
Texaganian Posts: 67
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I walk up/down three flights of stairs a minimum of three times a day (in addition to my actual exercise). I know it's not much but it must burn some calories and I'm curious how many it might be.

Everything I find online only gives calories for a length of time climbing stairs and they all start at 15 minutes. I don't think I could climb stairs for 15 minutes straight right now to save my life!

Anybody got any idea?


  • dineshkr
    dineshkr Posts: 4 Member
    I used to do 10 sets of up and down 3 floors in around 12-15 mins if I try really hard - so I would say its safe to say that 3 sets of up and down is around 4 mins of stair climbing/getting down time. Hope this helps

  • I take the stairs to the 7th floor. I look at the time when I start and check the time when I arrive. It takes me 5 minutes to get there (gasping and feeling good that I made it) (when I pause, I walk in place). I put that time in the exercise log and I get 50 calories burned.

    Time yourself, multipy it by how many times you do the stairs and then log the time. Hope this helps. Have a awesome day!
  • paniolo5
    paniolo5 Posts: 186 Member
    Calorie burn counts are all averages anyway - specific counts for an individual depends on so many factors - the person's weight, body makeup (fat vs muscle), even the % incline could be a factor. To get an approximation, I'd probably start by taking the amount of time it takes to walk the 3 flights, multiply it by the number of times you walk it in a day and prorate the 15 minute calorie count accordingly - e.g., if it takes 4 minutes to walk up & down the 3 flights and you did it 3 times, that's 12 minutes total. If 15 minutes of stairs burns 75 calories (just as an example as I don't know what the actual calorie count is), the 12/15 times 75 = 60 calories.
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
    In the Cardio tracking, I have "Walking, up stairs" and "Walking, down stairs" as an option of exercises. I too do 3 & 4 flights of stairs multiple times a day and even through it only takes 90 seconds or so, I track that time and it does burn some calories.
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