allowing yourself to have treats...



  • CallMeRuPaul
    CallMeRuPaul Posts: 151 Member
    at the beginning my diet I was very strict and I didn't allow myself any treats. my will power was made of steel. my weight loss was so rapid that after 5 weeks, I lost the weight that I wanted to lose and still kept losing. i do so much cardio that i can now eat whatever i want, but i do try to make healthier choices.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I try to allow myself treats, even if small treats.

    Tonight, those treats might be chocolate chunk cookies or peanut butter cookies. I have batter for both in the fridge, now I just need to make a decision. I only get one, but one is better than none.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I try to allow myself treats, even if small treats.

    Tonight, those treats might be chocolate chunk cookies or peanut butter cookies. I have batter for both in the fridge, now I just need to make a decision. I only get one, but one is better than none.

    I vote peanut butter.
  • CourtLloyd
    CourtLloyd Posts: 128 Member
    I think you need to remember that there is always going to be the 4th of July, Labor Day, Halloween...and then Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc....There will always be something going on where you can eat poorly. If you know you have days coming up where you are going to a picnic, party, etc., then you can plan around those and try to watch your portion control and calories.

    When I know I'm not going to be able to eat how I'd like to eat, I try to exercise that day and really watch what I'm eating. I also don't think you should deprive yourself of treats, but like the others said, in moderation.
  • BusyBirdMommy
    I've just started - but I've been mentally preparing for this for several months. I decided to experiment with new / different snack-type foods to find some low-cal, and possibly healthy, snacks that I could indulge in daily. I'm a serious snacker and I knew coming into this that giving up "snacking' would make me feel deprived ... and if I felt deprived, I would quit in no time. One of my favorites is the little fruit snacks ... hahahaha! My son (just two) enjoys them every now and then. One day he wanted mommy to eat one, so I did. Surprisingly, they were quite good - and on the low-side for calories (especially compared to my old favorites ... candy bars, etc.). :-)

    And, with a two year old (and a 13 & 7 year old) we don't go out to eat too often. When we do, I intend to take a "moderation" approach. Indulge a little, but do what I can to moderate the damage by ordering some healthier items (a side salad - not fries, etc.).
  • mickiebabs
    mickiebabs Posts: 183 Member
    I try to prelog so that I am sure it can fit into my goals for the day. Also, it may be more expensive but I go for individual servings or a package with few items in it. Like today, I bought a 4 pack of cookies. 1 for me and each of the kids. I could have bought a 12 pack for cheaper per cookie but at nearly 300 calories per cookie, I didn't want the temptation of having cookies left in the house.

    As for eating out, I've started looking online to see what the nutritional information is for the restaurant before I go. It's allowed me to eat all kinds of things that I thought I couldn't eat while loosing weight. And don't be afraid to ask for a container to take half your meal home with you. That right there turns an 800 calorie meal into a 400 calorie one and you get to eat that "treat" meal twice!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I try to allow myself treats, even if small treats.

    Tonight, those treats might be chocolate chunk cookies or peanut butter cookies. I have batter for both in the fridge, now I just need to make a decision. I only get one, but one is better than none.

    I vote peanut butter.

    I second the peanut butter. I'm too late, aren't I?
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    i have a treat every day of some sort. a life where all you do is deny yourself is not life at all in my opinion. also its summer. its hot. frozen treats are a necessity.

    but when i buy things that are treats i portion them into individual bags or containers and mark the calories and fat with a sharpie. and when i am out i choose wisely and i get one scoop of sherbet or sorbet and skip the new york super fudge chunk (luckily i lik ethe fruity stuff better anyway) or i get frozen yogurt with fruit or mochi as a topping and not reeses peanut butter cups....

    also i am working on retraining my brain into not always thinking that rewards for things should be food. i never feel good when i reward myself that way anymore.

    like... i reward a good week by buying myself a fitness magazine or some makeup or something. something that helps me either continue to do well next week, or show off my new self as i work on it.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Just do the best you can. Have a treat and enjoy it.

    This question is really a case by case thing. In my case, being in recovery from an ED, I find it's best not to worry about limiting treats at all as long as I don't binge on them. Giving into my cravings has really guided me along my recovery. If I find myself wanting an Oreo, I go to the store and buy Oreos. But if I find myself wanting to binge on them, I breathe and think about the reasons I feel like binge eating Oreos (and often, once I've tackled each one, I don't want to binge anymore). For a short period (early in), I gave into even binge eating - but this was because I knew my body was craving things for a reason. Now, I just eat what I want, when I want, but make sure it's because I'm actually hungry and not because I'm bored or depressed/sad/etc.

    I think that would be a general good rule of thumb to follow for most. Learning moderation can be hard, but I have found that usually if I want to overeat or binge, there's a reason (usually boredom or depression). And if either of those are why I want to snack opposed to be kind of hungry but not hungry enough to eat a meal... then I find something else to do.
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    If I know ahead of time I'm going to eat a "treat" I work my day around it. If I want a treat and I have the calories left. If I want a treat and I'm out of calories, well I'm out of luck. I also prelog. I decide dinner before I even eat breakfast. Everyday. I log dinner in and then sometimes even my lunch. Like today my entire day was logged before I even ate breakfast. Same with yesterday. And I had enough calories to eat a dark reese cup package and have a 20oz of mtn dew voltage which I haven't had since I started this in febuary. Its all about figuring it in. I don't do cheat days however because I find the guilt the next day is just not worth it. If I want a "cheat meal" I work it in somehow and do some kind of workout to work it off. :)
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    In response to "sometimes I want to have a nice meal" . . . . ALL of my meals are nice meals. I enjoy everything that I eat. As for planning for special occasions where I may be having dinner with friends or in a restaurant for a special occasion, I plan ahead for those meals and either eat lightly to save up the calories or do extra exercise to put calories in the bank. I do not believe in the concept or use of the word "cheating." I am not cheating if I am choosing how I will eat each day and I am treating my body and mind respectfully.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Like others have said, people have different approaches, so it's a matter of finding what works for you.

    I typically have at least one restaurant dinner per week and plan for it--eat lower calorie (not less filling) meals the rest of the day or do it on the day of a longer workout (Saturday works well for both). If I go over I typically eat a bit lower calorie or exercise more the next day, but with planning I generally don't. (I accept that my logging is a very rough estimate because I usually go to restaurants that don't have calorie counts, but it seems to be working okay.)

    On other treats, I just don't generally eat between meals or eat treats that appear at work unless they are something I otherwise would have chosen to fit in. Instead, I like to have a small treat after dinner (right now ice cream, maybe something else when it's not summer) so I do if I have the calories. Typically on workout days I do.

    I don't usually pre log my day, I just know from experience the range of calories I usually eat for each and can adjust. I think pre logging to fit in what you want is a good idea, though, and could also be used to make sure you fit in enough protein or are getting enough veggies, etc.
  • WitchesGuildMaster
    I plan my week ahead and include something sweet everyday. This week every night I'm having some macaroons. Their low calorie and sweet. I'm bad with portion control so these days, if I want to buy treats for the week, I freeze them rock solid. That way I need to wait the WHOLE day for them to defrost before I can eat them. :laugh:
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    I only treat myself with nonfood items when dieting! A magazine, a hair ornament... nothing with calories!