all boils down to. Changing your lifestyle.

    I have not taken it for over 2 years and have found a way of life in fitness. Good luck to you!!
  • ferniejoy
    ferniejoy Posts: 61 Member
    People don't need to judge. I get this. Proud of you.
  • ferniejoy
    ferniejoy Posts: 61 Member
    Yes, this!
  • kiesha22001
    kiesha22001 Posts: 70 Member
    Celexa as in Citalopram? I was on it for a short time. Without too much detail, I was on depression drugs to get over a near-rape incident that lead to my divorce. While on the drug, I became a zombie and have little to no memory of that time frame which is why I stopped taking it. I didn't really eat, so I lost weight from it. I've never been put on any drug for weight loss.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    The reason MFP was created was to build people up to help them lose weight, not to tear them down because you disagree with their methods. I stated I wanted positive feedback because I already am aware of the negative aspects of this medication. I have read numerous threads with personal attacks. I knew there was a lot of Hostility towards previous OP's on this topic. Having been a victim of domestic violence for 11 years I would prefer to avoid people who try to degrade me further for my choices. So I made a simple request. Instead of gleaning helpful information I feel as I have entered a political race. Judging people makes things worse not better. Does it bring joy to you or others to crush others with judgement? Some of the responses seem to be venomous. I am an adult under Dr.s supervision. I didn't make this decision lightly. I weighed the pros and cons. The two medications I am on made my eating out of control. Not being a women men might not understand how hormones can affect or even control your appetite. And not being on both an SSRI and BCP at the same time it was easy to lose 40 pounds. I am not taking phentermine long term only 3 months. I would like to lose 10 pounds a month or 2.5 pounds a week which drs agree is a healthy rate of weight loss. I will be OK if I don't lose that much. It's a desire not a necessity. I am also working hard to lose weight and am making sure that I do eat the appropriate calorie intake for the day regardless of being hungry or not (meaning I am not starving myself because I am not hungry) The jump start I was speaking about was to get my body acclimated to consuming less calories and my stomach and appetite following. I don't see it as a free for all don't eat anything. I'm making better choices and occasionally letting myself have a treat every once in a while because I know that to be successful in the long term I will have to watch my calorie intake for the rest of my life. I am not finishing my plate of food or getting seconds and thirds, I'm teaching myself it's ok to not eat everything that is served to you and to serve smaller portions. I am creating habits that will follow me after I stop this medication. I just wanted to hear from other people who had experience with this medication. If you have never been on the medication and you're not a Doctor how can you contribute to this thread?

    The reason I am not seeing a specialist is that I live in a rural community of 7000 people where I have to drive over an hour to see most specialists. My Dr. is young and well educated. He reviewed with me the risks. Told me not to eat after dinner. That this is not a quick fix. I am to take my blood pressure daily, and do cardio exercises. That I will have to work hard and continue to work hard. That this will help me lose a enough to get back into a healthy pattern of eating. (which Is why I am on MFP.) It will help retrain my body into wanting less food.

    It's so sad that on a site dedicated to motivating others that I feel as if I have to defend myself and my actions. I am not an anorexic who is trying to lose to much weight., I am not on a starvation diet, I am not doing this without a Dr.s Supervision. I am not trying to drop a 100 pounds over night. I am however trying to get to a little healthier weight and progress from there.

    So please if I could get some helpful responses instead of wasting my time because of need to dominate conversations I would appreciate that.

    The reason why you aren't getting a lot of positive responses about it is because there isn't a lot of positive things to say about it. It causes heart problems, and many people gain the weight PLUS some, back. If you're going to be on a calorie deficit, the weight is going to come off anyway; Phentermine is not going to help with that.

    It may not be what you want to hear, but it's realistic. Wouldn't you rather have honesty?

    People generally, don't want to see others fail.

    Good luck in whatever you decide to do. And be careful.
  • AnswerzPwease
    AnswerzPwease Posts: 142 Member
    The reason MFP was created was to build people up to help them lose weight, not to tear them down because you disagree with their methods. I stated I wanted positive feedback because I already am aware of the negative aspects of this medication. I have read numerous threads with personal attacks. I knew there was a lot of Hostility towards previous OP's on this topic. Having been a victim of domestic violence for 11 years I would prefer to avoid people who try to degrade me further for my choices. So I made a simple request. Instead of gleaning helpful information I feel as I have entered a political race. Judging people makes things worse not better. Does it bring joy to you or others to crush others with judgement? Some of the responses seem to be venomous. I am an adult under Dr.s supervision. I didn't make this decision lightly. I weighed the pros and cons. The two medications I am on made my eating out of control. Not being a women men might not understand how hormones can affect or even control your appetite. And not being on both an SSRI and BCP at the same time it was easy to lose 40 pounds. I am not taking phentermine long term only 3 months. I would like to lose 10 pounds a month or 2.5 pounds a week which drs agree is a healthy rate of weight loss. I will be OK if I don't lose that much. It's a desire not a necessity. I am also working hard to lose weight and am making sure that I do eat the appropriate calorie intake for the day regardless of being hungry or not (meaning I am not starving myself because I am not hungry) The jump start I was speaking about was to get my body acclimated to consuming less calories and my stomach and appetite following. I don't see it as a free for all don't eat anything. I'm making better choices and occasionally letting myself have a treat every once in a while because I know that to be successful in the long term I will have to watch my calorie intake for the rest of my life. I am not finishing my plate of food or getting seconds and thirds, I'm teaching myself it's ok to not eat everything that is served to you and to serve smaller portions. I am creating habits that will follow me after I stop this medication. I just wanted to hear from other people who had experience with this medication. If you have never been on the medication and you're not a Doctor how can you contribute to this thread?

    The reason I am not seeing a specialist is that I live in a rural community of 7000 people where I have to drive over an hour to see most specialists. My Dr. is young and well educated. He reviewed with me the risks. Told me not to eat after dinner. That this is not a quick fix. I am to take my blood pressure daily, and do cardio exercises. That I will have to work hard and continue to work hard. That this will help me lose a enough to get back into a healthy pattern of eating. (which Is why I am on MFP.) It will help retrain my body into wanting less food.

    It's so sad that on a site dedicated to motivating others that I feel as if I have to defend myself and my actions. I am not an anorexic who is trying to lose to much weight., I am not on a starvation diet, I am not doing this without a Dr.s Supervision. I am not trying to drop a 100 pounds over night. I am however trying to get to a little healthier weight and progress from there.

    So please if I could get some helpful responses instead of wasting my time because of need to dominate conversations I would appreciate that.

    The reason why you aren't getting a lot of positive responses about it is because there isn't a lot of positive things to say about it. It causes heart problems, and many people gain the weight PLUS some, back. If you're going to be on a calorie deficit, the weight is going to come off anyway; Phentermine is not going to help with that.

    It may not be what you want to hear, but it's realistic. Wouldn't you rather have honesty?

    People generally, don't want to see others fail.

    Good luck in whatever you decide to do. And be careful.

    Do you have research that shows Phen causes heart problems? I certainly can't find any.

    Perhaps youre confusing Phen with Fen.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    The reason MFP was created was to build people up to help them lose weight, not to tear them down because you disagree with their methods. I stated I wanted positive feedback because I already am aware of the negative aspects of this medication. I have read numerous threads with personal attacks. I knew there was a lot of Hostility towards previous OP's on this topic. Having been a victim of domestic violence for 11 years I would prefer to avoid people who try to degrade me further for my choices. So I made a simple request. Instead of gleaning helpful information I feel as I have entered a political race. Judging people makes things worse not better. Does it bring joy to you or others to crush others with judgement? Some of the responses seem to be venomous. I am an adult under Dr.s supervision. I didn't make this decision lightly. I weighed the pros and cons. The two medications I am on made my eating out of control. Not being a women men might not understand how hormones can affect or even control your appetite. And not being on both an SSRI and BCP at the same time it was easy to lose 40 pounds. I am not taking phentermine long term only 3 months. I would like to lose 10 pounds a month or 2.5 pounds a week which drs agree is a healthy rate of weight loss. I will be OK if I don't lose that much. It's a desire not a necessity. I am also working hard to lose weight and am making sure that I do eat the appropriate calorie intake for the day regardless of being hungry or not (meaning I am not starving myself because I am not hungry) The jump start I was speaking about was to get my body acclimated to consuming less calories and my stomach and appetite following. I don't see it as a free for all don't eat anything. I'm making better choices and occasionally letting myself have a treat every once in a while because I know that to be successful in the long term I will have to watch my calorie intake for the rest of my life. I am not finishing my plate of food or getting seconds and thirds, I'm teaching myself it's ok to not eat everything that is served to you and to serve smaller portions. I am creating habits that will follow me after I stop this medication. I just wanted to hear from other people who had experience with this medication. If you have never been on the medication and you're not a Doctor how can you contribute to this thread?

    The reason I am not seeing a specialist is that I live in a rural community of 7000 people where I have to drive over an hour to see most specialists. My Dr. is young and well educated. He reviewed with me the risks. Told me not to eat after dinner. That this is not a quick fix. I am to take my blood pressure daily, and do cardio exercises. That I will have to work hard and continue to work hard. That this will help me lose a enough to get back into a healthy pattern of eating. (which Is why I am on MFP.) It will help retrain my body into wanting less food.

    It's so sad that on a site dedicated to motivating others that I feel as if I have to defend myself and my actions. I am not an anorexic who is trying to lose to much weight., I am not on a starvation diet, I am not doing this without a Dr.s Supervision. I am not trying to drop a 100 pounds over night. I am however trying to get to a little healthier weight and progress from there.

    So please if I could get some helpful responses instead of wasting my time because of need to dominate conversations I would appreciate that.

    You made a simple request in a public forum, which means it is open to all types of responses. If you prefer to avoid the forums, that is your choice, but please remember this is a public arena and people are on MFP for numerous reasons. (not necessarily to strictly "build people up to help them lose weight")

    You have not entered "a political race," this is the internet. You asked a question and you received responses, take it or leave it. While I have never taken the medication, I can contribute to this thread because I have seen multiple people fail on it, come back and finally be willing to listen to other advice. (generally the things they specifically stated they did not want to hear when they made the decision to take the pill)

    Yet, you continue to ask for "helpful responses" when you have already received some of those. If anything, you have wasted the time of others in responding to your thread and you being unwilling to listen and look at this from a different perspective.

    I will leave these here for future reference:
  • Lindzpnc
    Lindzpnc Posts: 98 Member
    The reason MFP was created was to build people up to help them lose weight, not to tear them down because you disagree with their methods. I stated I wanted positive feedback because I already am aware of the negative aspects of this medication. I have read numerous threads with personal attacks. I knew there was a lot of Hostility towards previous OP's on this topic. Having been a victim of domestic violence for 11 years I would prefer to avoid people who try to degrade me further for my choices. So I made a simple request. Instead of gleaning helpful information I feel as I have entered a political race. Judging people makes things worse not better. Does it bring joy to you or others to crush others with judgement? Some of the responses seem to be venomous. I am an adult under Dr.s supervision. I didn't make this decision lightly. I weighed the pros and cons. The two medications I am on made my eating out of control. Not being a women men might not understand how hormones can affect or even control your appetite. And not being on both an SSRI and BCP at the same time it was easy to lose 40 pounds. I am not taking phentermine long term only 3 months. I would like to lose 10 pounds a month or 2.5 pounds a week which drs agree is a healthy rate of weight loss. I will be OK if I don't lose that much. It's a desire not a necessity. I am also working hard to lose weight and am making sure that I do eat the appropriate calorie intake for the day regardless of being hungry or not (meaning I am not starving myself because I am not hungry) The jump start I was speaking about was to get my body acclimated to consuming less calories and my stomach and appetite following. I don't see it as a free for all don't eat anything. I'm making better choices and occasionally letting myself have a treat every once in a while because I know that to be successful in the long term I will have to watch my calorie intake for the rest of my life. I am not finishing my plate of food or getting seconds and thirds, I'm teaching myself it's ok to not eat everything that is served to you and to serve smaller portions. I am creating habits that will follow me after I stop this medication. I just wanted to hear from other people who had experience with this medication. If you have never been on the medication and you're not a Doctor how can you contribute to this thread?

    The reason I am not seeing a specialist is that I live in a rural community of 7000 people where I have to drive over an hour to see most specialists. My Dr. is young and well educated. He reviewed with me the risks. Told me not to eat after dinner. That this is not a quick fix. I am to take my blood pressure daily, and do cardio exercises. That I will have to work hard and continue to work hard. That this will help me lose a enough to get back into a healthy pattern of eating. (which Is why I am on MFP.) It will help retrain my body into wanting less food.

    It's so sad that on a site dedicated to motivating others that I feel as if I have to defend myself and my actions. I am not an anorexic who is trying to lose to much weight., I am not on a starvation diet, I am not doing this without a Dr.s Supervision. I am not trying to drop a 100 pounds over night. I am however trying to get to a little healthier weight and progress from there.

    So please if I could get some helpful responses instead of wasting my time because of need to dominate conversations I would appreciate that.

    The reason why you aren't getting a lot of positive responses about it is because there isn't a lot of positive things to say about it. It causes heart problems, and many people gain the weight PLUS some, back. If you're going to be on a calorie deficit, the weight is going to come off anyway; Phentermine is not going to help with that.

    It may not be what you want to hear, but it's realistic. Wouldn't you rather have honesty?

    People generally, don't want to see others fail.

    Good luck in whatever you decide to do. And be careful.

    Do you have research that shows Phen causes heart problems? I certainly can't find any.

    Perhaps youre confusing Phen with Fen.

    have you ever taken it? that stuff makes your heart RACE- and man I wouldn't sleep for weeks. there is NO doubt it causes heart problems and even the side effects and drug warnings are clearly labeled on the pamphlet the pharmacy gives you.
  • AnswerzPwease
    AnswerzPwease Posts: 142 Member
    The reason MFP was created was to build people up to help them lose weight, not to tear them down because you disagree with their methods. I stated I wanted positive feedback because I already am aware of the negative aspects of this medication. I have read numerous threads with personal attacks. I knew there was a lot of Hostility towards previous OP's on this topic. Having been a victim of domestic violence for 11 years I would prefer to avoid people who try to degrade me further for my choices. So I made a simple request. Instead of gleaning helpful information I feel as I have entered a political race. Judging people makes things worse not better. Does it bring joy to you or others to crush others with judgement? Some of the responses seem to be venomous. I am an adult under Dr.s supervision. I didn't make this decision lightly. I weighed the pros and cons. The two medications I am on made my eating out of control. Not being a women men might not understand how hormones can affect or even control your appetite. And not being on both an SSRI and BCP at the same time it was easy to lose 40 pounds. I am not taking phentermine long term only 3 months. I would like to lose 10 pounds a month or 2.5 pounds a week which drs agree is a healthy rate of weight loss. I will be OK if I don't lose that much. It's a desire not a necessity. I am also working hard to lose weight and am making sure that I do eat the appropriate calorie intake for the day regardless of being hungry or not (meaning I am not starving myself because I am not hungry) The jump start I was speaking about was to get my body acclimated to consuming less calories and my stomach and appetite following. I don't see it as a free for all don't eat anything. I'm making better choices and occasionally letting myself have a treat every once in a while because I know that to be successful in the long term I will have to watch my calorie intake for the rest of my life. I am not finishing my plate of food or getting seconds and thirds, I'm teaching myself it's ok to not eat everything that is served to you and to serve smaller portions. I am creating habits that will follow me after I stop this medication. I just wanted to hear from other people who had experience with this medication. If you have never been on the medication and you're not a Doctor how can you contribute to this thread?

    The reason I am not seeing a specialist is that I live in a rural community of 7000 people where I have to drive over an hour to see most specialists. My Dr. is young and well educated. He reviewed with me the risks. Told me not to eat after dinner. That this is not a quick fix. I am to take my blood pressure daily, and do cardio exercises. That I will have to work hard and continue to work hard. That this will help me lose a enough to get back into a healthy pattern of eating. (which Is why I am on MFP.) It will help retrain my body into wanting less food.

    It's so sad that on a site dedicated to motivating others that I feel as if I have to defend myself and my actions. I am not an anorexic who is trying to lose to much weight., I am not on a starvation diet, I am not doing this without a Dr.s Supervision. I am not trying to drop a 100 pounds over night. I am however trying to get to a little healthier weight and progress from there.

    So please if I could get some helpful responses instead of wasting my time because of need to dominate conversations I would appreciate that.

    You made a simple request in a public forum, which means it is open to all types of responses. If you prefer to avoid the forums, that is your choice, but please remember this is a public arena and people are on MFP for numerous reasons. (not necessarily to strictly "build people up to help them lose weight")

    You have not entered "a political race," this is the internet. You asked a question and you received responses, take it or leave it. While I have never taken the medication, I can contribute to this thread because I have seen multiple people fail on it, come back and finally be willing to listen to other advice. (generally the things they specifically stated they did not want to hear when they made the decision to take the pill)

    Yet, you continue to ask for "helpful responses" when you have already received some of those. If anything, you have wasted the time of others in responding to your thread and you being unwilling to listen and look at this from a different perspective.

    I will leave these here for future reference:

    If someone loses weight the "right" way and then stops eating properly and gains it all back, did they gain it back because of the diet?

    That makes about as much sense as saying someone gained the weight back because of Phen.

    As I said on page 1, people seem to think that you can either learn to eat properly OR take Phen.

    FYI: You can do BOTH.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    The reason MFP was created was to build people up to help them lose weight, not to tear them down because you disagree with their methods. I stated I wanted positive feedback because I already am aware of the negative aspects of this medication. I have read numerous threads with personal attacks. I knew there was a lot of Hostility towards previous OP's on this topic. Having been a victim of domestic violence for 11 years I would prefer to avoid people who try to degrade me further for my choices. So I made a simple request. Instead of gleaning helpful information I feel as I have entered a political race. Judging people makes things worse not better. Does it bring joy to you or others to crush others with judgement? Some of the responses seem to be venomous. I am an adult under Dr.s supervision. I didn't make this decision lightly. I weighed the pros and cons. The two medications I am on made my eating out of control. Not being a women men might not understand how hormones can affect or even control your appetite. And not being on both an SSRI and BCP at the same time it was easy to lose 40 pounds. I am not taking phentermine long term only 3 months. I would like to lose 10 pounds a month or 2.5 pounds a week which drs agree is a healthy rate of weight loss. I will be OK if I don't lose that much. It's a desire not a necessity. I am also working hard to lose weight and am making sure that I do eat the appropriate calorie intake for the day regardless of being hungry or not (meaning I am not starving myself because I am not hungry) The jump start I was speaking about was to get my body acclimated to consuming less calories and my stomach and appetite following. I don't see it as a free for all don't eat anything. I'm making better choices and occasionally letting myself have a treat every once in a while because I know that to be successful in the long term I will have to watch my calorie intake for the rest of my life. I am not finishing my plate of food or getting seconds and thirds, I'm teaching myself it's ok to not eat everything that is served to you and to serve smaller portions. I am creating habits that will follow me after I stop this medication. I just wanted to hear from other people who had experience with this medication. If you have never been on the medication and you're not a Doctor how can you contribute to this thread?

    The reason I am not seeing a specialist is that I live in a rural community of 7000 people where I have to drive over an hour to see most specialists. My Dr. is young and well educated. He reviewed with me the risks. Told me not to eat after dinner. That this is not a quick fix. I am to take my blood pressure daily, and do cardio exercises. That I will have to work hard and continue to work hard. That this will help me lose a enough to get back into a healthy pattern of eating. (which Is why I am on MFP.) It will help retrain my body into wanting less food.

    It's so sad that on a site dedicated to motivating others that I feel as if I have to defend myself and my actions. I am not an anorexic who is trying to lose to much weight., I am not on a starvation diet, I am not doing this without a Dr.s Supervision. I am not trying to drop a 100 pounds over night. I am however trying to get to a little healthier weight and progress from there.

    So please if I could get some helpful responses instead of wasting my time because of need to dominate conversations I would appreciate that.

    MFP wasn't created so that everyone who posts a thread gets nothing but agreeable replies. Diet pills are harmful and unnecessary. No one is telling you to defend yourself, they are giving good advice: "don't take drugs."

    If you require mostly agreeable replies to your questions, I'd recommend posting to your blog or newsfeed.

    Also, birth control doesn't cause weight gain. Also, paragraphs. :flowerforyou: