1200-1300 calories(fasting)

All i been eating since june 28, fasting from sunrise till sunset for ramadan and my appetite has disappeared when i break my fast a little past 9pm, it's the no water and working in the heat has zapped me.

Feel weak as hell, how bad will this mess me up if i continue until July 28 when ramadan ends.


  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,081 Member
    I don't know the answer - but if you have a very physical job and you are working in the heat, are you allowed an exemption from the No Water rule?

    so you don't get severely dehydrated?
  • Plosha
    Plosha Posts: 1 Member
    I'm fasting as well and it can make you feel very weak. Try to drink A L O T of water after you break your fast and during suhoor. Suhaib Webb has an article on his website regarding this. Here's the link: www.suhaibwebb.com
    The article is called staying energized during Ramadan- hope that helps :-)

    Ramadan Mubarak