need a little advice

Before I ask what I'm going to ask let me give some quick background. I'm not new to diets, and unlike a lot of people they have always worked for me. But over the past year I've put on a way to much weight, as the result of going all out on the weekends and not working out like I should during the week. Since I've started MFP I lost that quick 10 lbs the first couple of weeks, but since then I haven't lost any. Now that's not the problem, I know a lot of people will say "stick with it", and no worries, I will but since I've began to up my workouts, and especially my cardio I am completely out of energy throughout the day.

Now, MFP has me at 1400 cal (without exercise), but in the past I always just stuck with about 1800 calories and usually had steady weight loss at around 1 or 2 lbs per week. My question is, do I need to up my calories, maybe change my MFP setting for 1 lb lost per week instead of 2? I know in the past this has worked for me, but I'm afraid if up my cals I might derail my progress, since I basically sit in front of a desk all day now, instead of actually working for a living like I used to. ANY advice would be helpful. Thanks. And yes I'm drinking my water and eating properly =)


  • Vivx
    Vivx Posts: 121
    well the only thing i could suggest from personal experience is if u have upped ur exercise then u will be gaining muscle therefor u will be toning up but u might not lose as much weight !
    its not always about the loss i mean do u feel and look any beter ? x
  • Vivx
    Vivx Posts: 121
    well the only thing i could suggest from personal experience is if u have upped ur exercise then u will be gaining muscle therefor u will be toning up but u might not lose as much weight !
    its not always about the loss i mean do u feel and look any beter ? x
  • Uptopargolf
    What kind of workout are you doing? You mention that you feel like you have no energy, how many carbs are you eating a day? If you are burning 400 calories, a workout, than eating only 1400 is not enough. You will go into starvation mode under 1200 calories. So you may need to up your daily intake.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Try keeping it at 1400 and eat your exercise calories on the days you do exercise. If that doesn't work after 3-4 weeks then try increasing your calories.
  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    It could be "what" you are eating.. If you have alot of processed foods or empty calories, you aren't getting the energy you need. Fast foods, donuts, and soda are all energy drainers...
  • bamagary
    thanks eric, that's what I was thinking and had been doing. 1400 calorie base plus eating what I exercise, I've been doing this for 3 weeks now, I think I'll take you advice and up them a little at first. 1400 base to 1600 or so. thanks
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    I'd definitely agree with eating your exercise calories. Also, what's your BMR? If it's under 1400 you may want to try eating your BMR + exercise cals. I know it all sounds scary - eating x = not gaining weight, so surely eating more than x leads to weight gain, but it may be worth a go. I know it worked for me anyway
  • missyhse
    missyhse Posts: 189
    I'm not a yo-yo "dieter", I stay within a certain range depending on my training schedule but when I started trying to loose some weight on purpose at the lower calorie setting (2 pounds per week) it didn't work for me. I was tired all the time, not sleeping well, and not loosing weight. When I adjusted it and reevaluated my carb and protein intake everything changed. Try checking what percentage of carbs, proteins, and fats you are eating, especially with a lot of exercise. The recommended amounts on here seem to be low...
  • Mrbackslap
    opps wrong thread