Body types, and drinking question.

I've been doing some research on different body types, etc, trying to figure out mine. From my measurements I'm a straight body type, but from weight gain I'm more of an apple? I know I'm not an apple, my hips have always been my biggest measurement. I gained most of my weight in my stomach area. I'm wondering if that was because of my drinking. Up until a couple of weeks ago I was drinking several times a week, quite heavily.

Anyway, I couldn't seem to find anything when searching, so I thought I might ask all of you.


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    how would your body know the difference between too many booze calories vs too many other type of calories? most people when they are overweight store extra fat in their midsection as there's only so many places extra fat can go on your body.

    also depending on how overweight you are you might not be ale to get an accurate idea of what shape is, not to mention the fact that many people are not just 1 predominate body type...
  • KrisisOD
    KrisisOD Posts: 43 Member
    It was more of a wondering if damage to my liver might cause the pot belly effect, meaning I gained more weight there because of the liver, than I normally would, which makes it harder to determine body shape.

    I don't think my profile is private, so you should be able to see pictures, but I'm 5'4" and currently weigh 186.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    I can't address the alcohol aspect of this as I've never been much of a drinker… but as a woman… we are designed to have smaller waists and bigger hips. My hips measurement is the biggest on me as well. They have been ever since puberty. However… when I try to buy clothes from a catalog or online… and take my measurements to know my size, I measure at least a full size larger in my waist than in my hips… although my hips are still bigger than my waist. It is for this reason I consider myself an "apple" shape. Body types are typically based on proportions not actual measurements.
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    I would think it was unlikely that that weight gain around your middle would be caused by a fatty liver , more likely its just fat from all the excess calories in the booze. I spent most of my university years in the pub which then continued well in to my 20's I blame this drinking + the bad decisions made while drunk / hungover on putting on 5 1/2 stones (about 80lbs I think).

    This might answer your question better
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    I can't address the alcohol aspect of this as I've never been much of a drinker… but as a woman… we are designed to have smaller waists and bigger hips. My hips measurement is the biggest on me as well. They have been ever since puberty. However… when I try to buy clothes from a catalog or online… and take my measurements to know my size, I measure at least a full size larger in my waist than in my hips… although my hips are still bigger than my waist. It is for this reason I consider myself an "apple" shape. Body types are typically based on proportions not actual measurements.

    not all women are shaped the same....
  • lmyers132625
    lmyers132625 Posts: 31 Member
    I never carried much weight in my midsection until I started drinking heavily a few times a week. Here is an idea of my weight loss, and gain journey.

    11 years ago I weighed 160ish, I'm 5, 8" so carried it fairly well, but it showed in my thighs and upper arms,

    9 years ago over the course of a year I went down to 130lbs.

    2 years ago I started gaining weight (and started drinking heavily 3-4 days a week) and by fall of last year I was up to 170lbs, with the majority around my belly. I have since cut back on drinking (not cut out) and am SLOWLY losing the weight. I am 155ish now, hoping to drop another 10.

    I believe it is a combination of being older and the alcohol that contributes to my fat being stored more in my midsection now.