It's been so long, I don't know where to start...

Let's start by saying, I have been overweight ever since I was a kid. With the pregnancy of my first daughter, I gained an enormous amount of weight, 80 lbs. horrible I know. Anyhow, 5 years ago, I decided to give WW a try and I lost, boy, did I lose. I lost 97 pounds in 11 months, but I didn't exercise. I know now I should have, but hind sight and all that bull. I quit WW because I found I was pregnant with my second child. I didn't do near as bad with weight gain, only about 40 lbs. After I had my 2nd daughter it took, me about 5 months but I was able to lose the weight, but things took, a flip flop. I ended up getting diagnosed with depression, then depression and not sleeping, then depression, not sleeping, anxiety, and add on addiction because my doc was a dumbass! Through all of this I actually lost 20 lbs, I was down to 210 when I broke down, and found myself a REAL doctor. I was yanked off the FIVE crazy meds, almost immediately, and now I am currently only on a low dose cholesterol med. When I came off all of the meds, I have done nothing but gain weight. I am up to 240 and I am not happy, but I can't seem to get motivated long enough to stay on a routine. BTW I did try WW a couple more times, but they have changed the program so much, that it hasn't been effective. It would be awesome if I could get some help with eating and workout regimes, and lots and lots of MOTIVATION and encouragement. I need someone besides myself to be accountable to. I am married, mom to two girls, full time bookkeeper, and full time student. I want feel better, I want more energy, I want to be healthy. Any Help would be Greatly Appreciated.