Fear of succeeding?

So I have a question. Really opinions on how you all have done it. I started my weight loss journey at the end of Jan 2014. I started eating clean, counting calories and going to the gym 6 days a week , doing cardio and weight training. I cut out dairy and grains and all junk/fried food. Doing that I lost 75 pounds to date.. I am 6 pounds from my goal of 140 lbs.. I am 5'7 and starting weight was 220... I have become addicted to calorie counting. In trying to lose weight, I did it so well that I am now scared to finally hit maintenance. I am always watching what I eat and even though I KNOW I can eat a cookie or two and not have it affect me at all, I look at the calories and pass it by. I don't know how to stop counting or count but not feel guilty about all the extra calories I will need to maintain. Even though mentally I know I do not want to lose more than 140.. Just tone and strength train.. It is hard to get out of that mindframe of keeping calories low. I am afraid that going from 1200ish calories to 1750 (plus workout calories) Is too much for my brain to comprehend and achieve. It took me 20 years to shed this weight and maybe it is that fear that keeps me from wanting to eat more calories even though I know I have to soon.. Has anyone had something similar and if so how do you conquer it?