uhhhm hello?

Hello...So here's my deal, and maybe this will turn people away from being my friend, but that's ok.

I'm 23, about 6ft, and at my heaviest over 300lbs. About two years ago I lost a good 45lbs and gained 30 or so of it back. The reason being, I go a little psycho when I log calories. Something about seeing the colors associated with the numbers here, I dunno, but I was eating way too little, and working out on top of it. It was unhealthy. I know the correct way to do things, and that's what I do now. Long story short, I don't really log my food in here too often, but I write down absolutely everything every day in my planner.

So why am I here, you may ask? My favorite part of using this site two years ago was the people. I know me not having a visible diary doesn't help anyone else, but I'm chatty, and I like the support system. Knowing other people struggle, that there's people who I can ask questions, etc., helps me immensely.

If I had some friends on here, I'd be more willing to log at the end of my days and just learn how to ignore the negative feelings the color coded numbers give me...so I guess that's what I'm asking for.

Friends are great to have, even if it's not talking about weight loss, or whatever, all the time. I'm nerdy, awkward, in love with tattoos...I do weird things to my hair nearly constantly, I read more than I should, I write for a TV blog, and like most women my age, I'm attached to my cell phone.

If all that jives wih anyone, I can be a great support for you. Or just a friend. Or just that weird girl. Whatever works.

I'm Erienne, btw.


  • lala2961
    lala2961 Posts: 1
    Hi. :)
    I totally get the calorie counting thing. Whenever I count calories I'm either eating like 300 a day, or 3,000. :/ I've always had food issues though, so it's kind of reassuring to see someone similar to me.

    You sound pretty cool. Not weird at all. Unless I'm weird and I just don't realize it.. lol Anyways if your down for chatting about anything I'm an open book. :)

    People call me Kanesha. :)
  • daniellee725
    daniellee725 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm also 23, 6'1" and my heaviest was 310. Currently at 260, looking to get down to 180. No tattoos, but not because I don't like them, more because I'm too fickle to ever commit to anything for the rest of my life. I too went through extremes when it came to calorie counting, but I've been doing better. My diary is open to friends, feel free to friend me. :)
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    Thanks for the posts, guys, I added both of you :)
  • Youngcris
    Youngcris Posts: 34 Member
    Hey we have close to the same stats. I'm 26, 5'11", and just about the same weight. Feel free to add me if you like!
  • pipertargaryen
    pipertargaryen Posts: 303 Member
    My diary isn't open (it used to be), because I've seen too many friends have their 'friends' comment **** about what they were logging. I never, ever ask for advice re: food or calories(if I ever hit a weight loss roadblock, I Google. I do, however, ask friends about their experiences with different exercises, and so on. Just not the "I'm not losing and I don't know why!" kind of things, ever), so that's probably why I never had anyone comment on my diary. But I also no longer wanted to give anyone the chance - I don't need to feel any guilt over what I'm eating! - so I closed it.

    I never add friends, but whenever anyone adds me, I add them back. :smile: I'm a chatty weirdo. I love sharing my successes, and everyone else's. I don't have Facebook (I do have instagram, which is fun), so MFP is like a fun social network for me (bonus points that I learn diet and exercise tips and tricks from my friends!). So I get where you're coming from, and I'd be down with being your friend, closed diary or not :)

    Oh, and as for nerdy - have you seen my username!? aha