Jillian Michaels- 30 Day Shred

I know this has been a topic before, but it's on a different level.

Are there any downfalls to the "30 Day Shred" with Jillian Michaels? I've read a lot of good reviews, but I honestly want to know both sides of the story. I plan on purchasing it today and I just want to make sure it's the best option out there. My gym membership is expired and I refuse to pay for it when I really don't like going. I know people who work there and they don't help anyone. They gripe and complain if someone needs help making sure they adjusted the machine the right way or anything else along that line. It was the cheapest gym and all the other ones are too pricey for me.


  • bkthomas2004
    bkthomas2004 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm currently using 30DS now and I was skeptical at first too. I read hundreds of reviews on Amazon, through Google, on here, etc, trying to find out which Jillian video is the one for me. I ordered it on Amazon for under 10 bucks and have been using it off and on for about two weeks now. For me, its actually a really good workout. I suggest starting off with 3 lbs weights, unless you are already adjusted to weight lifting then I say 5lbs & up, the most important thing about this video and others I've tampered with of her's OnDemand thru Comcast, is form. You have to pay attention to your form when doing those exercises because if you do them wrong your back or whatever may ache the next day. There is a lot of jumping in her videos, she does have modifications and for me, it kicked my @ss, but since I originally started losing weight I hadn't been doing any strength training so I was 'cheating' mainly doing cardio. Overall, I enjoy the 30DS and I would reccomend it, I don't thin you will be disappointed, and if you follow the video like you're supposed to, its just like having your own personal trainer without spending all the money for one.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I have not done the 30 Day Shred, but I have done a few other of her work outs and she is awesome. I have done quite a few home work out programs and they all have there plus and minus, you just have to find one that works the best for you. If you need any help with suggestions please let me know.

    Hope this helps,
  • ep_euphoria
    I started it a little while ago, got to day 14 and then fell of the wagon with exams. Started it again today, yay!

    My advice from my experience is:
    1. You should be prepared to be a bit sore, my knees have been a bit owwy - but they've hurt most since I've stopped. Be careful with the form, do as much as you can of the proper exercise don't settle for anything that could hurt you (tomorrow).

    2. Do a warm up before hand - go for a walk, go on an exercise bike, do pilates or yoga, play around on the Wii. Anything at all, it will make a big difference when it comes to getting you to do the video every single day without wanting to gnaw your limbs off.

    3. If you take a break from the video, don't break for more than a day. Give yourself the chance to do the whole thing properly!

    4. If you get bored of doing the same thing over and over, I'd probably skip it. You can switch them up by doing days in different orders, but just three videos for thirty days, for ten days at a time... you should be prepared to want to throttle her anytime you hear her voice haha

    5. Take a picture for Day 1! I want to see how you go!

    6. Learning how she does what she does was really useful. I've started incorporating some of what she does into my other exercise - in between muscle exercises on the Wii, I do a couple of minutes of skipping or jumping jacks or whatever I feel like, just so I'm getting in all of my exercise.

    Anyway, I haven't even done the whole thing, so I can't say much.
    Good luck!
  • Beach_Chica
    Thank you! I appreciate the feedback.

    bkthomas, do I need to have weights for this dvd? I know she incorporates weights in the 30DS with weights, but wasn't sure if this one requires them.

    I will definitely keep what you said in mind, ep_euphoria. After church, I'm stopping by Walmart and buying the dvd tonight. I guess I should wait to begin since I won't be able to do it every day until after Thanksgiving. Would it be that bad to start it and then begin again afterward? I mean, I will still be burning calories and working on my body.
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member

    I am currently doing 30DS and am on Day 3. I really like it so far, the 20 minutes goes quite quickly but i do feel like i have done something. I struggle with normal fitness DVDs because they require me to put in 40 minutes and 10 minute warm up cool down and they justtake too long. Knowing I have to work hard for just 20 minutes (albeit everyday) is so much easier to fit into my life.

    Because I am only on day 3 and you (presumably) have just bought it so will be day 1 today or tomorrow, we can be each others 30DS buddies if you like!! I am sure I will get fed up with it and stop doing it if I'm on my own!! I need to see some weight loss come weigh in day (Monday) or I will be really really disheartened!
    Anyway, I could do with a buddy! So buddy me if you like

    Clare xxxx