Is it okay to save my calories for dinner everyday?



  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member
    Xxxxxcc So, I'm home during the day and go to my boyfriend's every evening. If I don't eat a larger dinner, I'm starved by the end of the day and extremely hungry by the next morning. So a lot of the time I will save the majority of my calories for the evening. For instance, I will have something with 100-150 calories for breakfast, skip lunch (unless I'm really hungry, and then I will have soup or something low in calories), and a snack (100-200 calories). This way, the majority of my calories are left for dinner. Is this okay to do? I just want to make sure that it isn't somehow hurting my body by saving my calories for later in the day instead of evenly spacing them throughout the day. Xxxxxxxxxx

    Very similar to me
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    That would make more since if you have sugar issues. I had high triglycerides 10 months ago when i started MFP, now mine are well within normal range.

    That's terrific. Do you attribute that to something specific you are doing or eating, or to weight loss in general. Mine are pretty stubborn so I'd like some advice.

    I had high triglycerides as well but now my levels are within normal range. Weight loss helped quite a lot, but the final push into normal range came from exercising almost every day and lowering my carbs to moderate 100-250 grams instead of the HUGE amounts I used to consume (500+ grams a day).

    Edit to add: you may want to invest in high dosage fish oil. My doctor has me on them and I'm maintaining a 90-120 triglycerides level without needing medication. I'm doing 1500 mg omega 3 a day.