The heaviest I've ever been - HELP getting out of this rut?

I am 24 years old and at the heaviest weight I have ever been, 248 lbs. After struggling with my weight for most of my life, from binge eating to crash dieting, I can't seem to find the motivation to start making healthier choices. When did you finally decide to make a change in your own life and how are you staying motivated? Looking for support in my new goal of maintaining a healthier lifestyle!


  • arahmcglaughlin
    arahmcglaughlin Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm Arah. 22 years old, 5'1 and 195 lbs. I have decided to make a change and am bringing as many people as I can along for the ride. I am available to text, email, skype.... anything you want/need. I'm here for you!
  • Nige_Gsy
    Nige_Gsy Posts: 163 Member
    Hi! My name is Kim and my weight loss journey began two years ago. I was at my heaviest (225) and things were not good. I couldn't keep up with my kids, I was tired all the time, and my doctor told me that my cholesterol was on the rise! I decided something needed to change. I started walking, and eventually doing some weight training. I am down over 75 pounds! I feel so much better, and I love supporting and encouraging people to do the same. I would be happy to be an accountability partner with you. I still have some weight to lose, so we can work at it together! Getting your nutrition under control is a big key to losing weight. I can share what has worked for me if you are interested. If you work hard, I know you can reach your goal! So what do ya say? Are you in?

    This sums it up in a nutshell. Everything Kim says I would agree with; it is a journey that needs hard work and commitment together with support from like minded people.

    If you wanted to add me for support purposes feel free.
  • freshstart180213
    freshstart180213 Posts: 170 Member
    For me my weighloss journey began in the last couple of months I had surgery so had to wait till after I was fit but now nothing is gonna stop me I had hit my heaviest over 14stone and I didnt want to be like that anymore I have two kids and seeing the other mums slim errodes my confidence I want my kids to be proud to be seen with me also hubby and I have been together 7 uears and married for 4 I want him to still be attracted to me and I want my kids to have a good relationship with food and exercise so that starts with me so for me it was lots of reasons u have to really want this be accountable to yourself and dont let one bad day spoil everything stay on here use the support of ur friends take things one day at a time try to stay within kcals and even if u dont exercise u will still lose then as u build confidence add in exercise whether that is a class or a dvd workout at home or even jogging like I have just started whatever it is u will find someone on here also doing it and friend them use their advice and support to keep u going if u are going to lose weight believe me by being on here u are making the most of it and stand the best chance friend me if u like
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 831 Member
    Do you think you could make one or two healthier choices this week?

    Identify one or two unhealthy habits you have, mindless snacking after dinner, being so busy at lunch you just grab whatever is nearest, not exercising, eating an unhealthy breakfast.

    Pick one, or two and do something to change this. Maybe this week you decide no mindless snacking after dinner, so you pick up half your usual amount of snacks at the supermarket and some extra fruit and you say ' this week I'm going to have this for a snack' your fruit and a measured portion of snack.

    Sometimes its really hard to pull yourself out of a rut by doing a 180. But you might be able to do it one small step at a time. One step each week and your diet will be much healthier before you know it.

    Some little steps could include:
    Adding a portion of veggies to your lunch, or your dinner
    Reaching for a piece of fruit before you grab a sweet snack
    Replacing some of your drinks with a glass of water
    Ensuring each of your meals has some protein in them
    Increasing the fiber in your diet
    Making a meal plan for the week
    Some of these can be built upon as you get further into the swing of things :)