CONFUSED! Sugar consumption.

Hi, I'm wondering is eating fruit not really that great for you?!
My sugar intake is always over my target and it is all coming from fruits such as apples and bananas. Is it better to snack on natural yoghurt and seeds even though it brings my fat percentage over my target?

ALSO! A teaspoon of sugar has 4g of sugar while an apple has 17. Does that mean I'm better off drinking tea with mike and sugar rather than eating an apple as a snack??

If anyone can help that'll be great. Thanks in advance!


  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    If you aren't diabetic or diagnosed with something like insulin resistance by a doctor and if sugar doesn't make you ravenously hungry, eat the fruit. It has nutritional value that adding sugar to your tea and milk does not.

    Edit: Of course don't forget to count the calories from it, too, though.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hi, I'm wondering is eating fruit not really that great for you?!
    My sugar intake is always over my target and it is all coming from fruits such as apples and bananas. Is it better to snack on natural yoghurt and seeds even though it brings my fat percentage over my target?

    ALSO! A teaspoon of sugar has 4g of sugar while an apple has 17. Does that mean I'm better off drinking tea with mike and sugar rather than eating an apple as a snack??

    If anyone can help that'll be great. Thanks in advance!

    The apple has fiber and lots of nutrients that tea does not. I changed what MFP tracks for me. I don't have medical issues so I track fiber instead.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Sugar (natural or refined) is just a carb. If you are already tracking carbs, no need to track sugar separately unless you have an underlying issue that calls for it.
  • karenMcMillan0712
    karenMcMillan0712 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi, I'm wondering is eating fruit not really that great for you?!
    My sugar intake is always over my target and it is all coming from fruits such as apples and bananas. Is it better to snack on natural yoghurt and seeds even though it brings my fat percentage over my target?

    ALSO! A teaspoon of sugar has 4g of sugar while an apple has 17. Does that mean I'm better off drinking tea with mike and sugar rather than eating an apple as a snack??

    If anyone can help that'll be great. Thanks in advance!

    The apple has fiber and lots of nutrients that tea does not. I changed what MFP tracks for me. I don't have medical issues so I track fiber instead.

    Agree and I stopped the sugar count-I want to know my fiber intake
  • thanks people!
  • mogz36
    mogz36 Posts: 38 Member
    I eat fruit (it comes with a lot of fiber and other micronutrients) but avoid table sugar, high fructose corn syrup, honey and maple syrup (any added sweetener). I get too hungry otherwise.
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    I'd never stick to this if I didn't have fruit. I just make sure it's within my calorie limit.
  • Worth noting is that fruit itself is great for satiation and fibre, but fruit juice, not so much.

    A big glass of orange juice might contain the equivalent of as much as three oranges, say, and that's true, right down to the sugar and the calories - but you get none of the fibre.

    Stack that up against eating three actual oranges and think about how much fuller/satisfied you are afterwards versus glugging down a single glass of juice.

    Use whichever fits best into your lifestyle, but just be aware :D