Is being fat a disability??



  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    At 560 lbs. and being home bound for over 2 years and unable to walk from one room to other without sitting on a rolling computer chair to get to the bathroom and kitchen and at my lowest point sitting in a chair with a loaded handgun in my mouth with the hammer back begging and pleading (but no one was in the room cause I was all alone) to give me the strength to end my pain I can honestly say being fat is debilitating, certainly it is all about choice at any point before I got into that state I was a contributing member of society and paid my taxes so when I was at my lowest no matter how I got there, I needed assistance to help get me out so when I finally had enough and wanted that help, I am Damn sure glad the people on the other end were more sympathetic to my position than the mind set you have (not knocking you in particular just people in general that think this way).

    I had over 300 pounds to lose, was willing to give in to the process, but needed the help to get there. So my insurance backed me up and got me the things needed to atleast attempt to dig myself out of the hole that I put myself in.. Medical doctors to address my health issues, mental therapist to address my depression and eating disorders, physical therapy to help be exercise to build up my strength to be able to walk again and continue to improve my strength, a dietician to show me what I had been doing and to point me in the right direction to regain my relationship with all foods, etc, etc this list goes on and on. Had I not been afforded those things based on the diagnosis of being disabled at that time I would not have been offered the help and more than likely at the rate I was going would have been dead by now, either by my own hand or do to complication due to my severe morbid obesity. Sometimes it isn't as easy as just calling Bullcrap and saying suck it up buttercup, I am living proof if given the assistance when I was disabled that one can totally change there lives and become productive members of society again and in my opinion that is what it was intended for in the first place not a means to go on and live out your days on it..... Just my 2 cents...
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    My thoughts are why did you feel the need to post this?

    And that your view on depression is ignorant.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    and id like to add

    Someone once said" "Everyone is fighting a battle that you know nothing about, be kind, always"

    Its easy for people to lose sigh of being kind, I wish when I was a much larger and different person that more people were kind to me and not so quick to judge. I never enjoyed not being able to walk, or waking up every night getting physically sick because of sleep apnea, or taking two seats, or not fitting into a booth, or any of the other ugly things that were a content part of my life. It was hard, it sucked and I changed it. You never know what someones story is, someones battle, try and keep that in mind the next time you see someone in a chair rolling around walmart. Chances are they don't like themselves either.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    No, it is a lifestyle choice. Like being gay, according to genpop.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    At 560 lbs. and being home bound for over 2 years and unable to walk from one room to other without sitting on a rolling computer chair to get to the bathroom and kitchen and at my lowest point sitting in a chair with a loaded handgun in my mouth with the hammer back begging and pleading (but no one was in the room cause I was all alone) to give me the strength to end my pain I can honestly say being fat is debilitating, certainly it is all about choice at any point before I got into that state I was a contributing member of society and paid my taxes so when I was at my lowest no matter how I got there, I needed assistance to help get me out so when I finally had enough and wanted that help, I am Damn sure glad the people on the other end were more sympathetic to my position than the mind set you have (not knocking you in particular just people in general that think this way).

    I had over 300 pounds to lose, was willing to give in to the process, but needed the help to get there. So my insurance backed me up and got me the things needed to atleast attempt to dig myself out of the hole that I put myself in.. Medical doctors to address my health issues, mental therapist to address my depression and eating disorders, physical therapy to help be exercise to build up my strength to be able to walk again and continue to improve my strength, a dietician to show me what I had been doing and to point me in the right direction to regain my relationship with all foods, etc, etc this list goes on and on. Had I not been afforded those things based on the diagnosis of being disabled at that time I would not have been offered the help and more than likely at the rate I was going would have been dead by now, either by my own hand or do to complication due to my severe morbid obesity. Sometimes it isn't as easy as just calling Bullcrap and saying suck it up buttercup, I am living proof if given the assistance when I was disabled that one can totally change there lives and become productive members of society again and in my opinion that is what it was intended for in the first place not a means to go on and live out your days on it..... Just my 2 cents...

    :heart: :heart: :drinker:
  • agree 100%. Putting food into your mouth is 100% voluntary. No one is making you do it other than yourself.

    Eat right, move a little bit and lose what's holding ya back. I think telling a heavier person that they have a disability because of their weight does them HUGE disservice. That just basically allows them continuing to spiral out of control with their weight hiding behind a "disease."
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    At 560 lbs. and being home bound for over 2 years and unable to walk from one room to other without sitting on a rolling computer chair to get to the bathroom and kitchen and at my lowest point sitting in a chair with a loaded handgun in my mouth with the hammer back begging and pleading (but no one was in the room cause I was all alone) to give me the strength to end my pain I can honestly say being fat is debilitating, certainly it is all about choice at any point before I got into that state I was a contributing member of society and paid my taxes so when I was at my lowest no matter how I got there, I needed assistance to help get me out so when I finally had enough and wanted that help, I am Damn sure glad the people on the other end were more sympathetic to my position than the mind set you have (not knocking you in particular just people in general that think this way).

    I had over 300 pounds to lose, was willing to give in to the process, but needed the help to get there. So my insurance backed me up and got me the things needed to atleast attempt to dig myself out of the hole that I put myself in.. Medical doctors to address my health issues, mental therapist to address my depression and eating disorders, physical therapy to help be exercise to build up my strength to be able to walk again and continue to improve my strength, a dietician to show me what I had been doing and to point me in the right direction to regain my relationship with all foods, etc, etc this list goes on and on. Had I not been afforded those things based on the diagnosis of being disabled at that time I would not have been offered the help and more than likely at the rate I was going would have been dead by now, either by my own hand or do to complication due to my severe morbid obesity. Sometimes it isn't as easy as just calling Bullcrap and saying suck it up buttercup, I am living proof if given the assistance when I was disabled that one can totally change there lives and become productive members of society again and in my opinion that is what it was intended for in the first place not a means to go on and live out your days on it..... Just my 2 cents...

    I think this post should end the debate.
  • amethyst7986
    amethyst7986 Posts: 223 Member
    I agree with you, being fat does not constitute as a "disability" because it can be changed. I think some people use being fat or overweight as an excuse because it's easier for them to say "I can't" and play victim, rather than to get up and do something about it. Sounds like the person you were talking to likes to play victim.

    Also, just like any other disorder, depression can affect everyone differently not everyone eats to comfort themselves (some eat, some starve themselves, some cry, etc)
  • tuckeychicken
    tuckeychicken Posts: 167 Member
    I'm with you! 110%! The very thought offends me… and I am fat!
    Oh yea well I'm with her 111% he he he. NO I don't think that fat should be considered a disibility. A big percentage of fat people would disagree, but not this fat lady. I hate that people not only don't try but just keep making it worse and worse and don't even care. If you can't move much because you are so obese then start cutting back on what you eat until you can move more and then do just that. We can do this when and if we stop making excuses. People who get depressed and eat also stay depressed because of the fact they over eat. I am not making excuses for myself any more. I would have to be in a wheel chair and on able to move or something like that and then I would at least still eat healthy.:drinker: That's water in that cup by the way.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    What if the person is in the wheelchair because they are fat?
  • BamaRunningGirl
    BamaRunningGirl Posts: 70 Member
    I don't consider it a disability. We can just make a few lifestyle changes and lose the weight. I have epilepsy which is considered a disability because I have no control over it. Big difference.
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    Being fat is not a disability, there are plenty of "overweight" people that are in good shape.

    The "victim" you are talking about, needs help for depression. That is what she needs. She is trapped in a loop of blame, it happens a lot. My life sucks, but if I lose weight it will be great, they lose some weight and guess what life doesn't get great. So they go back to eating because it is much easier to say "my life sucks because I am fat" than it is to say "my life sucks because I am ugly or stupid or lazy"

    Reality is "fat" is not a disability, however, not eating healthy, not moving, not taking care of yourself will cause disability. It is not a number on the scale, it is not how you look, it should all be about health. My husband is the perfect weight for his height, he has high cholesterol and is totally out of shape, back problems, etc. I am 30lbs overweight and considered "obese", but my cholesterol is perfect, despite having arthritis I am very active and in complete good health! In other words, fat is not a disability, fat is a symptom or a cause, but fat is not a disability.
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    2 years ago I would have said it's a disability, now I don't believe that at all.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    agree 100%. Putting food into your mouth is 100% voluntary. No one is making you do it other than yourself.

    Eat right, move a little bit and lose what's holding ya back. I think telling a heavier person that they have a disability because of their weight does them HUGE disservice. That just basically allows them continuing to spiral out of control with their weight hiding behind a "disease."

    I think that just telling them to eat les and move more without giving them the physical, moral, emotional and mental help someone in a negative state is in is doing them a huge disservice.

    Clealry you've never been obese and you've never been depressed before. Don't be so ignorant and open your eyes. Everyone's stry is different and to just say "pick yourself up and move on" doesn't work for many, many people. Many, many people in this world need the support to bring themselves to the mental and emtional strength that most of us on here have. It's not easy, and it's nearly impossible for a lot of people to do on their own.

    The only thing they do need to do themselves is convince themselves that they need help, and have the willpower to accept help and to make change. I personally believe that that is the biggest struggle of all.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    At 560 lbs. and being home bound for over 2 years and unable to walk from one room to other without sitting on a rolling computer chair to get to the bathroom and kitchen and at my lowest point sitting in a chair with a loaded handgun in my mouth with the hammer back begging and pleading (but no one was in the room cause I was all alone) to give me the strength to end my pain I can honestly say being fat is debilitating, certainly it is all about choice at any point before I got into that state I was a contributing member of society and paid my taxes so when I was at my lowest no matter how I got there, I needed assistance to help get me out so when I finally had enough and wanted that help, I am Damn sure glad the people on the other end were more sympathetic to my position than the mind set you have (not knocking you in particular just people in general that think this way).

    I had over 300 pounds to lose, was willing to give in to the process, but needed the help to get there. So my insurance backed me up and got me the things needed to atleast attempt to dig myself out of the hole that I put myself in.. Medical doctors to address my health issues, mental therapist to address my depression and eating disorders, physical therapy to help be exercise to build up my strength to be able to walk again and continue to improve my strength, a dietician to show me what I had been doing and to point me in the right direction to regain my relationship with all foods, etc, etc this list goes on and on. Had I not been afforded those things based on the diagnosis of being disabled at that time I would not have been offered the help and more than likely at the rate I was going would have been dead by now, either by my own hand or do to complication due to my severe morbid obesity. Sometimes it isn't as easy as just calling Bullcrap and saying suck it up buttercup, I am living proof if given the assistance when I was disabled that one can totally change there lives and become productive members of society again and in my opinion that is what it was intended for in the first place not a means to go on and live out your days on it..... Just my 2 cents...

  • Jastect
    Jastect Posts: 2
    I have to say, disability is not exclusively a term to get a special parking space or seat. Disability limits a person's ability to live a normal life. Being fat limits a person's ability to do normal everyday things. That's why we're all here trying to lose it. So we don't die young, die of heart disease, fall and break our hips, etc.

    I was thin and fit most of my life. I have suffered from depression most of my life, also. I take great offense at being told to "get over it". Please don't comment on something you know nothing about. I have had surgeries, been in the emergency room, stuck on my back numerous times due to tears in my disks. I eat pretty damn good but the weight has piled on and whenever I try to exercise, I get hurt again. Even a mild 10 minute elliptical workout. Being depressed on top of it makes it even harder.

    I just think the way you said your comments was very cold and cruel. We don't judge people, we don't know people's stories. We need to love and support each other. This is why we come to these sites. I know people like you look at people like me and decide I must eat too much and am too lazy to work-out. Guess how that effects my depression?
  • anissa333
    anissa333 Posts: 175 Member
    At 560 lbs. and being home bound for over 2 years and unable to walk from one room to other without sitting on a rolling computer chair to get to the bathroom and kitchen and at my lowest point sitting in a chair with a loaded handgun in my mouth with the hammer back begging and pleading (but no one was in the room cause I was all alone) to give me the strength to end my pain I can honestly say being fat is debilitating, certainly it is all about choice at any point before I got into that state I was a contributing member of society and paid my taxes so when I was at my lowest no matter how I got there, I needed assistance to help get me out so when I finally had enough and wanted that help, I am Damn sure glad the people on the other end were more sympathetic to my position than the mind set you have (not knocking you in particular just people in general that think this way).

    I had over 300 pounds to lose, was willing to give in to the process, but needed the help to get there. So my insurance backed me up and got me the things needed to atleast attempt to dig myself out of the hole that I put myself in.. Medical doctors to address my health issues, mental therapist to address my depression and eating disorders, physical therapy to help be exercise to build up my strength to be able to walk again and continue to improve my strength, a dietician to show me what I had been doing and to point me in the right direction to regain my relationship with all foods, etc, etc this list goes on and on. Had I not been afforded those things based on the diagnosis of being disabled at that time I would not have been offered the help and more than likely at the rate I was going would have been dead by now, either by my own hand or do to complication due to my severe morbid obesity. Sometimes it isn't as easy as just calling Bullcrap and saying suck it up buttercup, I am living proof if given the assistance when I was disabled that one can totally change there lives and become productive members of society again and in my opinion that is what it was intended for in the first place not a means to go on and live out your days on it..... Just my 2 cents...

    I dont think fat people are not productive members of society at all. As far as judging about the scooters(diff comment), I dont judge by the person, I judge by whats in their cart. I also get upset when I see people pushing their overweight children in the buggies that have the seats on them and you look in their buggy and its full of chips, soda and ice cream. do you think that parent is doing that kid any favors??
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    How is the view from way up there, OP?
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    At 560 lbs. and being home bound for over 2 years and unable to walk from one room to other without sitting on a rolling computer chair to get to the bathroom and kitchen and at my lowest point sitting in a chair with a loaded handgun in my mouth with the hammer back begging and pleading (but no one was in the room cause I was all alone) to give me the strength to end my pain I can honestly say being fat is debilitating, certainly it is all about choice at any point before I got into that state I was a contributing member of society and paid my taxes so when I was at my lowest no matter how I got there, I needed assistance to help get me out so when I finally had enough and wanted that help, I am Damn sure glad the people on the other end were more sympathetic to my position than the mind set you have (not knocking you in particular just people in general that think this way).

    I had over 300 pounds to lose, was willing to give in to the process, but needed the help to get there. So my insurance backed me up and got me the things needed to atleast attempt to dig myself out of the hole that I put myself in.. Medical doctors to address my health issues, mental therapist to address my depression and eating disorders, physical therapy to help be exercise to build up my strength to be able to walk again and continue to improve my strength, a dietician to show me what I had been doing and to point me in the right direction to regain my relationship with all foods, etc, etc this list goes on and on. Had I not been afforded those things based on the diagnosis of being disabled at that time I would not have been offered the help and more than likely at the rate I was going would have been dead by now, either by my own hand or do to complication due to my severe morbid obesity. Sometimes it isn't as easy as just calling Bullcrap and saying suck it up buttercup, I am living proof if given the assistance when I was disabled that one can totally change there lives and become productive members of society again and in my opinion that is what it was intended for in the first place not a means to go on and live out your days on it..... Just my 2 cents...

    Sums it all up.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    I was in Walmart a couple of months ago and this young girl came in and I would say she probably has cerebral palsy...she was walking with crutches and she had that kind of sideways walk if you know what I mean...hard to explain. I was walking out as she came in, and she walked over to where they kept the riding carts and there werent any.....I had seen two of them in the store with those massive people in them. It just broke my heart that this sweet girl who had no control over her issue, was going to have to struggle around that store....

    One of our neighbors, who is friends with my wife, has to be close to 400lbs. She's not this way because of any underlying medical condition; she's like this because she's lazy and stuffs 5 cheeseburgers into her yap at neighborhood BBQ's. From time to time, my kids have helped her unload her groceries, and it's nothing but junk food. I don't have an issue with this though.....if a person wants to live that way and not make it to 50, it's their life. What I take issue with her is the fact that she will use those disability scooters at stores because she's too lazy. She went out and got a handicap tag for her car because she's lazy, and apparently this state gives those tags out to the lazy like water. She has zero issue with any of this; in fact, she's quite proud of it and brags that there's always a close parking spot for her.