Please comment on my diet plan!

Hey everyone.. I need some more opinions on my diet plan! My main goal is fat loss, and to keep the muscle i've put on. I'm going to continue to lift 3 days a week, and cardio 2 days a week. My diet PLAN is;

55% Protien
25% Fats
20% Carbs

Here is what a typical day would look like, the one thing I am worried about is, I can't seem to figure out how to get a bit more carbs, while not going over fat, or coming in under protein.

Foods Calories Carbs Fat Protein Cholest Sodium Sugars Fiber
Oneaday - All Day Energy - Multi Vitamin, 1 tablet 0 0g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g
Egg - Scrambled - Large, 2 egg 140 2g 9g 14g 430mg 130mg 0g 0g
Spring Valley - Fish Oil-Omega 3-1000 Mg, 2 soft gel 20 0g 2g 0g 10mg 0mg 0g 0g

Chicken - Chicken Breast - Skinless - Baked (Ck), 6 oz 210 0g 5g 33g 83mg 495mg 0g 0g
Chicken - Chicken Breast - Skinless - Baked (Ck), 6 oz 210 0g 5g 33g 83mg 495mg 0g 0g

Chicken - Chicken Breast - Skinless - Baked (Ck), 6 oz 210 0g 5g 33g 83mg 495mg 0g 0g
Grean Giant - Valley Fresh Streamers Broccoli & Cheese Sauce, 1 container (3 cup (106g) ea.) 135 21g 5g 6g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g
Chicken - Chicken Breast - Skinless - Baked (Ck), 6 oz 210 0g 5g 33g 83mg 495mg 0g 0g

Body Fortress - Super Advance Whey Protein - Chocolate Peanut Butter, 2 scoops (34g) 260 6g 4g 52g 90mg 130mg 4g 2g
Central Dairies - Low Fat Milk - 1%, 1 Cup 100 13g 3g 8g 10mg 130mg 12g 0g
Pure Protein - Chocolate Peanut Butter- Small Bar, 50g, 1 Bar, 50g 200 16g 6g 20g 10mg 200mg 2g 1g

TOTAL: 1,695 (carbs)58g (fats)49g (protein)232g 882mg (sodium)2,570mg (sugar)18g (fiber)3g

I am also a bit worried about the lack of fiber, perhaps i'll take a supplement for it? If there are any?


  • funnygirl0940
    I have a 20 year old son and this is what I would tell him:

    1st, read this article, you don't want to get cancer from a high protein diet:

    2nd, get your fiber from fresh produce...taking a supplement in place of food is ridiculous!

    Rather, research the Mediterranean Diet.

    No, don't eat like that silly! and yes, there are plenty of mis guided persons here who will support your proposed diet plan but it isn't healthy. I'm sorry but no. Spend your money buying real food not processed powder and supplements. People who sell powdered supplements want to make money. You CAN get all your nutrition from real food.
  • skylersnanna
    Im no nutritionist here, but wow thats a hell of a lot of chicken for 1 day, you also need heaps more fresh fruit and veggies for fiber, and instead of a fish capsule I would eat a small tin of salmon or tuna in water, good luck
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    I just can't imagine how stopped up I'd be like that :wink: BUT if you replaced some of the chicken with more leafy green veggies, broccoli, added some dairy in, maybe a couple pieces of fruit, and killed the supplements, I think you'd be awesome.

    And don't forget - cardio and interval training will be your best friends. Does your gym have a circuit room? If so, USE IT!!

    Good luck :smile:
  • Sharonbed4d
    I have a 20 year old son and this is what I would tell him:

    1st, read this article, you don't want to get cancer from a high protein diet:

    2nd, get your fiber from fresh produce...taking a supplement in place of food is ridiculous!

    Rather, research the Mediterranean Diet.

    No, don't eat like that silly! and yes, there are plenty of mis guided persons here who will support your proposed diet plan but it isn't healthy. I'm sorry but no. Spend your money buying real food not processed powder and supplements. People who sell powdered supplements want to make money. You CAN get all your nutrition from real food.

    I agree! You can achieve your weight loss goals with a well balanced diet and it's something you can do for the rest of your life. People do loose weight on high protein diets but once they go back to eating normal, the weight comes back. Who really wants to eat like that all the time plus it's not good for your body.
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    This seems way unbalanced to me. You need more fruits and veggies. In the morning, you might want to consider an egg white omlette with a little cheese and chopped spinach (or other veggies you like), maybe some fruit (a banana or half of a large apple; eat the other half as a snack later in the day). For lunch, a big mixed green salad with some chicken or fish would be good. This kind of eating keeps me going, and leaves me a little room to have a decent meal at dinner.

    Let us know what you decide. Aim for balance and consistency, and the rest will take care of itself. Good luck!
  • jessimacar
    I agree with what's been said. It's unnatural to be getting your nutrition anyway other than food.. My brother takes all these shakes and drinks to gain muscle and whatnot, but looks the exact same. I highly doubt he's an isolated incident. Good Luck with your weight loss goals! I hope you find a healthier way to reach them!! :)
  • Uptopargolf
    Thank you for all the responses. I plan on playing around with the diet a bit more. I understand the risks of a high protein, low carb diet. I'm not talking about eating like this for the rest of my life. I'm talking about eating like this for a few months to shed off some fat.

    I am actually 20, so its funny you had said that about your son. Even tho i'll be 21 in a few days.

    I am no doubt going to incorporate more fiber, and more veggies. However I don't think I'll be able to give up my protein shake. I know that while trying to lose fat, if I'm not taking in enough protein.. I'll end up losing muscle.

    Thank you again tho, for everyone's take. Its much appreciated.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    Misread your chart. Carry on.
  • saychzzz
    saychzzz Posts: 69 Member
    If you follow this, get your kidney function checked by a Dr. often. Too much protein cannot be processed by they kidneys well and sometimes will increase kidney function and damage the kidneys beyond repair. My husband did a diet similiar to this and after about 6 months his kidneys started to suffer. As soon as the Dr. suggested he stop so that his kidney wouldn't die, he gained the weight back. All in all, you're better off to diet in a fashion that you can live from now on. If not, once you stop the diet, the weight will return and you'll be back to square one.
  • lupuslady
    I am not sure you understand the benefit of protein, carbs, veggies and fruit in your nutritional status. I would suggest you take a class with a nutrionist.
    Not with the folks in the health food store, but a real dietician. Once you get to where you want to be and go back to eating real food you will have problems. Good luck
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    In addition to some fruits and veggies, I would recommend 1-2 servings of complex carbs. i.e. brown rice, potatoes (in moderation, of course. I found I was low on potassium and need to add more into my diet) or oatmeal. They will help you feel full for longer, too.
  • Mrbackslap
    This is just my opinion take it as you will.

    Your taking way to much protein
    Try 45-50% Carbs, 30-35% Protein and 20 to 15% fats.

    Carbs are very important and its good to get in some complex carbs.
    Muscle contains 100mg of protein so all you need is a little extra.
  • Uptopargolf
    Thanks again guys.

    I think I'll try something more like.. 50% protein, 25% carbs, 25% fats.

    I'm not sure yet tho. I want to be a little bit lower on carbs because my main goal is fat loss, and high on protein to make sure I don't end up losing muscle.

    I really do appreciate all the advice!
  • Mrbackslap
    You should not be concerned about losing muscle dude unless you have maximized your body potential and have the body of a pro athlete you'll be fine. I was brought up on the protein myth until i did my own research and even till this day its hard to break.
  • Uptopargolf

    that was a really good read. And I am in no way saying you are wrong. I am actually pretty sure you are correct. However, I'm trying to lose fat. Not maintain the same form that I am in right now.

    I understand that lower calories will help me lose weight. But, if I take in carbs I'll never burn off fat stores, I'll just use carbs for energy. I want my body to use fat stores for energy. (For the next few months at least). Almost in a state of ketosis. However not that extreme.

    I understand that my diet cannot be carried out over a long term. However I am looking to just try to cut up for now.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    I do 40/40/20 personally. Quakers rice cakes are 35 cal and 7 carb.
  • funnygirl0940
    My son will be 21 soon as well as I have a 19 1/2 year old. People think we're siblings. Both my sons know why we are eating the way we do in our house. Whether you think only a few months are safe, you want to do what's best for you body for your future. That's like saying you'll only smoke for 3 months or binge drink for 3 months, use a tanning bed or lay out in the Mexican sunshine w/no sun block for 3 months thinking nothing will happen. Dude, people have died from 2nd hand smoke, skin cancer and binge drinking. If it's not good for you, forget it. Send your money to me if you want to throw it away on gimmick junk. :0) hehe
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I'm so sick of this myth that you burn pure fat if you are in a state of ketosis!!! No matter what you eat or what type of exercise you do, you are burning a combination of carbs, protein, and fat. Even if you intake an extremely low amount of carbs, your body will perform this great process called gluconeogenesis (gluco=gulcose, neo=new, genesis=creation, meaning Making glucose from your protein stores in muscle). The best way I've heard it described is that fat burning can only be done in a carbohydrate flame because you have to go through the process of breaking down a glucose (carb) molecule to get to the Krebs Cycle and Electron Transport Chain where fat is burned. If you don't eat carbs, then your body will make them from the protein you are eating and then when that isn't enough it will break down your muscle to be able to generate the carbs you need. The ketosis is actually from the protein breakdown, not from any extra special fat burning. You can burn just as much fat from the same metabolic cycles by eating more carbs, but you will have the protein you eat to make more muscle instead of breaking it down to make carbs. The reason people lose weight on high protein diets is loss of water because it is stored in muscle and loss of muscle. Will they burn some fat, yes, but they would have lost that fat with any low calorie diet.

    If you want to build or maintain muscle while burning fat, you should try a ratio of 55% carbs, 25% protein, and 20% fat. Literally, this is the exact recommendation given in my nutrition class yesterday for a football player who is trying to bulk up and cut fat at the same time. Lots of whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies, lean meats, and low fat diary. A good, balanced mix of foods, not gimmicks that will ultimately hinder your health and weight maintenance needs. Feel free to PM me if you want me to send you the menu we came up with in class.
  • annabanana05
    that is really not good for your body. why not try just eating healthier foods and follow an exercise plan
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    This is just my opinion take it as you will.

    Your taking way to much protein
    Try 45-50% Carbs, 30-35% Protein and 20 to 15% fats.

    Carbs are very important and its good to get in some complex carbs.
    Muscle contains 100mg of protein so all you need is a little extra.

    This is by far one of the best posts I have read. My boyfriend mma fighter with a body of a god lol would completely agree with you. You need carbohydrates to fuel your body, you should not force your body to get its energy from the fat within your body. Depending upon the type of carbs like (complex carbs as stated) will help you burn the fat without losing any of your muslce. I am in the middle of getting my bachelors degree in nutrition to become and Rd (Registered Dietician). Any dietary changes you make now to become cut must be accompanied with a lifestyle change in dietary habits. It is your decision as to what you decide to do this is all just advice. Be careful with your body and good luck!