I feel sad all the time.

I am a 21 year old male, i am single and have been screwing uo the past 2 years. Got kicked out of school, and previously isolated my self and had social issues. But it got good again, but after grtting kicked out of school i havehad no motivation. I feel sad all the time snd spend most time alone. I got so depressed my food consumption got really low. 1-3 medium meals aday.

Should i foxus on workingout, practicing guitar, increasing my food intake until i feel bether and then after i grt. Out of depression make nee freiends?. I am Eating around 1000kcal a day, when i should eat 2850. I am building up.. Can it be that since i eat so little it causes my depression?

Please need advice! What can i do to stimulate my brain, and get out of depression?

Many questions! Haha


  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Not eating enough and not eating properly can cause depression and isolating behavior. You might want to see a doctor, get a referral to a nutrition specialist, maybe someone to help you deal with your headspace, too.
  • Luvs_Rage_Phish
    Luvs_Rage_Phish Posts: 87 Member
    A poor diet can be a symptom of and a contributor to feeling depressed. You already have the right idea about getting out there and engaging in some healthy activities - working out, playing your guitar. Doing anything that brings you any interest at all is a great first step. The important thing is to start doing something - doing something just OK is better than not doing anything at all because it won't be perfect. And you don't need to wait to be out of your depression to connect with your friends and loved ones. Get out there and seek a connection just like you did her on MFP. Going to see a doctor to see if your depression is related to anything medical or physical is a good thing to do too. Or go talk to someone. I think everyone could benefit from therapy.

    Make small achievable goals for the day. Something you can look back on and see that you did and feel proud of. If your kitchen table is a mess - make it a goal for the day to clean it off. Even if it's the only thing you do all day. You'll have accomplished something. If you're not motivated to do a full workout just go for a walk around the block. Overtime you can take these small achievable goals and build on them. Accomplishing something you set out to do at the beginning of your day is a great boost for your emotional health. And get out in the sun - there's nothing like nature's natural anti-depressant.

    Best of luck to you and feel free to add me if you need some support.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    What can i do to stimulate my brain, and get out of depression?

    Have you seen a psychiatrist to get medicated for depression? I don't support throwing pills at every problem, but as someone who has suffered depression for two decades, I can say that sometimes meds really do help. In the meantime, exercise is a natural endorphin rush, so get to the gym and pick up some heavy stuff.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    It sounds to me like a trip to the doctor is in order. Your problems with school and now your depression could be organic (meaning you have a disorder like ADD or clinical depression).

    I don't blame you for being depressed - human beings do not do well in isolation, which is what has happened to you. It's honestly difficult to figure out which came first - the isolation or the depression, but they definitely feed on each other. The more depressed you feel the more you isolate and then the more depressed you get. Break out of the cycle by reaching out for some help.
  • badcemom
    badcemom Posts: 50
    I always feel better after a good cardio workout. Many times I go in feeling like I don't want to do it, but I ALWAYS leave feeling happier and more energetic. Daily exercise has definitely decreased the number of down days I have.
  • s_pekz
    s_pekz Posts: 340 Member
    Talk to a counsellor. its the best first place to start. they don't push anything on you but can give you good opinions. At the end of say three sessions with a counsellor you like ask for an honest opinion on whether or not you should see a doctor. At that point have a discussion about it.
    If you decide to see a doctor be totally honest with your answers and yourself.

    I have been dealing with chronic depression for around 10 years. I did counselling for the first 6 and eventually I was convinced to see a doctor and get on medication. SInce being on medication my life has changed drastically.

    Mental illness takes a lot out of you and it is nearly impossible to do anything else while struggling without support. I went from a straight A student to failing a class during one of my bad episodes.

    Please seek out help and support! THere is so much help available you just have to ask for it!
    DOn't focus on weight loss or gain untill you get the mental health portion stabilized.
    Your body will thank you later!

    BEst of luck!!!! Keep posting in the forum if it helps.
  • arfuss
    arfuss Posts: 90 Member
    I dont want to see a doxtor because previously shen i hot medication for add i just hpt really depressed. Dont want to have to tske medication to feel good. Want a natursl way to grt heslthy.

    I bemive taking the hardest way will give you more
    In rturn when you grt out of it.

    What are some stuff i should est morr of?
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I would speak to a psychiatrist. Sounds like you need to seek out some professional help and there is no shame in doing so. They can probably help you without prescribing medication.

    Although, it might be that you really need medication and you should be open to that.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member

    Please seek out help and support! THere is so much help available you just have to ask for it!
    DOn't focus on weight loss or gain untill you get the mental health portion stabilized.
    Your body will thank you later!

  • Belaklevaleva
    Belaklevaleva Posts: 8 Member
    human beings do not do well in isolation,

    Funny you say this.

    I always wonder why, in movies, isolation is torture and difficult. I would pretty much be in heaven. LOL. I don't know. I work hard to isolate myself as much as I can. I seek it and crave it constantly. And, when I get it, I love it. I have actually not spoken for a couple of weeks before. I could easily live in a little log cabin in the woods by myself without waning about needing someone around.

    But, funny, when I clicked on this link to see the OP's message, an ad for Morrisey poped up. LOL

    Watch the first episode of the twilight zone.

    Complete Isolation will literally drive you mad.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    human beings do not do well in isolation,

    Funny you say this.

    I always wonder why, in movies, isolation is torture and difficult. I would pretty much be in heaven. LOL. I don't know. I work hard to isolate myself as much as I can. I seek it and crave it constantly. And, when I get it, I love it. I have actually not spoken for a couple of weeks before. I could easily live in a little log cabin in the woods by myself without waning about needing someone around.

    But, funny, when I clicked on this link to see the OP's message, an ad for Morrisey poped up. LOL

    You say that Jerry, but every photo of you has a beautiful significant other in it. Somehow I doubt that you are truly a loner. :laugh:

    I enjoy my isolation from time to time too, and have to work hard to get it as my husband and daughter are very gregarious and want my attention at all times. But any time in the past, all I have really needed was a day or two of total quiet and peace and then I was ready to get back to work and socialize a bit.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I dont want to see a doxtor because previously shen i hot medication for add i just hpt really depressed. Dont want to have to tske medication to feel good. Want a natursl way to grt heslthy.

    I bemive taking the hardest way will give you more
    In rturn when you grt out of it.

    What are some stuff i should est morr of?

    Well, you are young and idealistic. :wink:

    If the ADD meds got you down, that means you have ADD for sure, and perhaps depression on top of it. I'm right there with ya man. I quit meds many times in my 20's but finally came to the realization that I need them and that my life is a whole lot better when I am treated. Feel free to PM me if you want to talk.
  • JupeJones
    JupeJones Posts: 107 Member
    I'm certainly no expert, and I would suggest consulting an actual professional about this, but a few thoughts anyway...

    I'd wager that it's depression that's causing you to eat so little rather than the other way around.

    There are valid and effective treatments for depression that do not involve meds at all. For example, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the somewhat-related Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy. There are good books about both of these techniques that you can get on Amazon and probably even at your library, if you want to get a sense of them.

    Keep playing that guitar! I know music has helped me immensely at times in my life. You could also use this to ease you into social situations (jams, etc.) if you wanted. If there's a ukulele group in your area, you could even try that--I've found that uke people tend to be super-welcoming, which isn't always the case with other instruments (you can use the same chord shapes on a uke as you do on guitar, although you wind up with a different chord)

    Good luck!