Motivation to Excercise

So, when i first started it was fairly still nice out and i would walk 2 - 3 times a day while i was at work and i got soo addicted. :happy: Now, when I even look outside i get the chills. (when it gets extremely cold i get hives, so that is keeping me from walking outside anymore:cry: ). Since i do not go outside anymore, i will walk to the downstairs bathroom @ work (2 flights of stairs) and i have to walk across the building to get there. i also, take the stairs, when coming and going from work(again 2 flights).Once ive worked a long day, i go get the child, go home and do the "homely" duties. I'm soo NOT motivated to excerise once i get home bc i'm just SOOO exahusted by then:yawn: . i just want to relax. I drink 6-10 glasses of water a day and i ALWAYS have calories left over (and i'm FULL). Can i please have some motivation/ideas on what i can do? Will still lose the weight with what i have been doing without the walking excerise? I need to know if what i am doing is going to help me continue to lose the weight or if i NEED to incorporate exercise. . . . Thanks for ANY advice :happy:


  • twnzmom
    twnzmom Posts: 182 Member
    I was doing the walking outside and still do when its nice outside, but I bought the walk at home by Leslie sansome DVD at walmart and it has 1,2,3,4, and 5 mile walk. It is a different walk but it's fast and it only takes 12 minutes per mile. If you do all 5 you will sweat. I also bought some other DVD to do inside on bad weather days. I bought a cardio dance one by Stepp Stewart saw him on Dr. Oz. I don't have a lot of rhythm but I keep moving the entire dvd. Try some things like these or others to keep moving they are short and don't take too much time. Good luck.
  • nubreeze33
    For me I love working out at the gym. It is my time away from home, I have those domestic duties I have to do at home as well and am usually tired but lately since i've been on this journey to a healthier me I get everyone settled in and down for the evening and I get my hour of power in at the gym.
  • MzToyah
    MzToyah Posts: 27 Member
    I think you will need to incorporate the exercise into your diet some way. You may still loose weight but it will be at a much slower rate. My job has a small gym in the office so that helps me a lot. I would either join a local gym. Do some type of class such as Zumba perhaps on the weekend or invest in some type of exercise machine for your home. You could always do jumping jacks at home--situps--and pushups--anything to get your moving and burning calories--you may not burn as much but anything is better than nothing! :)
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Leslie sansome are great walking Dvd's you can do at home and work up a good sweat! I like to do mine at night when my kids are asleep I also do the biggest loser dvd's that are amazing workouts I love them!!! There are so many good workout dvd's at walmart for only 9 dollars... You could even do little workouts while your watching your favorite shows like lay on the floor and do ab workouts, leg lifts, or just walk in place while your show is on!
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    Instead of going outside to walk 2-3 times a day, just go walk those 2 flights of stairs for a few minutes 2-3 times a day. Do whatever you can, every little bit helps. God Bless.
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    In terms of losing weight, exercise helps of course, and is important for overall health. However, if you don't do much physical activity but still eat less calories than you burn, yes, you will still lose weight even without the exercise. You may lose at a lower rate.

    As for motivation to get started on something besides your walking, I'd suggest starting small. Set a small goal, like 10 minutes of something at home. Just 10 minutes, or even 5. Say you're going to get some sort of activity at home for a small amount of time every work day. No excuses. It'll take a while to build up the habit, and you'll slip some days, but try to get back on it. Then as you develop the habit in your daily routine, you can work on increasing the time.

    You might have to work on other creative solutions for your excercise, too. You've gotten a few things going, and that's great! Good job! For me, I realized I simply cannot do a solid hour of exercise every day because of my schedule. But what I then decided is that I could get 50-60 minutes in if I break it up. I get up early and do something for 20-30 minutes at home [depending on when I can get myself out of bed!], usually alternating between cardio and strenght training. Then I try to do about 30 minutes of walking while I'm at work.

    I'm lucky in that I work at a very large healthcare complex that's about a half mile long from end to end, so I walk from one end to the other and back, taking the stairs periodically, and it's a great workout. Do you have any other office buildings or a mall nearby where you could go walk on your lunch break or something?