I am really confused...



  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Just start lifting weights and eating at a slight deficit. Do this for 6 months. You'll feel and look better. It's really not complex.
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    Because you are not fat. You can starve yourself and make yourself miserable and spiral further into depression and eating disorders over this distorted view of your body, or you can realise that the issues with your body are mostly in your mind and work out and eat healthily to get a fitter body.

    Nowhere have I said give up or accept yourself. I have said you are not fat and you have a distorted body view. Lift weights. Eat healthily and eat well. Drink enough water. Look after yourself. Get in a positive mind set. Don't expect miracles. Realise sustainable change takes time.
  • Aniqana
    Aniqana Posts: 95
    So far I am gaining, gained a kilo and 1 inch in my belly! I dont feel depressed in general -only when I think about that bloody swimsuit0 day time I can hide it! no problem.

    Someone wrote 6months.. well i think best way is to cancel my holiday.. if thats the case.. if i will lose 4 kilos in 6months- then I think best way is to cancel the holiday, eat normal- stp exercising as i am gaining weight so far. at least i dont need to waking up2h before work to prepare fresh food, salad and exercise ;/

    It is annoying! I just want to loose 4bloody inches not gain;/