Hunger at night

Hey all

I am constantly hungry at night and wake up every couple of hours being sooo hungry it wakes me up. No amount of water is curbing this hunger. I have tried variations to evening meals in terms of roughage/carbs/protein etc but to no avail. I am drinking loads of water. Another problem with drinking water at night is that needing the loo then keeps me up as well as the hunger!

I am defo eating enough calories and my diet is clean - no crisps, soda's, chocolate etc. I do allow myself wine once a week and strangely enough that will be the one night of the week I DON'T suffer the hunger.

Any suggestions? Does anyone else have this issue and how do you combat it? I don't suffer hunger in the day as I eat the calories I need

My diet is almost paleo but I do allow some carbs like brown rice. I don't touch wheat. Loads of lean meats and greens


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Do you log your food? Open up your diary to get better advice.
  • justjuice1992
    justjuice1992 Posts: 7 Member
    Eat less during the day so you can binge a bit at night while still staying under your calorie goal.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I am a snacker and used to be hungry at night too. Instead of eating three meals a day I just tend to snack and graze all day leaving a few calories in my budget for the night time munchies. This has worked for me.
  • Ukstorme
    Ukstorme Posts: 4
    I am a snacker and used to be hungry at night too. Instead of eating three meals a day I just tend to snack and graze all day leaving a few calories in my budget for the night time munchies. This has worked for me.


    So do you actually get up and munch in the middle of the night then?