Did I completely damage my weight loss journey

I started to count calories and exercise about two weeks ago. So far I've lost 6 lbs in those two weeks. I'm a 5'3, 24 year old, 166 lb female. I've been eating 1200 calories a day and burning about 500 a day through exercise. The problem is that I just realized that I'm supposed to be eating those calories back. I've decided to bump up my calories to AT LEAST 1700 a day. Did I harm my body in those two weeks by not eating enough? Will I be able to jump right into this new routine and continue to lose weight?


  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I doubt you've done any harm to yourself. You might gain some water weight if you depleted your glycogen stores. Humanity wouldn't have survived if we were that delicate.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    2 weeks wont do much harm. keep in mind that calories burned during exercise are notoriously overestimated, so you probably were burning closer to 300 than 500 unless you got that number from a HRM or similar device.

    most people recommend upping calories slowly but 3-500 isnt all that much of an increase. up em and adjust if you arent losing after a few weeks
  • SosaMinosa
    SosaMinosa Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks you guys! You've made me feel so much better. I got that number using a polar heart rate monitor, but I with the way I've been exercising (starting and stopping within the hour of exercise that I get) I wouldn't be surprised if it were more like 300 calories.
  • avril2626
    avril2626 Posts: 699 Member
    Don't know if you've done this, but in the forum section under "getting started", there is some really good info under: "so you're new here" and "a guide to get you started on your path to sexy pants." You're not doing extreme damage in 2 weeks. It's important that you pay attention to getting enough protein, and keeping an eye on your other macros (you don't want to lose weight...you want to lose fat, not lean body mass...ie. muscle). You need to give your body what it needs. I only eat back a portion of my exercise cals. I am not bulking now, and just do some cardio and light lifting. Your caloric needs change if you are bulking. Good luck with this. Look at the forums under diet and exercise, weed through the info, and absorb the info based on science and facts.
  • SosaMinosa
    SosaMinosa Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks! I just now read the "so you're new here" guide and it was extremely eye opening. I didn't even think I needed a scale. I'm going to buy one today. I had no idea of the things that I was doing wrong, but I'm glad I caught on somewhat early. Thanks for everything :)
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    Those forum posts are very helpful. I changed my calories from 1200 to 1450 after day 1 because of what I read. now I'm doing 1550 and still steadily losing
  • avril2626
    avril2626 Posts: 699 Member
    Lots of good info there. Glad you read it. If your name means you're a teen, then you will be way ahead of the learning curve if you can learn about how your body works and what we need to be healthy, and to lose weight when we need to. I'm still learning, and certainly knew very little about it in my teens! Good luck on this journey! You are doing the right things to be successful, and to take care of yourself! Judie
  • RangerRN507
    RangerRN507 Posts: 124 Member
    Ya everything is pretty much totally ruined
  • SosaMinosa
    SosaMinosa Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks :) I'm not a teen anymore, it's just a username I've used since I was. I ordered a scale on amazon a few minutes ago and will use it to weigh everything from now on. Glad you figured out what was right for you and are still losing @firecat1987. I've tried losing weight before and am beginning to see why those efforts failed. Thanks for everyone's help and advice. It's very much appreciated.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Did you destroy your perfectly functioning, highly adaptable, extremely resilient human metabolism in two weeks of not eating back exercise calories.

    Yes. Of course.

    In other news you can now get lung cancer from smoking one cigarette.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Did you destroy your perfectly functioning, highly adaptable, extremely resilient human metabolism in two weeks of not eating back exercise calories.

    Yes. Of course.

    In other news you can now get lung cancer from smoking one cigarette.

    I don't really find this reply necessary. This OP is brand new here, and is actually listening and doing a great job following through the advice given. Props to the OP - they're on their way to long term success.

    In other new, you can get lung cancer from NEVER smoking a cigarette - second hand smoke is just as bad.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Did you destroy your perfectly functioning, highly adaptable, extremely resilient human metabolism in two weeks of not eating back exercise calories.

    Yes. Of course.

    In other news you can now get lung cancer from smoking one cigarette.

    I don't really find this reply necessary.

    That's nice.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Did you destroy your perfectly functioning, highly adaptable, extremely resilient human metabolism in two weeks of not eating back exercise calories.

    Yes. Of course.

    In other news you can now get lung cancer from smoking one cigarette.

    I don't really find this reply necessary.

    That's nice.

    Well you where being a mr grumpy pants.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    You made the right decision in bumping your calories up to compensate for exercise but in just 2 weeks I very much doubt you would have caused yourself any harm.