Getting results

Hello everybody. I just started back on myfitness pal. I lost 50 pounds, but once I stopped logging in and entering my food in I started to gain some of the weight back. So here I am again trying to get back on track because I know that MFP works if you do what you are supposed to do. I just changed my goal from 1 pound a week to 2 pounds a week. I am going to give it a try but if I start to go over my intake alot I may just have to put it back down to 2 pounds a week. I love to ride my bicycle and I have been doing good so far, riding about 2-3 miles a day sometimes so that should help me out somewhat on the calories. Well I just wanted to let everybody know that if you stop tracking, it's a possibliity that the weight will start to come back which I am sure you all pretty much know lol. Have a great adventure everyone dropping those pounds.