Weight loss problems

I went on a diet in february and lost 10lb however I gave up, which I regret but I'm back now so it doesn't matter!
I was 10st and lost 10lb so I was 9st 4.

That was about 5 months ago, however I have been on another diet/healthy eating for nearly 3 weeks now (and I know thats not a long time) but I can't see any difference at all! Unfortunately, I didnt have scales so I wasn't sure what my start weight was and I'm not sure how much I weigh now but I have taken pictures and by the pictures I can see no difference at all.
I know I shouldn't be looking for quick results but it took me around 3 weeks to lose my 10lb and I personally noticed a difference in my stomach, but this time I'm not.

I don't eat much during the day (if you would like to see my diary, the passcode is 123), however I do no exercise whats so ever and I will not make myself get hungry! I tried doing squats and running 30 mins every day but I stopped because of the no results thing.
I know I should carry on exercising but I find it easier to eat healthy more than exercising however I will start but I wanted to eat healthy first then exercise once I started seeing a difference but I have NO motivation at all because I don't feel any different.

And when you look at my diary you will see that I had 3 binge days (2 dominos and 1 burrito day) with snacks which was way over the top and I know I wouldn't do it again, but it was my cheat day and I took them way too far. Now I know when it's my cheat day just to have 1 treat rather than the whole day haha.

Anyway, is there something specific I'm doing wrong? I know I should be exercising but I don't understand why I personally don't see a difference with healthy eating.


  • Gasset19
    Gasset19 Posts: 8
    Getting to bed just 30 minutes earlier and waking up 30 minutes later than you normally do can help you make better food choices, researchers report. Also, when you're well-rested, you're less prone to snacking out of fatigue or stress.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Weight loss is about a calorie deficit, which requires consistency (daily logging) and accuracy (using a food scale) to ensure you can get results. If your diary is right, I would question why a young woman is starving herself? Second, 3 weeks isn't enough time to see results, especially since you are lean. Third, if you actually want to see visual results, then you should be lifting and eating more. Eating that few calories will only cause you to lose muscle, which means you maintain body fat % or don't lower it as fast. Your look or being lean is all about having good body composition. Heck those that are underweight, generally see much better results from gaining muscle, as demonstrated by the below link. So my question is, how tall are you? Also, since you are barely eating, yoru proteins and fats are very low, which will probably effect your cycle, your skin, possible hair loss and a ton of other downsides, to even include gallbladder issues.

  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    You are eating 600-700 cals most days. This is likely why you have an urge to binge. Up your daily consumed cals to something more reasonable.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    If you are logging correctly, you are eating too few calories. Doing that day in and day out will cause you to binge on your "cheat" days and go crazy with the snacking. This seems to be a very unhealthy pattern.

    I really encourage you to see your doctor and discuss your plan. If that is you in the picture and the picture is recent - you do not look overweight at all.

    IN response to the other poster: You need to sleep about 8 hours or so a night. Getting up later and going to bed earlier is nonsense and has no bearing on the food choices you are making.
  • Michelle_Padgett13
    Michelle_Padgett13 Posts: 417 Member
    Eating so little is setting you up for a lifetime of yo-yo dieting. Your young body needs fuel. Also, you are already thin, so fat will be lost more slowly at your size. Losing 10 pounds in 3 weeks is not healthy, because at that rate, you not only lost fat, but also bone, muscle, and organ tissue. I urge you to slow down with the weight loss, eat more food, and find a weightlifting program. You will feel better, get stronger and love your body.

  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Getting to bed just 30 minutes earlier and waking up 30 minutes later than you normally do can help you make better food choices, researchers report. Also, when you're well-rested, you're less prone to snacking out of fatigue or stress.
    I get woken every hour on some nights by my Wife (who is disabled ) to turn her and on many nights am lucky to get 5 hours sleep it doesn't seem to have effected me. Making sure you're not under eating is probably far more relevant than sleep
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    So...... looking at your diary I notice you aren't completing it fully or you are just undereating by a ridiculous amount. How can you not be hungry during the day? You eat a banana, a cereal bar, a yogurt and some salmon (632 calories?!?!)

    My advice, eat more for starters. Your body is holding onto what it can because it thinks theres a famine... you most likely lost 10lb to muscle more than anything else, hence the no "results"