Hello to everyone that reads this I am a 20 year old female that needs motivation :( I know everyone gets down at some point but I feel like this week food wise has sucked soooo bad. I to go college and live on campus and esp last night I got chinese....I felt like it was a lot, which it was over one serving. Here is my real problem though my wedding is in less than 2 years....October 27, 2012...and I REALLY need to lose weight...well in order for myself to feel good on my wedding day and feel like that sexy bride. I just don't know how to do it. This week has probably been my worse ALL you ladies know out there that as that time of the month approaches you crave anything and problem is saying NO to those cravings cause as you can see this week it didn't work out that well. Just anyone that reads this and has any help to offer it would be GREEEEEATLY appreciated. Thank you!!!!


  • Beach_Chica
    When I started to eat right and I wanted one piece of candy or anything not healthy, my stomach hated me for it. My problem was/is I don't know how to slow down and stop. I'll grab a handful of something and eat them and then go back and get some more. Moderation is something I'm having to work on. I've noticed that once I've been eating like I should, I crave less and less sweets. I've read on here where people have used a spoon of peanut butter to set that craving off if they have the calories for it. What helps me is eating a fiber bar. I like the Fiber One bars and the Great Value brand from Walmart. I get the ones with chocolate and it pretty much helps subside the desire.
  • kesteele
    kesteele Posts: 127
    Thank you! I feel your moderation. like M&M's its like you can't eat just one of anything that taste good. I wish there was a way to just say NO and it'd just be all done.
  • lcrull89
    I understand what you are saying, but you don't have to lose weight for you to feel good on your wedding day. I'm 21 and my wedding is 7 months away (June 4th, 2011)...My fiance loves me the way I am. I want to lose weight for me and for my health, but I have found that if I make it about the wedding and how i need to be skinny for my wedding, I get stressed out and I don't lose.

    It works for me to realize that Alex (my fiance) will love me no matter if I'm 300lbs or 150lbs on my wedding day, The rest of it is just for me and my health. I don't deprive myself...I just portion, portion, portion. Get the chinese. Eat 1 cup. If you aren't full eat a yogurt or cheese stick. Don't go overboard.

    Self Control is a hard thing, but no one else can have it for you.
  • lisamt83
    lisamt83 Posts: 119
    Look up Hungry Girl...she has awesome ideas and recipes. She takes the really good foods and makes it healthy...she has several sweets ideas and I have tried a few of them and I love them and it helps kick the sweet tooth. I also like the Fiber One bars...Good luck and keep up the good work...don't get discouraged because you had a bad day or even a bad week...just start fresh! Keep your head up! You got this!!
  • tristalin
    tristalin Posts: 108 Member
    Hang in there. I just had a battly with TOM & it isn't always easy! I know that my rough time of the day is early afternoon and evenings, so I tend to save the bulk of my calories for dinner. This way I will feel full and hopefully not have the desire to eat anything else. I also usually pan to have around 150-200 extra calories left over (these are usually exercise calories) so that if I do feel the need to have something sweet I can indulge. Like the previous poster, I also like the Fiber One bars. Also, check out some of the dessert flavored yogurts and puddings...they aren't too shabby (you can freeze them & it becomes a substitute for ice cream). Also, I try to find healthier alternatives to my desserts so that I am not depriving myslef. I LOVE brownies, especially at TOM, so I found a Black Bean Brownie recipe that is super easy. Drain & rinse the black beans, fill the can back up w/water & then puree in a blender until smooth. Mix together with a 9x13 size box of brownie mix of your choice & bake according to directions. I cut a 9x13 pan into 12 huge pieces and each piece was a little over 200 calories. Not too bad for a huge brownie!
  • kesteele
    kesteele Posts: 127
    thank you two!!! lcrull89 congratulations on your wedding! I mean I know my fiance loves me now and it wont matter, I had my first normal Dr. appointment where my mother was actually thinking that because my cholesterol was going to be high because it runs in the family but I was actually really normal...and My dr. said I wasn't THAT overweight...which I was less that I thought at the dr.'s office which I was 214.7. I don't know I just wish I could be more confident and love myself more than I do now.
  • lmell
    lmell Posts: 17
    Keeping motivated is hard at times but just let me say "don't be so hard on yourself". When you "fall off the wagon" just get right back on & start all over. We all fail at times its just a matter if we want to stay & have a pity party or choose to go on to make ourselves better. I love chinese too so go ahead & have it just don't eat it all,eat 1/2 & have the other 1/2 for lunch or dinner the next day that's what I do. The whole thing about "dieting" is to not quit eating all our favorite foods but to have them from time to time & in moderation. When your craving something & your ready to eat it ask yourself "do I really want to eat this or do I want to fit in my beautiful wedding dress & look gorgeous",that should help motivate you to not put it in your
    Good luck!!
  • kesteele
    kesteele Posts: 127
    Tristalin that is a great recipe!!! Thank you!!! I may have to try those fiber one bars everyone seems to like them.