Clumsy Man Attempting Yoga



  • Pjames95
    Pjames95 Posts: 20 Member
    It definitely gets easier if you stick with it. For me it was a bit about developing the right kind of strength to hold the poses, more than a problem with co-ordination. Though I've done it for a long time now it's hard to remember the beginning, it's really rewarding in the long term though. Stick with it and you'll get there.
  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    I did a beginner 4 week class a few yrs ago with my wife. It was a little challenging but not too bad. My problem was at the end of the class when you laid down with the lights down and your legs relaxed I tended to break wind loudly and unexpectedly for two weeks in a row. Needless to say i was embarrassed and refuse to go back. :cry:
  • awesome_ani
    Yep. I feel safe saying that there is not a single person who doesn't start out having trouble with many of the poses. Yoga is a great exercise because it can be cardio and strength training if you continue to challenge yourself. I just started Vinyasa and man I am so clumsey at it!

    I would recommend going to a class, even if you can go once or twice. Classes at a Gym are very nice as I find they are very accessible and there are people of all levels in them. I too and a bit intimidated by the thought of going to an actual yoga studio with all the bendy yoginees there. :)

    Going to a couple classes is a really good way to truly learn the correct forms and to get some great suggestions for modification that will work better for your current level. Once you have a good idea on the basics your video workout will be that much better and you will be a lot less likely to hurt yourself (which I have done and let me tell you it was awful.)

    I figure if my 304 pound rather wide behind can screw in the courage to make a fool of myself in a class so can you :D

    I applaud you getting started! Keep at it and you will get better.

  • TAsunder
    TAsunder Posts: 423 Member
    I have only ever taken yoga classes in person. I started out extremely clumsy and unable to hold any pose fore more than 5 seconds, often not at all. Now I am somewhat less clumsy and can hold some poses for 30 seconds, but still many for less than 5 seconds. I would never have guessed that Yoga is so hard before trying it!
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    I did a beginner 4 week class a few yrs ago with my wife. It was a little challenging but not too bad. My problem was at the end of the class when you laid down with the lights down and your legs relaxed I tended to break wind loudly and unexpectedly for two weeks in a row. Needless to say i was embarrassed and refuse to go back. :cry:

    I'm pretty sure that means you were really relaxed. :laugh:
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement. There are a few really good yoga studios in my area that I'm going to look into. Hopefully, I can get started within a few weeks. I'm more of weight lifter and occasional runner but people tell me that yoga is good because our muscles can get tight when doing a lot of power lifting and I need to stretch them out more. I hurt my back pretty bad a few months ago and I have a feeling I would not have been that bad off had I been doing yoga consistently.
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    I did a beginner 4 week class a few yrs ago with my wife. It was a little challenging but not too bad. My problem was at the end of the class when you laid down with the lights down and your legs relaxed I tended to break wind loudly and unexpectedly for two weeks in a row. Needless to say i was embarrassed and refuse to go back. :cry:

    LOL- This isn't the first I've heard this. I once dated a girl who did yoga consistently and would always give me a report on who farted in yoga class. lmao.
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    I'm very stiff and not good at yoga at all, but I do it. I look and feel stupid. and just when I think it's ridiculous, someone more stiff and lame than me walks in the studio.

    In truth, every single person is in their own place in their own practice. there's no right or wrong, and there's no comparison to anyone else. It's a very individual thing. I'm glad I joined a studio because I learned about the personal nature of the journey. When you go into a class, some people have been going there for 3 years or more, consistently. So, of course they are going to be doing headstands, and whatever else. But, that doesn't mean you have to. Just do what you are able to, as long as you keep striving for a tiny bit more each time.

    I only have 2 goals. To be able to sit on the floor with my legs out straight in front of me, and my back up straight and be comfortable. And, to be able to touch the floor with my palms flat on the floor. Those are my only two goals in yoga. Of course, I do all the other stuff two. But, those two things are kind of my gauge on where I am with my flexibility, or lack thereof.

    But, the reason I am sharing this is to say that where other people are doesn't matter. They are them and you are you. Yoga people don't laugh at others. It's not like that. It's a different experience and a very interpersonal journey. Everyone has slightly different reasons for doing it too. It's not a "thing". It's different for everyone.

    If you decide to go to a studio, and they start to tell you how to do things correctly, run. That doesn't exist. There are no right or wrong ways. There might be things you can do to help hold a position. For instance, I have learned that many things are more leverage and balance than strength. You need the strength, but a good yogi can make a small adjustment and all the sudden the struggle goes away and you realize it's a balance posture, not a strength one. LOL.

    Anyway, good luck.

    Guitar Jerry, this posting really does give me hope. Thanks, man.
  • Luv2eatSweets
    Luv2eatSweets Posts: 221 Member
    My problem is that I can't bend over without farting!!! :sick:

    Too funny....:laugh:
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    The initial teacher of Ashtanga Yoga, Pattabhi Jois, is quoted to have said, " practise, practise, practise and everything else will follow".
  • nikki_dw
    nikki_dw Posts: 126 Member

    Seriously. Find a beginner level class or workshop in your area, take a deep breath, and GO!

    Good yoga instructors are kind, understanding people. I was never able to really get anything from yoga when I did it at home with a DVD. There's something about being in a class that is inspiring. It's also super helpful. I was probably "intermediate" at one point, but I've backslid lately. I need instructors to correct me and tell me when I'm doing a pose incorrectly. Every instructor I've had has done it in a way that feels motivating, not in a way that makes me feel embarrassed. Another poster said there isn't a right way to do yoga... And that's true to an extent. Sometimes you can do something incorrectly and cause an injury. But another benefit of going to a studio is that an instructor can help you modify a pose to fit your level. Tell the instructor beforehand that it's your first class, and they'll make sure to give you modifications on more difficult poses. You put your legs behind your head? Me neither. An instructor can show you what to do so that one day you'll get there.

    Another awesome benefit for me of going to a yoga class is realizing that while there are several people who can hold insane poses, there are just as many people who can't!
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    This guy eventually managed:

    I'm sure you'll get there with enough practice.

    I love this guy. He's my go to every time I think I can't. If he can, almost anybody can.

    It's not about perfection - it is called "practicing yoga"

    I understand (from somebody that was trained in India) that the poses are not exact - they are in fact quite vague so there is no truly wrong. Allow yourself modifications to make things easier and harder as you feel necessary.
  • willowbrooke1
    willowbrooke1 Posts: 24 Member
    My son`s Army unit, all coordinated, athletic, bad *kitten* soldiers who did Crossfit, decided to try yoga. He told me it was the most challenging fitness regimen they had done (this was when they were all deployed in Iraq). He said they sweated, cursed, stumbled, fell, couldn`t hold the poses, laughed themselves silly...and applauded me for sticking to it for a year plus. It DOES get easier..don`t give up!!!
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I swear I was not there .. ;-)

    Tried it once .. never again.
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    Challenge yourself to continue until you get it. It will happen. There is a great success story I saw once. If he can do it, you can too.

    Disclaimer: I am not a yoga person.
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    You should not be embarrased to go to a yoga studio, you will not be judged, everyone needs to start somewhere. Plus the instructor will be able to give you some modifications to use until you are able to develop the strength for some of the more difficult poses.


    And, as someone else mentioned, it also helps to focus on something on the wall during balance poses.
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Guys, these are all great suggestions. The one about the bada$$ army soldiers had me rolling and I can empathize with them. Yoga is tougher than any weightlifting regiment I've ever done. I was sweating like crazy my first attempt at it. I sweat so much, I had to pause my tape, get a cloth and wipe all of the sweat from my mat because I was slipping on it.