How long to train to run 10k from almost scratch?!

Hi all,

I'm sure this has been asked before, so apologies if its a bore!

I was running (slowly, but still running!) regularly last year and managed to get up to around 7k before I let myself slip massively..... (Regretting it now, but onwards and upwards!) It took me about a year to get to that point, but that was just doing it without much support. I stupidly let my fitness go and have just last month started the Couch to 10K Runner app - which is brilliant so far! But... it reckons I can get to 10K in 14 weeks!!! Which feels unachievable to me!! So my goal is to be able to do that by the end of October rather than mid September to allow for 'bad weeks', holidays, etc. Plus I work shifts and sometimes can't fit all the runs in in that week, so thought I would give myself a little bit longer than the app says.

Just wondering in other peoples experiences are of how long it has taken you to be able to run 10k! And any tips would be greatly appreciated! Also - anyone else doing the app or similar or who just wants new friends, add me!

Hannah :-)


  • lemonsnlove
    lemonsnlove Posts: 200
    Bump, cause I wanna know too!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    15-18 wks or so.

    Program I used

    (The url is real, I know it sounds weird. )
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I did the C25K in the normal 9 weeks, and after that, it only actually took me 3 - 4 weeks to get to the 10k distance.

    I ran 3 days per week. First week I did 3miles, 3miles, 3miles, second week, 3miles, 3miles, 4miles, and so on, adding 1 mile to my 'long run' every week until I hit 7 miles (which is just over 11k).

    Now I run 4 times a week, and my longest run has been 8.5 miles which I can do pretty comfortably. I'm not fast by any stretch of the imagination but I can handle the distance which is all I want for now. I started running regularly in March and am doing my first Half Marathon in October.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Started running at around 300lbs in Apr-13 using C25K. Ran my first full 5k (on my own not a race) in August, did my first 5k Park Run in Nov and did my frst 10k race in Feb-14. Once I got to 5k the 10k in training came pretty quickly, it was just a weekly increase in my long run distance. The jumpt to HM took a little longer but done a couple now. My pace is slowly increasing naturally as I add more mile (now run 25+ miles a week). Stick at it as you'll notice improvements pretty quickly IMO.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    I love the Hal Higdon programs. He has all the various distances (5k, 10k, half, marathon, etc.) and various levels (novice, intermediate, expert, walk). Here is a link to his novice 10k program.

    In the novice program, it starts with a 2.5 mile run. If you aren't there yet, he recommends you start with his 5k program:

    Basically, if you follow both of his programs, it would take you 16 weeks to go from nothing to a 10k. If you already have a little bit of a base, you could skip forward a few weeks in his 5k program, complete it, then go to the 10k program.
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    I think it depends on the individual person. How often you run and your ability.

    I started running in April and am estimating that I will hit 10km by the beginning of August.