Figuring out my dang macros!

hj1119 Posts: 173 Member
Can someone please help me with my F/C/P macros?

According to, a "suggested 15%" loss for me (fem 32 5'10 170) would be 1745 and maintain is 2053. That said - I have set my "goal" on MFP to be 2250 per day for two reasons - one so that I can easily see the 3500 / week deficit and two, because according to the report I ran on excel my actual TDEE is higher than 2053 because I'm lactating.

I'd like to start focusing on quality of calories so I checked my macros for maintain at 2053. We're looking at 267 carbs | 143 protein | 45.8 fat. First of all, this protein number feels astronomically high. Even when I was pregnant. Is that right? Should I really be aiming for almost 150 grams of protein every day? In my last 90 days, the most protein I ever consumed was 140 in one day - and that's because it was Memorial Day and I indulged in over a dozen steamed crabs. I tend to hover between 80 and 100 on average. I feel like 150 would be really hard to hit because I already have protein with every meal and snack, I don't know how I can add protein to my morning snack of a hard boiled egg.

Also, when trying to set my macro goals on MFP, I can't win with the percentages. Is there a way to manually put in a number?

If I put in 50% carbs then it's 257 (too low) and 55% is 282 (too high)
If I put in 25% protein it's 128 (too low) and 30% is 154 (too high)
20% fat seems to be ok (46 when the goal is 45)

If I go 50 / 30 / 20 - is that pretty normal?

Also when I change the calculator to lose at 1745, all it does is drop the carbs... which throws off the percentages even more :( The only way for me to get "close" to my macro goals is to set them at 45% | 35 % | 25% - which MFP won't let me do cause that's 105%

Ahhh! It's all so confusing. :( It kind of puts me off of even caring about the quality of my calories or doing any more research into iifym. Can anyone please help me understand and put in place goals that work for me before I lose my mojo? I need some serious help here folks and yes, I've already read the damn sexypants thread AND the logging accurately thread.