I Know a LOT about Weight Loss but Can't Lose Weight

This is my Mission Statement. I have had it.

I know so much about weight loss, it is scary. This struggle has lasted 10 years.

I offer great advice. I never tell someone "that wont work" because I feel there is no blueprint, and what works for you might not work for others. I feel that even though fad diets are still fad diets, they each have some good things about them, that you can use. I know myself. I know that I am most hungry at night, and that an IF type diet with skipping breakfast will totally work for me. It did back in December when I lost 10 more pounds but got them back. I know all of the little tricks. I know what my bad "triggers" are that get me in "binge" mode. I know that drinking water helps. I know about exercise burnout, and exercise is for getting in shape and eating less is for losing weight. I have been on message boards for 10 years, reading what others have done.

The signs are around me. My Dad died in 2002 with heart disease. He was big like me. My Mom is in bad shape and is obese. I have a great wife and 2 boys that I would love to see graduate high school. I need to get my life back.

It is time to finally put all of this knowledge to good use.

I am fat, I am obese, there. In less than one year I will reply to this post saying I got to my goal weight.


  • ewhip17
    ewhip17 Posts: 515 Member
    Very similar story here. It CAN be done and you CAN do it. I'm looking forward to that post when you get to your goal weight.
  • nicailyzee
    nicailyzee Posts: 183 Member

    I know that people always focus on the number on the scale but I FEEL that while it is important and we want it to go down we must first forgive ourselves for failing, giving up, for feeling incredible guilt when we mess up once again. Forgive yourself and get up and start from this moment on. You can do it! That post will be incredible.
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    All the knowledge in the world means nothing if you do not have the determination and focus to actually do it.

    I like to say it all starts with the 3 Ps.

    Patience - Understand that it takes time and there is NO quick fix.

    Persistence - Being able to get through the "tough times" and never ever giving up even when it seems hopeless.

    Purpose - Having a specific reason for doing it and doing it with emotion behind it. Also, do it for YOU first. This is the most importatant imo. If you don't truly care enough, you will never get it done.