The Munchies; HELP!


I've read the forum guidelines and I hope just talking about this isn't against the guidelines since I'm not promoting it AT ALL.

I know the first sarcastic answer half of you will think of is "If you don't want the munchies, the easiest way to deal with that is to stop smoking something that gives you the munchies." but, if any of you are like me and 420-friendly, you'll understand that's actually easier said and done depending on WHAT you use it for. (for me it's more towards medicinal purposes- i.e. I have bad anxiety, and trouble sleeping so I usually smoke at night or right after work)

But, until I can finally quit smoking for good, as a lot of you know smoking causes you to get the munchies. I've tried to curb it as much as I can, in fact, I've done really good with it, but there are often strong urges (ill usually try to eat something healthy as an alternative to munching on something unhealthy)

but other than the sarcastic answer above, what's a good way to curb these munchies?


  • kbeloved
    kbeloved Posts: 67 Member
    haven't smoked in 5 years so feel free to add me if you want support in quitting :]
    but i'd say something high in protein like a protein shake.
    i loveee my protein shakes i make which consists of vanilla flavored almond milk, chocolate protein powder, ice and pb2 powdered peanut butter.

    also if you can't control your cravings incorporate more cardio and exercise to burn away the extra calories.
    maybe also try saving your calories up until you smoke so you can gorge a little