To Zoloft, or to not?



  • numinousnymph
    numinousnymph Posts: 249 Member
    i've been taking zoloft for about ten years. weight gain was not a symptom for me (i just gained weight from eating too much, haha). as far as withdrawals go, they will taper you off of it when they deem that you don't need it anymore. tapering off really reduces the chances of having any kind of withdrawals.
  • RunningMyPugandPapi
    RunningMyPugandPapi Posts: 26 Member
    I just stopped my Zoloft last week. Withdrawals were not great, but I was able to work (just tired and generally dizzy). Not sure about the weight gain worry - Zoloft decreased my hunger. I probably lost 5-10 pounds on it.

    I love Zoloft - it made a HUGE difference in my personal and professional life, and living without my anxiety symptoms for the first time in my life was incredible. I had no idea how bad it was until I got help. I will definitely be taking it again after my husband and I have had a few kids (psychiatrist recommended that I stop before trying to get pregnant).
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    Personally sertraline didn't work for me at all. It didn't help the moods, and I was just zombie like all the time. When my dose was lowered, I was WORSE on the medication than off. I transitioned off and rather than try a new medication I realized that what I deal with is under control for the most part without drugs. However, it can and iwll work for some people.

    While I was on it I did not gain weight, and I didn't have any changes coming back off of it either. I was just a zombie. Got in two different car accidents, kept forgetting work passwords, etc.
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    I would consult your physician as none of us know your medical background and I doubt hardly anyone on here is an actual doctor.

    My dad has taken Zoloft for years for his anxiety and he's perfectly fine. My wife takes Paxil for her anxiety and she feels fine as well. She has not gained or lost any weight since taking it. In reality I should probably be taking something like that as well for my anxiety but I seem to be able to control it pretty good so far on my own. If it gets worse I'll be taking something though.

    Some people seem to have the idea that you are "weak" or "helpless" if you take a pill like Zoloft or Paxil, but anxiety and depression are real issues and have real effects in your life. If it is so bad that it starts to disrupt your life and take its toll on your relationships with people, then I see no reason why you wouldn't want to take something like that if its available.

    But again, all of that stuff should really be discussed with your doctor. I'm an accountant, so I have no clue about medical stuff, I just have some secondhand experience with my wife and dad taking those types of medications. Good luck!