QA From quitter

You lost your motivation you lost your energy somethings doesn't matter anymore. You like people logs and daily diary but by clicking like button or leaving comment you even feel bigger loser. I klick someone's like button under exercise and this person get back to me and ask: Why I did that? What I did for myself today to cheer someone else. And this make me think this person is so right ! My question is: Did you ever thought to cancel your account for good because you feel like big disappointment for your pals and even bigger for yourself?


  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Yeah. All the time.

    I set calorie goals that I never seem to meet and I'd spend more time publicly shaming myself as a "runner" except that everybody would interpret that as fishing for complements.

    And lets not even get started on my pathetic resistance program. I did 29 bridges last night and all I had on the program was 40.

    I couldn't get up this morning to go running. I haven't logged food in a week.

    I tried to do a bulk a couple months ago and was barely able to pull off a non-inspirational recomp. I tried to cut and had to take a week off of everything because I bottomed out.

    Slinking away sounds so good sometimes. But, when I look back over the past few months, I notice positive changes. Even though I'm doing everything wrong, I'm getting stronger and looking better. Sometimes you just have to keep swimming and let time take it's course. It'll pass anyway.
  • angelaford3194
    angelaford3194 Posts: 3 Member
    I haven't tracked calories since right before my husband and I went on vacation. I'm having ups and downs, some days I just feel.. blah, but I keep thinking to myself, "Tomorrow is another day, and I can do better than this." I log on MFP a few times a week, but I haven't used the diary at all lately. I'm still going to the gym, just not as often. Not sure if I burned myself out or what, I do know that I haven't given up, and that's all that counts.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Sure. For months and months. But I just keep logging until my motivation returns. That way at least i won't backslide and gain what I have lost.
  • jennyhoon
    jennyhoon Posts: 138 Member
    This is my 3rd account..due to personal reasons which caused me to delete them off. Only few (less than 5) are true friends of mine, being great MFP buddies of mine just to encourage me to keep up the good works.

    Keep looking positively and don't let obstacles to prevent you from reaching your goal weight.

    I,myself, had shed from 242lbs to 185lbs. Thanks to this wonderful website and great MFP buddies of mine :smile:
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I'm going to offer an alternative perspective:


    The only time I haven't had a training schedule in the last 18 years is when I was injured. Before mfp, I kept a handwritten journal for years. Then it was a succession of word documents. Then I went back to a handwritten journal (which I still keep to this day).

    If I had 0 friends on mfp, I would still do it. Because I'm doing it for me and to advance towards my current goals, not anyone else. That means I don't ever give up.

    mfp sure helps with the food side of things, which if I'm being honest I never really paid much attention to before. But as a spur to training? No.

    This is why people who are successful in the long term (and you can define successful as living an active life and being in an appropriate weight range for your age/gender/height/etc) have goals that are fitness orientated: Run a faster mile. Squat more. Place better in next months tri than the last time. Do a pull up.

    Pick something. Pursue it: Be happy and profit.

    Or: Be directionless and float off into mediocrity.

    If this sounds harsh, or self-promoting. It isn't meant to be. It's meant to be an alternative perspective from those presented above. I hope you get something out of it.