Counting exercise

I run/walk for about 10-20 a day on the treadmill and use the stationary bike for 20 Ish minutes... 4 miles or so .. When I go to the gym. The machines always tell me the calorie count that seems less for both then what mfp says, I even input my weight into the treadmill and it's still less then mfp. I'm trying to be more accurate. What are your thoughts about actual calorie burn when doing cardio? I don't know which is better to taken into consideration.


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Machines are notorious for telling you the wrong calorie burn. The most accurate way of knowing how many calories you burn is through a heart rate monitor because it will be consistently tracking your heart rate (not just occasionally like some machines or none at all as with MFP). But in the end, I'm less concerned with calories burnt during cardio than I am with my nutrition. Your success will come with nutrition more than it will with exercise. Exercise will help big time for sure AND make you look awesome but it's not the key to success, nutrition is.

    If you can't get yourself a heart rate monitor, just average the two. Calories, in all it's form (consumed and burned) aren't static - it's just a measurement of energy so I honestly wouldn't worry too much. As long as you're getting your workouts in and trying to push yourself to do better with each workout and focus on your nutrition, you'll be fine!

    Feel free to friend me! :)