poll- treat day/ treat meal



  • LessHeavyVeggie
    LessHeavyVeggie Posts: 208 Member
    I tend to leave a little room for a treat after dinner (50-150cals) or if I'm going to the pub/out for dinner/craving a certain treat/meal or something then I'll eat light the rest of the day to leave room for it. That way I don't feel deprived of anything. I stay within my goal everyday, as in the past I rationalised overeating by thinking 'just this once won't hurt'. It turns out 'just this once' was pretty much all the time! I've found by fitting things into my goal, I'm learning to be able to have just a small piece and stop at that which should serve me well in future. I'm also finding my appetite is changing, I had a 500cal dinner last night (falafels, egg, sauteed veg and tzatziki) and I was stuffed - not sure if this is scientifically right, but I think I'm not going to be able to eat the huge feasts I had before now I'm used to smaller portions.

    But that's what works for me - if you're having treat meals/days and you're losing then well done! No need to fix what isn't broken.
  • mom2_4gr8kids
    I work treats into my daily calories. I'm afraid a cheat day would turn into my previous horrible eating habits, so I haven't tried it. My birthday is in August and I intend to have a meal that really can't fit into my daily calories. Counting the days...

    Last night, I didn't have enough calories for the Hershey Kisses I really, really wanted. So I went out and exercised (started C25k, very proud of myself), that gave me the calories I needed for my treat. In the end, exercising took the craving out of me and I had a granola bar instead.
  • Fit_Chef_NE
    Fit_Chef_NE Posts: 110 Member
    I have a proper treat where my calories allow it. On days when I'm short, I eat a square or 2 of 90% lindt dark chocolate. It totally sates my inner chocoholic. I usually add a good helping of berries. Delicious together.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    My doctor told me that I should always aim for no more than my goal calories (goal weight x 10), and treat exercise like a bonus toward losing.
    If I'm really hungry at the end of the day, or it's a special event & I "need" more calories (birthday party?) I'll eat 1/3 - 1/2 of what I burned in exercise that day.
    Thanksgiving all bets are off, though it doesn't take as much to fill me up as it used to, so that's not as bad as it could be.

    Most days I'll fit what I want into my calorie goal. I'll have a few cookies, or chips, or a piece of chocolate, or if I'm planning to meet friends for a burger I'll plan the rest of the day around that.
    I make a rule for myself: i can eat at maintenance once a week (which for me is 3,000 calories)
    So you want to maintain your weight at 300 lb? You must be very tall.
    by fitting things into my goal, I'm learning to be able to have just a small piece and stop at that
    Yes, yes, yes! THIS!
    Once a month my gym has pizza, and this past week was the first I'd ever managed to hit that night. Haven't had pizza in a long time, and I really enjoyed eating it, but I had what would probably amount to 1/6 of a large pie, which isn't a terribly large serving, and it fit into my calories for the day, and I didn't feel like I wanted more, so I was really happy with myself.

    Also, find 'cheats' that feel naughty but aren't.
    Sugar-free fat-free chocolate pudding with berries is one of my favorites.
  • kissmeplease305
    Pizza for diner today!
  • mommyofjan
    mommyofjan Posts: 65 Member
    Today was my treat day. I had Little Caesars thin crust pizza. It was divine lol. I also treat myself most nights to a low calorie ice cream. Skinny Cow salted pretzel caramel bar is wonderful and only 160 calories. I make sure that by the end of the day I have enough calories to be able to eat the ice cream bar.:happy:
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    So it's looking more at treats day then a full day of treats! Well I went over my allowance by 300 last night I shall what tonight brings x
  • Lil40
    Lil40 Posts: 9 Member
    Every day a huge milky coffee! No chocolate whatsoever, unfortunately for the time being it has been banned. Once I have one I want more!! So it has been replaced by fresh dates or prunes (not quite the same haha!)
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I prefer to have a cheat day and cut back in the week. I usually do it on a Sat. My kids like me to bake something, so my cheat/treat is usually cakes or cookies. So I just eat my usual meals then have a couple of cupcakes or whatever. It's probably the only time I eat my exercise calories.

    If I have treats everyday, i might end up eating too much, like that square of chocolate might turn into three.

    I've just had a baby, 10 weeks ago, and when I was pregnant I allowed myself a treat most days, within calories, and I gained too much.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Both. I'll have a treat when I want one, if I can fit it into my calories for the day. I don't cut back, but I will also allow myself a "free meal" every so often. That being said… I've only had two days where I was over and I think the grand total of how much I was over those two days combined was less than 800 calories. So, even my treat meals don't cause too much havoc for me.
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Only nonfood treats for me when I am dieting! A hair ornament from the dollar store... a copy of Woman's World magazine... nothing with CALORIES!
  • torichantel2005
    torichantel2005 Posts: 42 Member
    I try to eat as healthy as I can, but within reason so I can still have what I want. The first month I counted calories, I stuck to a very healthy diet, but as I progressed, I learned that I couldn't withhold things from myself, it just made me stress out. So now in my 500 calories for dinner, sometimes 160 of that is 3 Oreos (1 serving). I still rarely buy junk food, but sometimes it makes our way into our house, so I eat it, as responsibly as you can eat junk food. ;) Or sometimes I will buy a Kit Kat bar from the vending machine at work, but I'll only eat half of it, and I still stay under my 1500 calorie max for the day.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Only nonfood treats for me when I am dieting! A hair ornament from the dollar store... a copy of Woman's World magazine... nothing with CALORIES!

    I don't see this as 'dieting', it's just life! I'm not going to change the way I eat when I reach goal weight. I may have to change the amount of calories, but I won't change my way of eating, so a treat day fits into that.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    I don't do "treats", but I don't restrict... I think the rewarding process is just a different mentality than I want to keep. I eat. If I want something I'll eat it too, but not so much as a reward. IMO the battle is mostly mental...
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Just wondering out of curiosity what people find works better for them I know everyone is different and take different approaches to what suits them but wondering,

    Do people prefer to fit treats daily in to their calorie goals or do they cut back a little through the week to have a treat meal or treat night. Or do some not cut back and have their treats night/meal regardless if going over weekly cals?

    I normally have a treat day and cut back through week but thinking of just having one treat meal the night of my weigh in as the treat days are just that full of treats which really im just eating for sake of it becuase its a "treat day" lol

    I don't use my food for gifts to myself. If I want somethng special I build it into my day. Or I just have it and don't orry about it. I also don't gamble because I don't view money as someething to play with.
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    Good way to put it! I decided on setting my calories allowance lower so then at the weekend that gives me 1000 extra cals to play with IF I need them sort if a "safety net" as I'm out or doing something every weekend which involved alcohol!
    I have ditched the "treat day" mind set and now only if want something will I have it not just because it's a special day lol.

    As the weekend goes frid,and sat both days over by 300 but that was on alcohol and not 2 chocolate bars haha