Am I sedentary or lightly active?

Well I dont work first of all, and basically almost everyday I babysit 3 siblings... I also practice a choreography 4-5 days a week for something coming up and i practice 10-15 minutes but i sweat alot haha.... And wednesdays I have like dance practices and they're like 2 hours and i dont sweat a lot just some.. But when im babysitting i usually clean the house or do the dishes or just something to help me not overeat... And after i watch tv and thats basically it, and I go out at least 3 days a week to hang with family... I feel like im lightly active but i dont know... I need opinions


  • Adefowler
    Adefowler Posts: 61 Member
    I set my lifestyle as sedentary and then track all of my exercise calories. It feels more honest that way - especially if you eat back your exercise calories.
  • BlueButterfly94
    BlueButterfly94 Posts: 303 Member
    I would say lightly to moderately active, but Adefowler has a point.
  • vha2
    vha2 Posts: 64 Member
    I set my lifestyle as sedentary and then track all of my exercise calories. It feels more honest that way - especially if you eat back your exercise calories.

  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Are you sitting 8+ hrs on your bum in front of a computer. No? Than your are NOT sedentary.
    Last year when I was on maternity leave aka was a SAHM for a year with my baby and my preschooler my bodymedia measured 2700 calorie a day on average with no direct exercise. Based on MFP that was equivalent with an active lifestyle. Now since I work again it barely measures 2100 if I do not exercise. Looking after small kids and of housework all day is a lot of physical movement.
    Are your sibling are actually small who need physical care? Or they are bigger and you mainly supervising? If they are bigger , lightly active is probably realistic. If they are small who you actually have to pick up frequently and carry, probably active setting is more realistic.