Life after Insanity...

I will finish insanity in a week and have been looking at a lot of online reviews of where to go next.

I've been considering....

charlean extreme, p90x and les mills pump. Maybe even a hybrid as normally I'm a runner and want to get back to 2 runs a week as missed my runs whilst on insanity.

My goals after Insanity....

Insanity has given me fab cardio fitness that I want to maintain and I'm scared of loosing it if another programmes cardio isn't so tough.

I've toned up (legs great) but still have work to do on abs (had two kids) and upper body still fairly week and could do with bit more muscle def.

I've always been scared of weights incase I get big - I want to look long n lean! Once I did weights and my mate said I was getting a bit big!

My diet has been pretty good - tried to stick to 1500 cals per day, upped protein (can't seem to get to 40/40/20) I'm a busy working mum so I don't really want to change my diet as I feel it's clean most of the time and I want to have the the odd cake and wine otherwise what's the point!

I'm 5ft 6in
Weight start 130 current 126 lbs
Waist start 28 1/2 current 27
Hips start 37 3/4 current 36
Not sure on BF but defo decreased...

Any idea guys



  • Hi Freya!

    I started on a program called Bigger, Leaner, Stronger from Muscle For Life by Mike Matthews. It's a great program.

    He has another program geared towards women called Thinner, Leaner Stronger. He goes into the importance of lifting weights, and even talks about the fears of "getting big" muscle wise as a woman. I highly suggest checking it out.

    I'm really loving my exercise and food program. You sound like you have the food portion down, and know what you're doing, though, so I wouldn't worry about that! But, if you want some further education on how to be thinner, leaner, and stronger and not get huge, I would definitely suggest his book.

    I don't know if I can send links in here or not, but I'll try:

    For $10, and a lot of education (backed completely up by science), you can't really go wrong. I should also state, that he backs up all of his claims with references to the studies that he's based his research on.

    Hope that helps!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    You could always do a p90x/insanity hybrid. In all reality, if you like the intensity of insanity, all other beachbody programs aren't going to be as tough in terms of cardio. At your stats though, A programmed focused on weight training will provide you some good composition changes.
  • Hi, have you managed to find your next programme? I came across your post after searching the internet for my next fitness routine. I started Insanity and Insanity Max. around 10 months ago, which included a month combining the two. After that I started Insanity asylum vol 1 and then vol 2, which contain some cardio and weights. I loved the Asylum workouts as they contained just the right level of cardio and resistance, plus it was a natural progression from Insanity.

    After another month of hybridizing the three (Asylum vol 1, 2 and Insanity) I needed a change and started Tapout XT and then XT2, the latter was brilliant for me! Super intense workout to cover cardio and resistance. Even after all the training with Shaun T i found XT2 difficult and i could tell how much my fitness improved. Ive just finished my 10 mnnth with a combo of Tapout XT2 and GSP Rushfit.

    Now im after something new.....maybe not sure.
  • How did insanity work for you? What type of results did u receive? Do u look as good as the participates in the dvd?
  • I lost lots of weight in the 3-4 months whilst doing Insanity and two dress sizes. By the end of the 3-4 months i didnt look as toned as the people in the DVDs, which is to be expected since you dont do any resistance work. Thats why i started The Asylum. To get toned like the pros you need cardio, resistance work and change in diet.