
Hey all, I know this question probably gets asked all the time but here goes. I'm at a healthy BMI (20.2) but I currently have a lot of flab around my mid-section. In the gym I am usually doing around an hour or so of cardio around 4 days a week and then some ab exercises on the mats. My question is are ab exercises eg. situps, crunches/bicycle crunches/leg lifts/planks etc. totally pointless at this stage when I still have excess stomach fat to lose? Should I wait until I've reduced some of this or carry on with what I'm doing?


  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    You should start a resistance training program with compound moves instead of those ab exercises. Yes, they are mostly pointless at this point.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    you should NOT carry on with what you're doing because you need to being a full body strength training program instead of spending all that time doing ab work
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I agree with the above - however, they're not pointless because you still have fat to lose. They're pointless because there's no such thing as spot reduction. Doing ab exercises isn't going to help you lose the stomach fat any quicker, it's just working the muscles underneath. Doing full body strength training is much better for your overall health and fitness.
  • xorachael
    xorachael Posts: 14
    Any recommendations? I have NO idea where to start when it comes to strength training. I'm a total newbie..
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    If you have a smartphone, a very good place to start is the Stronglifts app. It's a 5x5 program: 5 reps, 5 sets, of 3 different compound lifts each session. It will work out your whole body, and it's fast and simple and free and the app keeps track of everything for you. I would even recommend you spend the $2 or whatever to get the upgraded app which gives you warmup sets and stuff.
  • xorachael
    xorachael Posts: 14
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    If you have a smartphone, a very good place to start is the Stronglifts app. It's a 5x5 program: 5 reps, 5 sets, of 3 different compound lifts each session. It will work out your whole body, and it's fast and simple and free and the app keeps track of everything for you. I would even recommend you spend the $2 or whatever to get the upgraded app which gives you warmup sets and stuff.

    I've searched for this updated version and I don't see it. Where do you find this?
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    If you have a smartphone, a very good place to start is the Stronglifts app. It's a 5x5 program: 5 reps, 5 sets, of 3 different compound lifts each session. It will work out your whole body, and it's fast and simple and free and the app keeps track of everything for you. I would even recommend you spend the $2 or whatever to get the upgraded app which gives you warmup sets and stuff.

    I've searched for this updated version and I don't see it. Where do you find this?

    If I recall, it was an in-app purchase. In other words, I had Strong Lifts, and when I poked around the app it asked me if I wanted to upgrade. I don't know if the upgrade is also listed separately on the app sites.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    If you have a smartphone, a very good place to start is the Stronglifts app. It's a 5x5 program: 5 reps, 5 sets, of 3 different compound lifts each session. It will work out your whole body, and it's fast and simple and free and the app keeps track of everything for you. I would even recommend you spend the $2 or whatever to get the upgraded app which gives you warmup sets and stuff.

    I've searched for this updated version and I don't see it. Where do you find this?

    If I recall, it was an in-app purchase. In other words, I had Strong Lifts, and when I poked around the app it asked me if I wanted to upgrade. I don't know if the upgrade is also listed separately on the app sites.

    I'll keep looking. I have the original. Maybe I'm not 'poking' in the right places. :wink:
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    You can't spot reduce where you lose fat by doing a zillion exercises for that area - that's not the way it works. Fat is lost by a calorie deficit (either by exercise, eating less, or a combo of both) not by "targeting" an area with exercises. Muscle and fat are 2 totally different things. One does not turn or "burn" into the other and vice versa.

    Lose 1/2 the cardio you're doing and get on a proven lifting program. Ab work is fine in addition to this, but if you're going to do them chose exercises that either use body weight e.g. Hanging Leg Raises or do them weighted e.g. Crunches w/a weight plate behind your head. High rep Bicycle crunches, unweight sit ups, etc. are worthless exercises IMO.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    If you have a smartphone, a very good place to start is the Stronglifts app. It's a 5x5 program: 5 reps, 5 sets, of 3 different compound lifts each session. It will work out your whole body, and it's fast and simple and free and the app keeps track of everything for you. I would even recommend you spend the $2 or whatever to get the upgraded app which gives you warmup sets and stuff.

    I've searched for this updated version and I don't see it. Where do you find this?

    If I recall, it was an in-app purchase. In other words, I had Strong Lifts, and when I poked around the app it asked me if I wanted to upgrade. I don't know if the upgrade is also listed separately on the app sites.

    I'll keep looking. I have the original. Maybe I'm not 'poking' in the right places. :wink:

    It pops up on my phone when I either start a new workout or end one...there is also the option of getting the 3x5 option as well...I will probably be upgrading it today...