And Away we Go ..

I've lost just under a stone since the beginning of may, and that really motivated me to get stuck in. So I joined the gym and have really cleaned up my diet. So far I've lost another 1.5lbs since Monday!

Would love to meet some like-minded people and help to keep each other motivated!


  • Please feel free to add me as a friend! You can never have enough of them!
  • Alice_Luther
    Alice_Luther Posts: 93 Member
    Hello :) Congratulations on your achievements so far! :) What changes have you made that helped you loose the weight ? :) I used the wii fit plus.. was surprised it helped me loose so much weight :) feel free to add :)
  • Hi! Thank you very much :)

    I just cleaned up my diet, to be honest. I stopped snacking unnecessarily because of boredom and I stopped turning to food as a means of comfort. I stopped going to the take away when I couldn't be bothered cooking and have made a point of making sure I'm well stocked with healthy foods and preparing meals in advance so I have no excuse.

    It's been really hard work, because I've had such a bad relationship with food. I seemed to live off Pizza, Chinese, Kebabs, Crisps ... And my body still craves them - it's so hard walking into the shop before work to buy a bottle of water, and not picking up a packet of crisps for a quick nibble. But I'm determined to finally shed the weight!
  • Alice_Luther
    Alice_Luther Posts: 93 Member
    Thats great :) What sort of foods do you stock up on so you have no excuse? I used the healthy meals from tescos as i struggled with portion size. My main problem is lunch and stocking foods that dont go off too soon as its only me eating them and they go to waste.. Dinner is fine but then the will power not to have pudding!
  • I normally do 3 small shops a week and make sure I have plenty of fresh fruit and veg and fresh meat.

    By doing 3 shops a week it means I don't overstock and end up with a waste of food, and it makes sure that what I'm eating is all fresh food.

    I try to snack on raw fruit and veg as much as possible, but sometimes it just doesn't take away the hunger so I keep a jar of homemade almond butter and hummus to have with them as it feels a bit more substantial.

    I've found that getting the ingredients to make my own food, and not having pre packed food to fall back on, makes me a lot more aware of what, and how much, I am putting into my body.
  • Liv2LovemyBody
    Liv2LovemyBody Posts: 70 Member
    Hi my whole life has been an emotional weight gain weight loss roller coaster. I know what to do, the right way to eat just doing it is the challenge I need a accountability partner that's for sure! ;) Some one to be tough tell me like it is and not sugarcoat my down falls. I have been successful in the past was even working part time as a receptionist/ weigh in employee for a weight loss company but had some issues going on at home and had to leave my job....and well I am an emotional eater so here I am...=)
  • I can definitely relate to emotional eating! In fact, in my last job where I worked in the same company as my best friend, we had a little inside joke in which we'd tell each other we were going to go home and 'eat our feelings' after a rough day. And it's so easy for it to get out of hand! Myself and my friend could easily eat two large dominos pizzas and 3 sides.

    If you're looking for some no nonsense support add me as a friend! That's exactly what I'm looking for!
  • Igotthatcake
    Igotthatcake Posts: 169 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss. I am looking for some support haha I will be adding you :) I am on track to lose my first stone, I cannot wait for that feeling.
  • Thank you so much! Of course, I'm always happy to offer support - it's such an important part of any kind of lifestyle change!

    And congrats on your weight loss, too! It's such an incredible feeling, isn't it?
  • Liv2LovemyBody
    Liv2LovemyBody Posts: 70 Member
    I added you friend, I need all the support I can get ..=) I did exercise this morning 75 minutes on the treadmill because my kiddos are sleeping in yeaaa! But yesterday I ordered a pizza. I have one amazing day the the next day I equal it out. But today is a new day and I'm back on track!!! =) will not get caught up in the past but in the now!!!