Does anyone have food-related anxiety issues?

I've been trying to do some research on the subject-- but any searches related to eating "disorders" automatically leads you to anorexia and bulimia. I have never suffered from either of those diseases, but have been dealing with an anxiety disorder (of varying extremes) that is DIRECTLY related to or caused by FOOD.

It's gotten better since the start of this year-- I don't have the "attacks" as much as I used to, but they do still happen occasionally and are just an endless pit of anxiety and guilt and despair.

Example: today I've had a REALLY rough day at work. Stress and anger then combined into self-loathing, which then lead to me resolving that I wouldn't be "able" to eat anything until I get home tonight. As of 2pm, I've eaten 500 of my 1380 daily calorie allotment. This is usually how it goes down. I over-think and over-worry and freak myself out to the point where I "can't" (emotionally or mentally) eat anything. But here's the thing-- I KNOW THAT'S CRAZY. So, then I just feel guilty and stupid for not eating, but then I can't eat because of the anxiety attack.

Sorry for elaborating in circles, but that is the whole of the battle. Does anyone have these kinds of problems? Or know of any resources for eating disorder-like issues that aren't anorexia or bulimia?



  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    My guess is that your best bet is probably talking to a professional therapist to learn better emotional coping mechanisms. We all deal with anxiety, anger, fear, etc. -- and many of us have used food to compensate or soothe in one way or another. You may have a more unusual manifestation, but the key will be getting down to the root of the problem -- how to better deal and cope with your emotions. Best of luck.
  • telecoffeesaur
    telecoffeesaur Posts: 12 Member