Getting frustrated I can not seem to meet my calorie goals.

So I am not a diabetic but my doctor has given me the guide lines of their 1200-1500 calorie diet to follow with the pills she prescribed. I get all the servings of the diet but when I log them in my calories are below the 1200. I am getting frustrated because I know that I need at least 1200 a day to stay in a healthy range and my body does not feel like I am starving. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do?


  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    One suggestion would be to find higher calorie options within the guidelines the doctor has given you. Certain fruits and vegetables contain more calories than others, same with every food group. It would also be a good idea to meet with your doctor to discuss this issue with her. She can probably give you some very helpful advice.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Eat more?

    Find higher calorie foods to snack on.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Not trying to be funny:

    If you are in a range 1200 - 1500 (sedentary) and you've eaten your 'planned foods' worth for the day and your coming up short why not add a nice protien (nuts, chicken, turkey, Jones Canadian ham, etc...) into your diet. That 300 calorie spread is really quite alot when you think about it.
    You can waste the calories on something comforting (like cake :laugh: ) but I would resist that and find some 'good' calories to get you up and over 1200 calories a day.
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    I drink skimmed milk to get my calories up if it's needed. Also helps me get to my protein goals. I figure if you're not hungry it's better to drink your extra cals - forcing yourself to eat seems a bit counterproductive!
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    how short are you? can you increase portions? is something throwing you off? I used to think my 4 oz portion of meat was accurate. once i bought a very cheap kitchen scale i found out i was eating even less. tricks to up my calories... add granola and almonds to my morning yogurt (i make my own with greek yogurt, honey and frozen (thawed) berries). I also keep a reduced fat skippy, low sugar jelly and high fiber bread. using just one slice of bread i make a small peanut butter and jelly sandwich which is around 180 calories or less. i'm not sure the details of your diet but that is what i do to help. if you doctor has you on a specific meal plan could you just eat more?
  • melliebee
    melliebee Posts: 187 Member
    I really don't believe that 1200 calories is some magic number that if you go below, you are starving yourself.. These are guidelines... Obviously any excessive number below or above 1200 (e.g) 500 calories) may very well affect your progress, but if you don't hit 1200 exactly all the time I don't think it will be problematic...

    The things is, everyone is drastically different.. If my caloric intake goal is 1500 due to 1200 calories + 300 exercise calories, and I only eat 1200 calories and I feel satisfied, and energetic, I am not going to force myself to eat those 300 exercise calories... Your body has its way of telling you if you are not getting what you need.. Make sure that you are in tune with what YOUR body needs..
  • Amboo
    Amboo Posts: 30
    Thank you everyone. This eating food that does not come from fast food or a box is way different then what I am used to. Yes I was one of those kids that grew up on hamburger helper. I will try all the ideas and see what works best for me. Again Thank you♥