Losing weight using Wii Fit

tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
I am farily new to this site, only been logging in since Monday June 30 - nad have shown a 3lb weight loss so far (which I believe to be strictly the fluctuation that normally happens during the day and not actual weight loss)

Now, I started to walk in the evenings when it is nice out and wanted to start using my Wii Fit for those evenings where I cannot walk outside - the problem I have is I want to do the aerobics workouts - but only have 3 options open at the moment.
* Hoola Hooping
* Beginner Step Class
* Leisurely run/jog (which I cannot do due to weak ankles)

I am not sure or haven't found if there is somewhere to go on the game where you can pick and choose any option. I don't want to have to do the tight rope walk to open another level of stepping for example - can I just accumulate "minutes" on the aerobics workouts and eventually open more aerobics games?

Last night doing the beginner step one, I eventually logged enough minutes to open another "balance game" - I ASSUME that each game has a set number of minutes needed to open it - regardless of what activity it is logged for - but I wanted to be sure...
So I hope you other Wii users can help!!

**Oh and are there other games you recommend to look for that can help loose weight? ( I also use the Dance Workout game)


  • hilarydurst
    hilarydurst Posts: 91 Member
    When I first started the weight loss journey, I used the Wii Fit w/balance board. If I remember correctly you do have to get so many minutes logged into the games to open more. I have them all opened now but it took me a while to get the Boxing and Advance Step. I also did the Biggest Loser for Wii which I did lose some with that. There's also a lot of dance games and Zumba has some. Look at game stop online sometimes they have really cheap games for the Wii you could incorporate into your journey. Hope I answered your question at least some what and good luck with everything!
  • meyowtime
    meyowtime Posts: 42 Member
    Such an awesome idea. I've considered doing this before but would like to get out more over the summer. I will have to check that out too.
  • TeenageMutantNinjaMike
    I used this, and now I keep telling myself I need to get Wii Fit U and get back into it.

    As long as nobody saw me, I really enjoyed Dance Dance Revolution. I was notoriously bad at the game, but it always got my heart going and some sweat as well.
  • AvonBell
    AvonBell Posts: 107 Member
    Just remember that weight loss is almost entirely about maintaining a caloric defecit. Cardio is good for your general health and fitness but it will not be a major contributor to your weight loss efforts.
  • mickiebabs
    mickiebabs Posts: 183 Member
    The boxing is my favorite Wii game. I don't recall which disc it's on but I think it's the one that came with the system. It's great for upper body exercises and it burns a lot of calories.
  • ashthecat15
    ashthecat15 Posts: 190 Member
    I have the wii fit u, and I love it. It has a personal trainer setting. So I can just put down how long I want to work out. Or how many calories I'm looking to burn, and it goes automatically. It really keeps your heart rate up when you don't have to keep stopping to switch games. I highly recommend it. I find myself on there twice a day for an hour each time.
  • ashthecat15
    ashthecat15 Posts: 190 Member
    Oh, and there is boxing on the wii fit u. It's my favorite!
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    Thanks everyone for the ideas!! I assume the wii fit U is the new one (Wii U) which I cannot afford.. so I will maybe stop by the EB games and check out more dance games, and such. I would need to try to find the dance revolution 'carpet' for that, but it would be great, as my youngest son would probably do that game with me!
  • Tora32
    Tora32 Posts: 33 Member
    If you have a regular wii and want dance games, definitely look into the Just Dance games. 1-4 were released on the wii (4 has a few U-specific songs, but I'm getting plenty of fun out of it on my old-school wii :P). Just Dance 3 has a sweat mode and rates songs by effort as well as difficulty; Just Dance 4 replaced that mode with actual dance-type workouts (haven't experimented with those yet), plus gives rewards for sticking with the dances which can be pretty motivating, but ultimately I'd just pick them based on which has the most songs you like since they're all pretty good for getting up and moving and the dancing itself is pretty much the same for all of them. Bonus is none of them require anything beyond the basic remote and some space to move. :D

    I have the wii fit plus so I'm a little iffy on remembering which would just be on the regular version, but I believe there's a boxing-style mini game that's pretty good for cardio. There are also more difficult versions of a lot of the exercises, but you have to unlock them by doing the easier versions first. Also yes, if you have wii sports (might have come with the system depending on when you bought it), tennis and boxing are both pretty good.
  • steengod
    steengod Posts: 35 Member
    If you have weak ancles, maybe

    Step to the beat

    can help some.

    It is a game, where you have to walk to buy things to make a city.
  • kmariet7
    kmariet7 Posts: 229 Member
    I like walk it out for wii.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    i havent used it for a while because of the pace (too slow, too much time in between moves with the yoga and strength) and that you can never really step up your intensity past a relatively easy point. there is nothing really that i would call cardio on there, because i cant imagine any of it gets your heart rate up much. cycling maybe... however. it is fun. its good for learning moves you can do on your own at any time.

    rythym parade. i think the parade was my favorite. but again... i wished it would speed up eventually or change length and intensity.

    if you want something you can do from home there are a lot of free videos on youtube that will give you a better workout, even low intensity.
  • charmarbobar
    charmarbobar Posts: 251 Member
    I used my Wii a lot at the beginning. My favorite is EA Sports Active 1 & 2.
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm using the wii to lose weight as of right now. I have wii fit, wii fit plus, biggest loser and jillian Michaels 2010. With wii fit the more you do it the more different work outs you get. But the wii fit plus has more work outs you can do when you first start.
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    I used this, and now I keep telling myself I need to get Wii Fit U and get back into it.

    As long as nobody saw me, I really enjoyed Dance Dance Revolution. I was notoriously bad at the game, but it always got my heart going and some sweat as well.

    I loved DDR! I wish they hadn't discontinued it, it really got my heart rate up and got me sweating.