have you lost 50-60 pounds? how did you do it ?



  • vlovell24
    vlovell24 Posts: 61 Member
    I am 5'3 and started at 226lb. I am at 176lb now, so 50lb gone. Went from a size 20 to a 14 right now. I have at least 45lb to go. I just eat 1200 calories. No exercise because it bums me out. I find that I get super hungry during TOM, and that is my week of only a 1lb loss or so. It's not too difficult to do, but don't scout the interwebs for tons of advice, because your going to get garbage. Stay on MFP and look at the success stories. Your going to find out real quick that cals in/cals out is the way they all did it. Eat whatever you want up to your calorie allotment....and repeat to goal. Good luck kiddo.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited September 2015
    Oops, didn't notice it was a zombie/bump and I'd answered in July.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    eating less. moving more.

    weighing all my food.
  • 89GermanG
    89GermanG Posts: 73 Member
    moya1219 wrote: »
    im trying to get motivated into losing the weight that ive gained im 18 years old, 5'2 tall, and weigh around 200 pounds now. i need to lose 50 to 60 pounds as soon as i can i dont want to take a full year to do so. i was thinking if i ate only lean meats and fish and veggies if that will help ?

    im a size 18 but ive compared to other size 18 women and im much smaller than they are my bottom half isnt as big all around which i find weird.. i do have big hips and thighs and alot of my fat is on my stomach.

    i prefer working out at the gym but havent had the cash to join but will have it soon since i stated working again.. any exercise ideas that will help me lose the fat without equipment ?

    sorry if my stuff was all over the place... thank you for looking

    Hi, I'm also 5'2 and started with around 200lb. I've lost 10lb in 5 weeks (2 pounds a week) and I'm happy about it. I don't think it's healthy to lose more then 2 pounds a week and I'm sure you want no lose skin, right? If you lose to quickly there is always a risk that you will have lose or hanging skin but of course it also depends on age and genes. This is my personal opinion! I started with a calorie goal of 1400 a day and I'm going to the gym 5-6 times a week. Good luck!
  • 89GermanG
    89GermanG Posts: 73 Member
    lynn1982 wrote: »
    Slow and steady wins the race...

  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    57lbs down, it's been a journey, testing different methods.

    Basically I set a calorie goal that's below what all the sources tell me, try it for a few weeks, and if I'm losing weight and I feel healthy, bam, problem solved =)

    GL on your journey!
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    I lost 48 lbs. I'm going for a round 50, so I'm almost there.

    How I did it? Gradually reducing the amount of food I ate. I have asthma, so exercise is always a problem for me, so I didn't factor it in. It's not needed for weight loss. It's good for other things, but you can lose weight without.

    Basically, what I did was weigh everything for a week or so to see where my baseline was. And it was a shocker let me tell you! Then, I changed one thing: swapped out soda for unsweet tea with equal when I ate out. I had already stopped keeping soda in the house, so that cut out about 200-300 calories a day just with one change. Once I got used to that, I changed something else. By doing so, I give myself time to get used to the changes, I don't have to cut out any of my favorite foods, just eat less of them, and I've been retraining my brain and body to recognize what a normal portion of food actually is, which will make this sustainable.

    I won't lie, it's slow. Took me 3 years (and honestly, half of last year I gained weight due to moving and selling house stress! so it probably would've only been 2 years except for that), but I'm at the point where I can keep my calories within my limit without much effort, my body will accept smaller meals in that it takes a lot less food to make me feel full, and I have started walking to get my asthma under control so on those days, I get a little extra calories.

    I also have an activity tracker with a heart rate monitor. That's not needed either, but it did help me figure out what my daily average calorie burn actually is (closer than a standard online calculator), and is more accurate at getting my calories burned from my walks, so it's handy. You don't have to get one, but if you decide to do so, get one with a heart rate monitor. It'll be a lot more accurate.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Rule number 1) Stop comparing your body type to other women, it won't help you!

    Rule number 2) There are no rules apart from a calorie deficit. It doesn't matter what types of food you eat as long as you don't OVER eat. It really is that straight forward.

    I would definitely suggest buying an electronic food scale so your portions are completely spot-on! You can do this!