So giving up



  • handbagfan
    handbagfan Posts: 148 Member
    Don't give up -- you've done amazingly well. Try some different type of exercise, mix it up a little. I know its not easy to have smaller slightly different portions and really demotivating when friends seem able to eat whatever they like. Remember you've already made the hard choice - doing something about your weight.
    We are all here to help support and motivate our friends. Feel free to add me if you wish.
    Best wishes in reaching your goals ---- I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT.:smile:
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Is quitting going to get your to your goals?

    You've done great, so the last 50 lbs might take a little longer than you were hoping because you are still going out and enjoying yourself, what's the rush.

    Right now I'm losing at about 1 lb per month, that's fine, I'm not really concerned with a number on the scale. Start focusing more on your health and fitness. But if you quit now you'll never reach your goals
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    Quitting sucks. You just gotta suck it up, quit eating garbage on the weekend and keep on keepin' on.............
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I went back to take a look at your food diary. Are you drinking enough? That can take the edge off your hunger--8 glasses a day. You aren't logging on weekends, and I would suggest you do, since it's hard to control going over goal if you don't know how much you did. You need to study your eating behavior. You seem to feel deprived--the "everyone else is eating this, and I feel left out" complex. You can eat good food, and love it--in moderation. Someone suggested exercising. You have to train your body to understand that it has to work for extra calories. Don't give your body free food. Give it good food that it worked for. I very much wish you all the best. Only you can really decide if you want to do this. It's not that hard, it just takes patience, organization, and consistancy. Best. :smile:
  • Angurla
    Angurla Posts: 159 Member
    I find that showing up full helps me a little. What about asking your friends to help. You can plan events that aren't centered around food for a while. Or if food is a must then they can help you with better choices. I have a friend that is always willing to share meals with me so that I can get a little bit of goodness but wont over eat. Good luck and dont give up, you have come too far! Dont let food win, kick is butt!
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I recommend that you take a look at eating raw vegan food. Cravings will disappear and the weight loss is undeniable.

    Plus you will feel awesome.
    I don't doubt that cravings, or my desire to live, would disappear.

    It's cool if it works for you, but giving up steak is would be too high a price for me.
  • Ratrap
    Ratrap Posts: 153
    You all are awesome thank you so much
  • Ratrap
    Ratrap Posts: 153
    I recommend that you take a look at eating raw vegan food. Cravings will disappear and the weight loss is undeniable.

    Plus you will feel awesome.

    Worst idea ever.

    If I went raw, I'd last 4 days and fall into a binge of candy covered steak stuffed with fried chicken.

    Eat what you like. Focus on only calories in vs out. If you eat the food you like, it isn't so bad and you get used to the smaller portions. Possibly sub in some healthier *kitten* so you can feel fuller.

    If you are stalling, try zig-zag intake or other variations to mix *kitten* up but make sure you track portions and weigh food so you're right about your numbers. Do you workout?

    Ha, yea I would last maybe 2 days before I gave in. Then I would just crazy eating meat and chocolate :)

    Yea I work out 6 days a week.
  • shutch2112
    shutch2112 Posts: 236 Member
    Good luck! I hope this thread helps you. PS: I like your Marvel shirt! :flowerforyou:
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    I am so close to giving up. I have lost 95lbs so far and have another 50-60 that I want to lose and I am now at that point where its really hard to lose. I seem to lose some during the week but gain it back over the weekend. This has been happening for 2 months now. And its totally my fault. I cant say no to food. I try really hard to eat well but I am surrounded by people who can eat what they want and I LOVE food. So I end up eating what they eat on the weekends. Every skinny person tells me to just maintain then if I can lose anymore but they are skinny and have no clue what its like to be fat and hate it but be stuck this way because you cant stop eating food you love. I am stuck on a stupid merry-go-round and I want to just quit because I am tired of failing and never getting anywhere I want. I still stick to a pretty rigid workout routine but man I am getting really worn down from 2 months of no progress. All the weight my page says I have lost I have gained right back. Its enough to make me want to go drown my frustration in a tub of icecream ...that's not even productive any more :) I need some motivation and help. Please

    So here's my take on this. I have lost a little over 100 pounds in 2 years. I have somewhere around 35 - 40 pounds to go. I have no idea what my goal weight needs to be and it's really not my focus. I will know when I am where I want to be.

    So the biggest battle for me over the last 2 years was dealing with my issues with food. The losing and exercise part is all math and hard work. The food...well, that's an entirely different duck. So this is about changing your mindset. You will never be able to eat the way you did in the past. Ever. Never. Ever. Have you faced that yet? There is no end zone. There is no finish line. When you have been significantly overweight, you have to be conscious of your food and exercise balance forever. You have to make changes and then stick to them all week. The weekends still have to be within your calories. Otherwise you will wipe out your hard work from all week. Then you end at the starting point week after week.

    Change your mindset. Start working on self control. Be mindful of your food all week long. Work on keeping your portions controlled. Have treats, just work them into your daily calories. Realize that even if everyone around you is pigging out - those days are over for you.

    But, the upside of all this? You get your health back. You get your life back. You control things - they don't take you over anymore. It's hard. But, you can be one of the ones that are successful. Best of luck.
  • Slashnl
    Slashnl Posts: 339 Member
    Watch this and see if you are motivated...!!!!! Almost skipped past this video without watching. I am so glad I watched it! Thank you for sharing this!! That is the most amazing transformation ever.

  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Is quitting going to get your to your goals?

    You've done great, so the last 50 lbs might take a little longer than you were hoping because you are still going out and enjoying yourself, what's the rush.

    Right now I'm losing at about 1 lb per month, that's fine, I'm not really concerned with a number on the scale. Start focusing more on your health and fitness. But if you quit now you'll never reach your goals

    Patience and persistence are key. And if you want to lose the weight and keep it off, you need to work on your relationship with food - learn to enjoy the foods you like in reasonable quantities.
  • spicyninja26
    This is the perfect time to really get into the excitement of everything again!
    Maybe you need a fresh start! And maybe you need to stop expecting results - reduce your stress :)
    You can do it!

    But, make sure your calorie goal has been adjusted to your new weight. And try adding in a new kind of exercise. But choose something exciting and new - kayaking maybe?

    I agree, I also think you could use some sort of fresh start! I got to a point where I was fed up too. I was so stressed about not seeing ANY results! I have been doing P90X and using MFP to track my diet but the scale was not moving. The more it stayed the same the more stressed I got. Didn't know what I could be doing wrong, or why I was not losing weight. So I decided I could either stay stuck or make a change. I chose to follow my diet, but allowed myself one "cheat day" a week to eat what I wanted, in moderation. That took some of the stress of the diet away, and I started doing Turbofire workouts instead of the P90X cardio to change things up. (don't get me wrong, P90X is great but I'm in the last couple weeks and those videos are getting old) Giving myself a break and letting go of some of the stress, along with some minor changes in diet and workouts have allowed me to start losing weight again. Seeing a very small loss on the scale was enough motivation for me. Remember, your attitude will play a part in your weight loss too - try to stay positive!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Hit the heavy weights if you are not doing so already. The extra muscle will help some in torching a few extra calories, and the extra food can at least be put towards new muscle, rather than all fat. I also suggest working out harder on the day you are most likely to give in to excess. Usually that is a Saturday for me. Get a 1000 + burn and you have something to fall back on. I also like the suggestion of eating some healthy foods before you turn up to events involving these hard to resist foods.
  • cidalia1973
    cidalia1973 Posts: 51 Member
    Maybe you could try sticking to your healthy diet during most of the week, and allow yourself one day every weekend to let loose a little.

    Also, as someone mentioned, besides aerobics, do you lift weights? Building muscle is a great way to burn calories and increase your metabolism.

    Have you tweaked your calories at all since you started? As you lose weight and get smaller, your body needs less calories.
    I use this site to calculate:
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I use to think it wasn't possible to live another way. I eat a lot of fish,turkey,chicken but also a bit of junk food just logging my calories. Like you I wish I was one of those people who didn't have to worry about it but it isn't going to happen. If I overeat at one meal, I know to cool it the next meal. It is a lot of work and you have to be willing to do the work. If you are willing to make the change and work on this you can do it. You have to move away from tempting foods if you cant eat them in moderation, like I said you have to be willing to do the work. It is hard work but doable. Just reread and seen you have lost a lot of weight, you don't want to gain that back, we have to eat differently than we use to for a lifetime. It is what it is.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member

    So here's my take on this. I have lost a little over 100 pounds in 2 years. I have somewhere around 35 - 40 pounds to go. I have no idea what my goal weight needs to be and it's really not my focus. I will know when I am where I want to be.

    So the biggest battle for me over the last 2 years was dealing with my issues with food. The losing and exercise part is all math and hard work. The food...well, that's an entirely different duck. So this is about changing your mindset. You will never be able to eat the way you did in the past. Ever. Never. Ever. Have you faced that yet? There is no end zone. There is no finish line. When you have been significantly overweight, you have to be conscious of your food and exercise balance forever. You have to make changes and then stick to them all week. The weekends still have to be within your calories. Otherwise you will wipe out your hard work from all week. Then you end at the starting point week after week.

    Change your mindset. Start working on self control. Be mindful of your food all week long. Work on keeping your portions controlled. Have treats, just work them into your daily calories. Realize that even if everyone around you is pigging out - those days are over for you.

    But, the upside of all this? You get your health back. You get your life back. You control things - they don't take you over anymore. It's hard. But, you can be one of the ones that are successful. Best of luck.

    ^^^ This. It's a mindset. It's been hard to accept that I can't be lazy and "eat however much I want" anymore. I have to stay aware. I'm okay with that now. I like the knowledge of knowing how much I'm putting into my body and what it takes to stay healthy and happy. Since I am aware, I can, without guilt, enjoy the foods I love on occasion.
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    Don't give up now!! You've come so far!! Make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. If you haven't started lifting heavy weights you should!
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    Why don't you try Intermittent Fasting a couple times a week and then enjoy yourself on the weekends?
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    Watch this and see if you are motivated...!!!!! Almost skipped past this video without watching. I am so glad I watched it! Thank you for sharing this!! That is the most amazing transformation ever.


    I watch this when I feel like giving in or giving up. :)