Group cycling class tips

So I took my first ever group cycle class on Monday. I really enjoyed it even though it was really tough. I haven't ridden a bike in over ten years and never actually owned my own as I grew up in an area that was mostly gravel roads. Needless to say... my a** is more sore then I thought it would be. More sore then my thighs... I'm just looking for general thoughts, suggestions, motivation in regards to cycling classes. Also, I saw a few people strap on their own seat cover that looked like it had extra cushioning. Anyone know where to find those and if they really help or not? I'm excited to go again, I just want to be a little bit more prepared this time.


  • gymbunny1962
    gymbunny1962 Posts: 36 Member
    I've been doing spin regularly for four years but can still remember the pain after the first class. Stick with it - after a couple of weeks you get used to the saddle! I would persevere and don't bother with the padded seat - don't think they help that much. Did you get advice on setting up the bike properly I.e. saddle height? I find it tougher on the front of the thighs if the saddle is too low.
  • mday2107
    mday2107 Posts: 34 Member
    No, no help. It appeared there were quit a few new people in the class and the instructor went around and helped as many as she could when she got there but then started the class as she was already a few minutes behind. I did my best to figure it out. I plan on going again tonight, and will fiddle with the adjustments a little more. In an old post, a female instructor mentioned focusing on making sure I try to sit further back on the seat, so I may adjust the seat to move it all the way forward tonight. I didn't realize that part of the bike could be adjusted before we started and then realized it half way through :).
  • Dunniwood50
    Saddle is called gel saddle and you can even by them in some bigger supermarkets or any cycle shop. Definitely helps, but the more you go the less it hurts. Years ago my husband surprised me with booking a cycle holiday to northern Spain. Leon to Santiago/ the pilgrims way. Nearly cried when he told me. It was a group holiday and we met fellow cyclists over there. Well we never looked back, absolutely love it. We went with a company called Saddle Skedaddle. Well worth it having a look on their website. We met fab people and its for singles and couples of any ability. We have done a few cycle holidays and they are great. SCo just keep going and your back side will get better.
  • runnergrlfl
    runnergrlfl Posts: 82 Member
    You should be able to adjust the height of the seat, and the height of the bars. Also your seat itself should move front & back. I like my handle bars high and my seat very forward so I am not leaning towards the handles. Your legs should extend most of the way, but not enough to lock out the knees.

    I try to use the bars only for balance, if you rely on them too heavily you may find your neck/shoulders sore afterwards, which I learned the hard way.

    As far as the seat, I personally wouldn't buy a padded seat. You get used to it after a few times going.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Of most importance, make sure your bike is properly setup. Make sure your instructor helps you with this.

    Get yourself some shorts with chamois. The extra padding will make your class much more enjoyable.
  • gymbunny1962
    gymbunny1962 Posts: 36 Member
    Not very good of the instructor not to run through the basics! For saddle height, try and make sure you have a slight bend at the knee when the pedal is at the bottom position. I think height of handle bars is more personal preference - some people like to be more upright than others. Assuming that the saddle can be moved back and towards, try not to have it too far forwards as you don't want to bump your bum off it when you're pedalling out of the saddle! And if you can, try a few different instructors. Some are better than others! You'll soon pick it up. Doing spin gave me confidence to start riding a bike again - I did 17.5 miles last night including some tough hills and my legs are fine today. Spin is a great place to start.
  • mday2107
    mday2107 Posts: 34 Member
    I got to the class a little earlier last night so I could work on adjusting the seat and handle bars until I found something that felt good. I think I found my combo. I was able to stick it out the whole 60 minutes this time and my "seat" doesn't feel any worse then it did yesterday before the class so I am definitely encouraged by that. Thanks for your suggestions and support :). I really am enjoying it. I keep reminding myself that it is ok to not be able to do exactly what the rest of the class is doing yet... Its been almost 10 years sense I had a real work-out.