Fat loss help

So I am fine with my weight but I really want to tone up and lose fat. I work out pretty hard (weights/cardio/Crossfit/etc) 5 days a week but I need some advice on eating. I try to eat 1400-1600 calories a day (not including exercise calories). I upped my protein to 45% of my daily caloric intake.Carbs: 55%, Fat at 5%, I'm not sure if this is the right ratio because I ate half an avocado today and already pushed me over my fat %. Should I change this around?

I've been on bodybuilder.com and tried to research this a little. Any input would be appreciated!




  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    You say you want to lose fat but are fine with your weight. To me that means you want to gain muscle and lose fat. It's actually hard to do both at the same time. That's why bodybuilders eat like crazy and gain weight as they bulk, gaining both muscle and fat, then they lean out losing fat and of course some muscle. There really isn't a magic ratio to burn fat but for what it is worth, I use P90x as my workout program and the diet for the first 30 days is called the Fat Burner and it has ratios of 50% protein, 30% carbs and 20% fat.

    5% fat seems almost unattainable.

    Late Edit: Thanks for the catch on the carbs. Yes, it should add up to 100% not 110% like it did before.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    WOW that 5% fat seems really low. Your body needs fats, just the right fats. I believe the 50/40/20 suggest ion would be good if it totaled 100 not 110%, but I generally stick to a 50/30/20 when I'm weight training. I'm sure the percentage are up for debate. But our bodies need fat.

    America became fatter by eating low fat, because it increased our carb intake. Try reading ALG Fat Flush or Beyond Pritikin. She debunks the fat myths in them.

    My suggestion would be watch your carbs, make them healthy carbs. Just like all carbs are not created even, all fats aren't created even either. Avacado fat is totally different on your body then beef fat which is different than fried fats.
  • Uptopargolf
    I would try 55% Protein, 25% Fats, and 20% carbs.

    You need the protein to keep lean body mass, and you need the fats to stay healthy. You have a pretty high carb intake. So you are burning carbs that you eat everyday, however by cutting down on carbs but still exercising, you should be able to burn more fat.
  • csingleton24
    csingleton24 Posts: 235 Member
    Thanks all! I am going to go with the 50%pro, 30% carb, 20% fats. I was starting to stress about that 5% fat because I eat nuts and avo and EVOO regularly.

    Thanks again!
  • Mrbackslap
    The way you where doing it was just fine.
    You want to tone up more you dont up your protein you Up your weights your lifting or increasing the resistance in your workout.
  • Uptopargolf
    Without taking in more protein, lifting heavier weights would be counter productive. Plus, to tone you want to do lower weights with more reps.

    Not trying to knock mrbackslap, AT ALL. I am no fitness expert, but I do know a bit. And 5% fat is way to low!

    50/30/20 will work great! And you can always tweak that as you go along.
  • Mrbackslap
    Without taking in more protein, lifting heavier weights would be counter productive. Plus, to tone you want to do lower weights with more reps.

    Not trying to knock mrbackslap, AT ALL. I am no fitness expert, but I do know a bit. And 5% fat is way to low!

    50/30/20 will work great! And you can always tweak that as you go along.

    I thought that 5 was a 15% lol
    And lifting heavier is not counter productive.
    You want changes in the body you have to put stress on it cause there is no food that will tone you up.
    Either by heavier weights Or more reps.
    50 carbs
    30 protein
    20 fats is great btw