Pre Planned Meals

Does anyone do this regularly? Like make food for the week then put them in ziploc containers and grabbed one each day for lunch or dinner? If so I am just wondering what you put in them and how you like it! :)


  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    I want to get into the habit of making them for the week but right now I just do it the night before or the morning of. I like it because this way, I'm in control of what I"m eating for the day and it also keeps me from having to resort to something that doesn't agree with my goals. I will however plan out my meals for the week, I just haven't come around to cooking them all in one day yet.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I belong to Once A Month Meals - so I batch cook a bunch of dinners every couple weeks. For lunches I usually freeze breakfast burritos and bean & cheese burritos. For breakfast I either eat my breakfast burritos or egg muffins. I also like the salads in a jar. Easy to do and last about a week in the fridge.
  • mollymcdonald0
    mollymcdonald0 Posts: 30 Member
    I do it every week! This week I did shredded chicken in the crock pot with salsa & sour cream. I add lettuce on my lunch break and I have a healthier version of a taco salad type thing !
  • prestigio
    prestigio Posts: 181 Member
    I also do this quite often.
    Just cook in bulk, store in tupperare and put it in the fridge or in the freezer.
    Then when I'd like to eat it, just take it out (frozen stuff the night before).

    What I also like to do regularly, is plan my meals using MyFitnessPal beforehand (say plan for Tuesday on Monday), so the 'meal planning' is more relax on the day itself.
    Plus you know what you will be needing as far as groceries go.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I'm a daily planner. I have the same breakfast every mornigh so I put it in "my meals" and then I put out the frozen meet for the evening in the morning.
  • That sounds good to me! I am most definitely going to have to try it! Thanks everyone for your feedback! Keep up the good work! :)
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I do this every Sunday. It helps me not only with nutrition but also helps me control my spending on food. In just a few hours, I cook my lunches and breakfasts for a whole week and portion into containers that I can just grab and go. Also I wash, chop, and portion snacks and plan my dinners ahead with the same goal of portion control and nutritious ingredients in mind. As of late, I make baked oatmeal for breakfast ( loaded with fruit and nuts if you like! its totally customizable). Then grilled chicken, mashed plain sweet potatoes, and green vegetable (peas this week) for lunch. I measure everything to be even and easy to log. I have fruit and greek yogurt and peanut/almond butter frequently for snacks.

    I highly HIGHLY recommend you try it!! It has helped me immensely with staying on track. :)
  • kaischu
    kaischu Posts: 12 Member
    I haven't mustered up the energy to make a whole week's (or more!) meals in one day, so I've been doing it the night before, or for just a couple days at a time. I like doing it this way because there's so many ways to use all the food i've got in my kitchen and they don't always occur to me all at once so it gives me time to include some variety! eventually i'll be able to do both, but for now this way works great for me :)