new to running need motivation

So usually I do exercise up to three times a week two zumba classes however my teacher is off on maternity leave and swimming once a week and my friend who is the driver is recovering from surgery so I find myself unmotivated miserable and depressed as I find exercise helps elevate my mood and without it im horrible

I keep thinking I should go running now I havent run since primary school im not very good and dont particularly like it however I think if I could get into running I woukd find something truely beneficial for me it doesnt cost and for someone like me who doesnt have a car or drive I dont have to go anywhere to do it so im looking for tips please dont say couch to 5k and the others like that as I have looked at them and am left as unmotivated as before so what do u guys do to get started and keep going


  • tracysway
    tracysway Posts: 67 Member
    I have been running on and off for about three years, nothing spectacular but still running. I find it easiest to have a set number of miles for the days run and start running away from home until I reach the halfway mark. Then the only way I'm getting home is to run it. I would suggest though that since you will just starting out you should set a low goal maybe 1 mile. I know it doesn't seem that far but your lungs and legs may think its the equivalent to a marathon.
    Running/walking is completely acceptable and as you progress your will find that you are doing less walking and more running. To me the hardest part was learning to pace myself, i would go flying out the door and a block later I was dying. Now I can run 9 1/2 to 10 min miles for 5 miles. I run about 11 min miles for any distance over that.
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    Try the C25K - it really does work and set little goals for you each day.

    I think goals are the only way I keep going... Either time or distance. Depends on the day for me, but I never start without having a goal in mind.
  • sustho
    sustho Posts: 5 Member
    I have several playlists of music (different distances or time spans). The pace of the music increases as I time elapses then comes back down to cool down. Between valuing the "me" time and enjoying the music I am finding it easier to stick too. I don"t enjoy going walking/jogging/running with others, so for me that is something I avoid...but if you have someone you like to go with being accountable to meet someone and get your exercise in can be good. Maybe join a challenge there is a july walk/run millage challenge... then if you meet your goal give yourself a prize (maybe a pedicure.)

    I bought a fit bit and joined my fitness pal and was rather successful with walk/jogging and spin classes. I also worked with a trainer 2x a month for almost a year. I will confess I have since had some setbacks, I found 25 pounds between December 2013 and April 2014 (my Dad passed away and work became very stressful - not that that should be an excuse but I am very glad I did not gain more.) I am back at it ... watching what I eat and trying to move more. I am 5' 6.5" I hit my 2 highest weights during pregnancy 1998 - 278, 2003 - 273, last summer I was 188, this morning I was 213. I don't expect to be supper thin nor do I think I would be comfortable so I am shooting for 175.

    good luck!
  • vab_spencer
    vab_spencer Posts: 15 Member
    What worked for me, getting back into running, was to set a time and stick to it. Starting I would commit to 20 minutes and complete that. Doesn't matter how far you go, or how fast (I'm up to 7 mile runs and still walk when I feel like it), but complete to 20 minutes no matter what.
  • freshstart180213
    freshstart180213 Posts: 170 Member
    Ty im gonna go for it today its been raining and it looks rubbish out so I figure if I can get my butt out there running today then I can do it in any weather I will get my mp3 ready as I agree I need music and am going to start small about a mile I planned a route on a free route lanner app ty everyone

    Also k wont be worried about walking as long as I keep going
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    To be blunt if you can't motivate yourself then there is little we can say that will change that. C25K has worked for many of us but I'm sure I'm not alone in that I had to make myself get through those first few sessions where is hurts and I couldn't breathe and knowing that next time I needed to run more. I could either do it or quit and I chose to do it (now running 25-30 miles a week having completed C25K around end Aug last year). What I will say is IMO its worth motivating yourself for as running is great!
  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    Set up your own 5X50, this is where you walk/jog/run/bike or swim 5k every day for 50 days in a row, the aim of it is to change habits, I will admit I went out all guns blazing and had shin splints within the week, so take it easy, start off with a walk and maybe run every other day or mixed it up with a bike.

    People will suggest C25K apps as the majoirty will lose motivation to go out running because you can't normally just go out and run 5k, but the app will break it down and build you up to running non-stop for 30min (average 5k time), but going out and just doing 5k running is not as easy as you think and people get demoralised which is where the app is good for motivation.

    If you don't like the idea of walk/jog intervals, download the app anyway and change it to slow run/fast run intervals??