High Protein, Low Carb food

I am doing a low carb diet, but with it, I am finding I rarely get above a 1000 calories. I really would like to be around 1200. I work out really well each day and finding I just don't have the energy like I do with extra calories. The problem is, I can't find anything higher calorie wise that packs in a lot of protein and hardly any carbs. Any suggestions? Right now, the main foods I eat are: egg whites, turkey bacon, apple with a little peanut butter, reduced fat string cheese, boneless, skinless chicken breasts, less than a handful of peanuts, etc. I haven't done any protein shakes, because I try to stay under 60 carbs, and the apple alone has 19 grams of carbs ( I can't give it up though, it's my chocolate! ) Even skim milk has a lot of carbs and sugar, so I am reluctant to try whey protein with milk. Any ideas??? Also, I have heard to try Greek yogurt, but doesn't that have a lot of carbs as well? Like 16 or something? Thanks!


  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Good protien shakes won't have many carbs. Any type of meat will have good protien:carb ratio. stay away from deli sliced meats though.
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    a half cup of fage 0% greek yogurt has 60 calories, 5 carbs, and 10 grams of protein. and i second the protein shake idea. they fill you up with minimal carbs and maximum protein.
  • Mrbackslap
    Low carb diets is exactly that "a diet".
    Proteins are very filling like chicken breast etc etc.
    Example I cant finish a whole steak but I can kill a piece of cake lol.

    So have a little pasta just as long as you have that caloric deficit.
    And if you want a little jump before working out drink black coffee before your workout.
    no sugar =P
    Your body needs carbs and it will just turn that precious protein into carbs.

    And if you still want a high protein food without all the carbs I'd go always with lean meats or beans.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    You should up your fat intake when low carbing............ditch that non fat and low fat stuff.

    It will up your calories and you will lose weight faster too. It takes fat to burn fat.

    Nuts and seeds are good choices to up calories and fat and satisfying too.
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    How about adding some low-carb salads? Baby spinach, hard-boiled egg, cheese, tuna/shrimp/beef strips/chicken, nuts, and low-carb dressing, like Ranch.

    I make my smoothies with whey protein that is unflavored (VERY low carb, if any at all), and add West Soy Unsweetened Vanilla soymilk, it only has about 4 carbs per cup, and most of those are fiber, so I think it's only 1 net carb. I'll add a banana and some Splenda, or if you can do a bit more in carbs, use frozen berries instead (plus ice). I guess you could make a peanut-butter smoothie too, which would be lower yet.

    Deviled eggs or egg salad?
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    For a protien shake try Pro Complex from ON
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much about natural carbs or sugars as they are much easier for the body to process. There is a protein shake out there called Iso Pure that is 0 carb and 0 sugar. They have it at GNC and Hi Health. I do eggs, cottage cheese, string cheese, raw almonds, boneless skinless chicken breast, tilapia, tuna, some steak, turkey, greek yogurt, Quinoa (complete protein), etc.