Every calorie literally counts right?



  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    You didn't eat your muscle in a fast and there is no starvation mode. This site is full of b.s.

    I honestly think any doctor would suggest you stay entirely away from this site and others like it, if you want to get better. There are blockers for each browser that you can install to help you not come here.

    Here is healthier, there are millions of pro eating disorder sites and idw go there. I wanna lose weight the healthy way. No fasting. No competitions with dying women, just "normal" weightloss

    There are pro-ana people on here, too. Just be careful which "friends" you take advice from.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    yeah, that pretty much sounds over the top and doesn't sound mentally healthy. This kind of obsession goes beyond the pale and really isn't healthy at all.
  • Stella_Mayfair
    Stella_Mayfair Posts: 226 Member
    I will. I am hell on myself, but other's I give advice I am trying to take. Doctors are great with infections, but mental **** they shove too many pills at you. So i have decided to take the longer healthier road to weight loss:P
  • Stella_Mayfair
    Stella_Mayfair Posts: 226 Member
    yeah, that pretty much sounds over the top and doesn't sound mentally healthy. This kind of obsession goes beyond the pale and really isn't healthy at all.

    I know, I wish i could kill the "voice." All I can do is tune it out. Like an alcoholic must avoid alcohol, I must avoid that "voice." Not easy but I have thus far
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    is your logging interfering with your other daily activities? Do you get anxiety problems if you don't log?

    With a history of EDs THIS ^^^ is probably these are really important questions!

    My motto is to "do whatever you want as long as it's healthy and helpful"

    Your mental health will play a role in your physical health.

    Seeing your bones (as you say) is not necessarily healthy. Consider your build, height, and body fat % when determining HEALTH - not just visual things...

    What kind of calorie intake are you on? Did you get that # from a dietitian? or doctor? What kind of deficit do you have each day? What is your calorie burn goal? Those things are what's important. Also WHAT are you eating? healthy vitamin and protein rich foods or empty calorie foods? To be healthy you have to eat healthy foods (you know... you are what you eat... UGH - I'd be a giant chicken wing if I didn't care about being healthy)

    What is your weight goal? Is it going to cause you to have a BMI in the "underweight" category? We all know that being over weight causes health issues, but... so does being UNDER weight. (Note on BMI - this isn't the best way to measure health/fitness/weight bc it doesn't take in to account super healthy people or body builders - they typically have high BMIs but low BF % and are actually more healthy than "skinny" people)

    When my BMI was 18 (under weight) - I got sick ALL THE TIME! I literally got a "cold" every other month. Once I gained a little weight I haven't been sick near as often. I'm here to work on being healthy - not necessarily the number on the scale.

    ***This is just my opinion. I am not an expert.***
  • Stella_Mayfair
    Stella_Mayfair Posts: 226 Member
    is your logging interfering with your other daily activities? Do you get anxiety problems if you don't log?

    With a history of EDs THIS ^^^ is probably these are really important questions!

    My motto is to "do whatever you want as long as it's healthy and helpful"

    Your mental health will play a role in your physical health.

    Seeing your bones (as you say) is not necessarily healthy. Consider your build, height, and body fat % when determining HEALTH - not just visual things...

    What kind of calorie intake are you on? Did you get that # from a dietitian? or doctor? What kind of deficit do you have each day? What is your calorie burn goal? Those things are what's important. Also WHAT are you eating? healthy vitamin and protein rich foods or empty calorie foods? To be healthy you have to eat healthy foods (you know... you are what you eat... UGH - I'd be a giant chicken wing if I didn't care about being healthy)

    What is your weight goal? Is it going to cause you to have a BMI in the "underweight" category? We all know that being over weight causes health issues, but... so does being UNDER weight. (Note on BMI - this isn't the best way to measure health/fitness/weight bc it doesn't take in to account super healthy people or body builders - they typically have high BMIs but low BF % and are actually more healthy than "skinny" people)

    When my BMI was 18 (under weight) - I got sick ALL THE TIME! I literally got a "cold" every other month. Once I gained a little weight I haven't been sick near as often. I'm here to work on being healthy - not necessarily the number on the scale.

    ***This is just my opinion. I am not an expert.***

    Your opinion is very accurate. No the logging cals doesn't affect me, luckily, but yes my gw will be a low sickly bmi. I just wanna taste that bitter sweet victory again. But I also want to look sexy, bones are not sexy. So I am torn between getting skinny and thinner. I will be careful. I know I have lost more than weight to me ed..... stuff I will never get back.
  • tapparo61
    tapparo61 Posts: 2
    I too log everything I put in my mouth so it keeps me aware, thus makes me realize how those little bites, sips, etc. can add up.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You didn't eat your muscle in a fast and there is no starvation mode. This site is full of b.s.

    I honestly think any doctor would suggest you stay entirely away from this site and others like it, if you want to get better. There are blockers for each browser that you can install to help you not come here.

    Here is healthier, there are millions of pro eating disorder sites and idw go there. I wanna lose weight the healthy way. No fasting. No competitions with dying women, just "normal" weightloss

    What is your height and current weight?
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I'm a rebel. I don't always log tic tacs. Otherwise, yeah, every calorie counts. Unless you look up calorie absorption nuts to give yourself a real headache.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Whether or not it's obsessive depends entirely on how you feel about it and how it does or does not impact your quality of life and your relationship with food.

    That answer is going to differ from person to person.
  • davis978
    davis978 Posts: 103 Member
    I understand you had a bad experience in trying to get treatment for your ED. Try again. Go to different doctors, and be honest with them about what you felt didn't work about your previous treatment. Fortunately/unfortunately, there are many different treatments mental health. Some "fit" better for a given individual than others. Keep trying until you find one that works for you.

    Your primary complaint about your previous treatment is that it made you gain weight. Most of the time, when an underweight person goes to a doctor with an ED, that doctor is going to want the person to gain weight. That's treatment :) However, part of their job is to try to bring you to a head place where you want to maintain a healthy weight. That's step one. Find a doctor that will do that with you. They exist. But you have to want to try to get there. Right now, if doesn't sound like you want that.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Doesnt seem obsessive to me, seems like your being honest with yourself.

    It is obsessive if you have/have had an eating disorder. And her screenname is "feeling4bones." Her attitude towards calories seems unhealthy, IMO.

    Hope you are able to get the help you need, OP. Eating disorders are rough. I would suggest talking to your doctor about your goals.


    I'm a true believe that one bite of something or one sip is not going to upset my calorie balance all that much. At least so far it has not.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Your admission of ED, paired with your username and this thread are a very worrying combination.
  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    Yes every calorie counts. However, I am not the best logger and right now I am losing weight, so hey who cares. I do not take just bites of things, I either have them or don't. Bites off my kids plates I do not do anymore, unless they say it taste funny and I do need to check it. Son got food poisoning from milk once, so yeah. I do taste test some food, and I do get the look if I try to log it. I have been known to get to obsessive with my intake outtake. However if I have a smaller portion of some high calorie food, yes I do log it.

    How tall are you OP? Right now, I think you might want to check around for some help. Like another poster said, doctors want patients with EDs to gain weight, but of you gain an unhealthy amount of weight, I would hope the doctor would help you back to healthy. After all, having an ED makes that losing weight phase very hard for some as they go back to old bad habits. You might need help on body dysmorphic. Best Wishes OP! :flowerforyou:
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Doctors are great with infections, but mental **** they shove too many pills at you.
    you wouldn't see a therapist or other metal health professional for an infection....so don't go to a general practitioner for mental/emotional/behavioral issues
    while there may be a physiological reason behind your history of disordered eating...it is most likely primarily a behavioral problem, and those are best dealt with by talking to someone about your history, and getting help changing your behaviors.

    but in response to your OP, if over the course of a day you typically only steal 2 french fries and have a few sips of ginger ale...don't sweat it. The problem comes when you grab a few bites of a bagel in the morning, a half dozen cashew nuts on the way to work, some fries and soda at lunch, some tastes of whatever you are cooking for dinner before you weigh out your portions, and then a few bites of a brownie before bed. THEN yeah, you wanna log all those things and make sure they aren't taking you way over. (and in my opinion, if that doesn't put you over...then snack away. little tastes are yummy, and they feel good, and there's nothing wrong with them as long as you count them)